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Liv and Maddie (Disney Channel) General Discussion (Spoilers)

2x09 Upcycle-A-Rooney

Maddie should of been honest about being devastated when she loses her twin charm bracelet that Liv had given her and Liv making her squirm when she found it was amusing but you just knew Maddie would get revenge



2x10 Rate-A-Rooney

Joey being out smarted by Parker over which half of their room he wants was amusing as Joey said pick wisely as you can never go in the other half so picking the bottom half was clever, Todd giving the girl numeric ratings based on their looks was asking for trouble



2x11 Detention-A-Rooney

Parker intentionally getting up to mischief to get detention was understandable as he wanted to get out of a mother/son pageant but Liv and Maddie getting sick at the same time must be a twin thing but Pete playing nurse to them was amusing


2x12 Muffler-A-Rooney

Maddie feeling nervous about her knee as she prepares for her first game back was understandable



2x13 Gift-A-Rooney

Parker concocting a new face cream for Karen after finding out how much she paid was unusual and Liv meddling with Diggie's gift for Maddie was wrong but getting him home was a nice surprise


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