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Person Of Interest Season 1-5 General Discussion Thread (Spoilers)






2x01 The Contingency

There was no way Harold would take the winning money by cheating and the was John took out the guys after speaking to the dog was priceless


2x02 Bad Code

How ironic that Harold helped the guy escape only for him to try and kill him and out smarting her with the phone number on the phone so John could find them was impressive




2x03 Masquerade

Sofia's face when John understood her own language was amusing and what happened to Gabi was tragic but at leased John got the guys responsible and giving Gabi the choice about what to do with Paul was great


2x04 Triggerman

Annie being involved with Riley made things interesting considering he was sent to kill her but he was also lucky as he was also going to be killed by Eddie, Riley shooting John after he saved their lives on the roof was interesting


2x05 Bury the Lede

John having to protect Maxine Angelis was interesting as she would like to write about him and the way Harold arranged a date with her was amusing, trust Maxine to study the ledger while the gun fight was going on around her


2x06 High Road

Maxine saying in the last episode he was still hung up with Zoe was interesting considering he asked her to play his wife but Graham didn't have much choice after the broke in and took Izzy's necklace


2x07 Critical

The sniper getting shot with his own rifle was careless and looks like John has meet his match with this latest team and all their technology but Wesley knowing who John is should be interesting


2x08 Til Death

Till death do use part was perfect for this couple trying to have each other killed but their killers being so determined was amusing and Fusco was lucky he was wearing a vest


2x09 C.O.D.

Talk about having a bad day but that cab driver was lucky to still be alive after his mystery passenger but what a nice end with him getting his family to the USA thanks to Carter


2x10 Shadow Box

John getting arrested with the other three guys in suits should make the next episode interesting as Carter is the only one who can identify John


2x11 - 2-Pi-R

Harold impressing Caleb with his knowledge of computers was interesting as he was a genius himself but it did look like the teacher was trying to steal his work and Carter having to interrogate John should be interesting


2x12 Prisoner's Dilemma

Typical guy Lionel not interested in the new case until he seen the photo but being attacked by her was amusing and impressive cover for John but Carter having to interrogate him while being watched made things interesting and John being in prison with the guys he put there could be dangerous along with the new player and what an ending with John's past catching up with him


2x13 Dead Reckoning

It's a good job Fusco found Carter's earring at the crash scene before anyone else and Mark taking Kara out with her own bomb was priceless

