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The Hard Times of RJ Berger

2x07 You, Me, and Weezer

It didn't take long for R.J to move on from Jenny but his first date with Amy started off as a disaster but having a song dedicated to them was nice and got him the kiss


Reply 45#45 bala's post

2x08 Give Me A 'p
Miles joining the cheer-leading squad after his animation vision was amusing but but what happened was payback for taking advantage of looking up their skirts


2x09 Hunkeez

RJ geting more than he bargained for when his dad takes him to Hunkeez the male strip club was amusing in a strange way


2x10 Sex. Teen. Candles.

It was obvious the Max Bash was going to cause trouble but Max trying to arrange his gang to meet at 010 hundred hours was lame because he meant 10pm and the ending with Amy was amusing


2x11 Steamy Surprise

Jenny and RJ getting nominated for Mr. and Ms. Pinkerton caused problems for Amy and himself and after all the bullying from Max he turns out to be gay which was a surprise


2x12 The Better Man

I loved the animated teacher fight over Suzanne and the way R.J. announced his love for Amy in front of the whole school was impressive but what a way to end the second season with Lily saying she's pregnant with R.J's baby


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