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Grey's Anatomy Season 5-8 General Discussion Thread (Spoilers)

Reply 125#125 bala's post

Bailey was so quiet as a intern until see lost her temper at the surgeon and i thought the same thing about Richard and the drinking


6x16 Perfect Little Accident

I thought what Yang did for the cancer patient was great


Reply 142#142 bala's post

Torres didn't look happy when Robbins said see didn't want kid's


Reply 147#147 bala's post

I thought the flashback's were a real insite to Owen's past and why he did what he did


6x19 Sympathy for the Parents

That was a shame the the police woman getting shot by taking three guys down lost the chance to have children


Reply 156#156 bala's post

I think Teddy would be horrified that she only got the job because the other guy turned it down and Lexi standing up for herself to Alex was great


Reply 164#164 bala's post

Christina was great with that girl but Bailey wining the bet for the guys weight considering the sensitivity training at the start was hypocritical


Reply 170#170 bala's post

Miranda and Ben humming the same song was amusing considering she didn't want anyone to know and Karev treating a troubled teenage patient whose parents brought her in for schizophrenia was great


What an amazing season final with Meredith continued working while having a miscarriage and Christina for continuing with a gun to her head but unplugging the monitor was a brilliant was to trick the killer


7x01 With You I'm Born Again

This was a nice season opener with the hospital staff trying to deal with physical and emotional trauma in the wake of the deadly rampage from last season. Derek decision to resign as Chief and goes back into surgery after that great applause on his return was great


Reply 9#9 bala's post

That was amusing when all the guys were after Kerry and Andrew was right not to sign Cristina off, it's about time that Alex had the bullet in his chest removed


7x03 Superfreak

Bailey and the spider was funny and I'm not surprised that April got her own back after being tormented about being a 28 year old virgin


Reply 25#25 bala's post

I think i would rather have Asthma than take his treatment and what they did to save the ballerina's leg was great


Reply 28#28 bala's post

Meredith was impressive doing her solo surgery and Owen's idea about disaster trained doctors is a great idea because it makes sense after what happened


Reply 37#37 bala's post

This was a great documentary style episode, Karev was great with Lily but loosing Mary was tragic and the alarm lock down could of been fatal all thanks to Lexie


7x07 That\\\'s Me Trying

Christy did look like she needed some junk in her trunk and its a shame Miranda couldn\'t find out why Mary died but i loved Aprils determination during their trauma certification drill


Reply 48#48 bala's post

What Alex's did to April was diabolical and he deserved what he got but his idea to save the baby was impressive


Reply 54#54 bala's post

Christina was a terrible barmaid and the young lovers was nice but Dr Stark was a jerk


Reply 56#56 bala's post

I wounder if Henry will except Teddy's proposal of marriage just for her medical insurance but Callie closing the door on Arizona was a surprise and who will prepare Christina 21lb of trout


Reply 87#87 bala's post

I was impressed with Christina and even more for not walking out when they found out he was the shooter but the other surgeon wanting to amplitude the 15 year old leg without trying to save it first was horrible. Bailey cussing was amusing and the candlelight vigil was nice

