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Gossip Girl Season 1-6 General Discussion Thread (Spoilers)

3x19 Dr. Estrangeloved

Dan didn't cope very well with Vanessa getting accepted into the Tisch writing program when he didn't and Serena finally gets the reunion with her father. Jenny taking Nate's shirt to get Serena jealous was cruel but it back fired when Serena told Nate about the message she left with Jenny


Reply 55#55 bala's post

I cant wait to find out why Jenny thinks somethings wrong with the medicine Lilly is taking


3x21 Ex-Husbands and Wives

Good episode with Serena chooses to stand behind her father, while at the Rufus is made to feel like an outsider in his own family even after the truth was out but Jenny deliberately sharing information with Will has backfired or has it at least she is with Nate


Reply 61#61 bala's post

It's hard to feel sorry for Jenny after all the bad things she has done but I'm a sucker for tears but Georgina's bombshell was great and another great cliffhanger


Reply 63#63 bala's post

That was a big lump under that coat


Reply 2#2 bala's post

Blair thinking she got it wrong about her date no being a prince but his chauffeur was amusing and I'm glad he walked out after the way she treated him. What Georgina did was cruel and not the best way to let the family know but Blair pushing Serena in the fountain was funny


Reply 6#6 bala's post

The new girl deserves to know the real Chuck after she saved him and Nate's new girl Juliet's ulterior motive should be interesting


Reply 8#8 bala's post

I liked the way Gossip Girl helped Serena to catch Juliet out about trying to sabotaging her life


Reply 11#11 bala's post

Was Eva telling to truth about the money from the watch considering what they found out about her past and about time that Nate decided to confront Juliet about Ben but Blair planting the passport was despicable


Reply 14#14 bala's post

Wow Juliet is good at manipulating everyone but Blair and Chuck after the assistant position was amusing


Reply 16#16 bala's post

I'm not surprised that Jenny got her own back on Blair after what she did and Juliet looked upset so i wonder if something happened to her brother in prison


Reply 18#18 bala's post

What has Serena done to Ben that deserves ruining their cousin life and it was obvious that Blair and Chuck's piece treaty wouldn't last long


Reply 20#20 bala's post

Juliet enlisting Jenny's help along with Vanessa should be interesting but i did like how they all came together and destroyed the photo


Reply 23#23 bala's post

It does appear that Juliet's plan was flawless except swapping the Sim card, i know Jen replaced all her numbers and any relevant text could be forwarded to her new Sim but they wouldn't show the name they came from originally and she must of tried to contact someone with the new Sim which wouldn't show her name


Reply 25#25 bala's post

Isn't this situation similar to how this show start except shes not returning from running away but looks like shes gone again and as long as Juliet's got her phone this could go on for a while


Reply 30#30 bala's post

Julia does seem to have covered all her bases even with the photos to make it look real and convincing Vanessa to put the blame on Jenny was the icing on the cake, Dan being the only one to believe in her was nice


Reply 34#34 bala's post

I cant believe that it was Lily's sent Ben to prison just so Serena could have a better education and then trying to sell Bass industries without Chuck knowing but wouldn't it be nice if Lily was charged with perjury for lying and sending a innocent man to prison for 5 years


4x12 The Kids Are Not Alright

Good episode but the envelope swap was to obvious and looks like Chuck is getting in bed with the enemy


Reply 41#41 bala's post

Dan sabotaging Blair's guest was an amusing turn of events and as you say he did make things right which was nice


Reply 43#43 bala's post

That was a smart move by Chuck in delaying Rena from going to the meeting and Eric lying for Damien was stupid

