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Chicago Med (NBC) General Discussion (Spoilers)

1x10 Clarity

Dr. Halstead facing a malpractice suite was predictable but taking it out on Natalie after a patient died was disappointing and the injured teenage hockey player still playing knowing it could kill him was unbelievable



1x11 Intervention

Dr. Manning treating a young girl diagnosed with a contagious bacteria was sad as they had to take action to avoid a major outbreak and Sarah trying to save a patient with a misdiagnosed flesh-eating bacterial disease was fascinating but I had a felling he wouldn't survive



1x12 Guilty

Maggie getting arrested for refusing to violate hospital policy and draw blood from a suspected DUI patient was surprising and Dr. Charles suspecting the patient tried to kill himself by stepping in front of a car was fascinating as nobody else thought it, the malpractice suite patient only being on a placebo was tragic as she is going to die anyway



1x13 Us

The husband wanting to harvest his deceased wife's eggs seemed a reasonable request but his wife being on birth control was going to make thing awkward and the patient who was trying to remove his own arm was bizarre



1x14 Hearts

The erratic patient claiming that his heart is pounding inside his head was different as he looked high but taking drastic measures to stop it was surprising and Will receives good news about the pending lawsuit was a nice surprise and who was the abuser in the family was tragic as he was just a kid



1x15 Inheritance

The 16-year-old girl suffering from abdominal pain was disturbing with her refusing any medication because of her junky father and the 32 weeks pregnant patient refusing to have her baby early because she's a surrogate was sad as it could kill both of them



1x16 Disorder

Dr. Choi, riding along with paramedics was fascinating with them having problems getting to the patients home because of the excessive hoarding and the patient who was bitten by her own dog was ultimately lucky as they caught the cancer early



1x17 Withdrawal

The alcoholic homeless man with a broken leg was bound to give the doctors a hard time with him suffering from withdrawals symptoms and Dr. Manning fainting after loosing her wedding ring was surprising but Sarah treating two elderly women with the exact same symptoms was amusing as it was an sexually transmitted disease



1x18 Timing

April getting punched while attending to a disorderly patient was disturbing but finding out she has TB was surprising and Sarah still not sure what direction she wants to take her career is going to be even harder now that graduation day has finally arrived as she might not have a job to go to



2x01 Soul Care

Sarah working in a coffee shop was surprising as I thought she would of found away to get her job back but Dr. Charles offering her an interesting opportunity on his team was nice and the dead grandfather opening his eyes long enough to see his grandchild was amazing


