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The Carrie Diaries Season 1-2 General Discussion Thread (Spoilers)

1x04 Fright Night

Carrie being forced to babysit Larissa was interesting considering Larissa is the grown up and Mouse getting high was amusing


[ Last edited by codebreaker at 2-13-2013 22:55 ]


1x05 Dangerous Territory

Trust Carrie's feelings for Sebastian to get in the way of her driving test but the way she handled the fancy dinner soiree was great and the way Maggie got her seat back in the diner was impressive


[ Last edited by codebreaker at 2-25-2013 10:27 ]


1x06 Endgame

Maggie being excited to have Thanksgiving with Walt's family was short lived and you can understand why Dorrit was trying her hardest to sabotage Carrie attempt at cooking the perfect Thanksgiving dinner


[ Last edited by codebreaker at 10-27-2013 16:41 ]


1x07 Caught

I can understand why Tom fell asleep at the ballet but Dorrit did seem very hard on him until he explained and George getting the wrong idea about Carrie's intentions in the back of the car was predictable


[ Last edited by codebreaker at 10-27-2013 16:39 ]


1x08 Hush Hush

Sebastian looking for Carrie was nice but her dad finding her in the club was amusing


[ Last edited by codebreaker at 10-27-2013 16:35 ]


1x09 The Great Unknown

Dorrit going missing while Carrie was supposed to be watching her was so predictable and Walt trying to avoid Donna's sexual advances was amusing and the rummer was priceless


[ Last edited by codebreaker at 10-27-2013 16:33 ]


1x10 The Long and Winding Road Not Taken

Dorrit should think herself lucky he only locked her up to teach her a lesson instead of calling the police for shoplifting but going back to get the record was brave and who would of thought it would lead to her first kiss, I find it amusing that the Americans find it hard to drive a manual car


1x11 Identity Crisis

How embarrassing for Sebastian with his mother turning up at school and discussing the sex she had with his father and Carrie impersonating Larissa to pick up the package was amusing but she should of expected there would be complications, Tom being seen by Maggie kissing in the car like a teenager was priceless


[ Last edited by codebreaker at 10-27-2013 16:30 ]


1x12 A First Time for Everything

Carrie's response to Sebastian saying I love you was amusing but blurting out I want to sleep with you did seem crazy and from that to breaking up all in one week was terrible, Mouse being in control with West was amusing


1x13 Kiss Yesterday Goodbye

Carrie saying I love you to Sebastian did seem like the right time but Maggie making a move on him after the row was disappointing and finding out about her dad dating was bad timing but not wanting to meet "Gym" was amusing


[ Last edited by codebreaker at 10-19-2013 16:43 ]



2x01 Win Some, Lose Some

Tom's face when he found out Dorrit had a boyfriend was amusing as he thought he didn't have to worry about her and how Carrie didn't notice her bag being stolen considering it was leaning against her leg, Samantha trying to help Carrie get into her apartment and the cop helping must of had an eye full as she wasn't wearing underwear

