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Hollywood Heights (Nick) General Discussion (Spoilers)

1x13 Loren's Proven Innocent

Adam emailing the photos of Phil's computer was quick thinking and Loren getting out of trouble at school was great but receiving bad news about the song writing contest was sad


1x14 Chloe Finally Gets What She Wants

Melissa getting the blame from her mother about dropping Phil in it was terrible but how his parents negotiated his punishment was interesting and Adriana lying through her back teeth right to the end was impressive and the title gave the proposal away


1x15 Loren's Song

Loren's mother's passion to get Max to listen to the song was great and about time Eddie can put a name to his tweet friend and I'm looking forward to how  Chloe can explain her mysterious past


1x16 Loren's Stage Fright

Tyler knowing Chloe's real identity now makes sense why she keeps going back to him and Loren being able to get the last word over Adriana was great


Reply 38#38 bala's post

It's been good the way they have been released because I can watch them straight through


Reply 40#40 bala's post

I'm only three days behind which is nothing compared to the two weeks I was behind


1x17 Dinner at the Tate's

Chloe should of kept her mouth shut about the engagement but the reporter ringing Eddie was interesting and Adriana going to dinner with her dad too Loren and her mothers was priceless


1x18 The Announcement

Chloe's so called dead mother turning up is going to be interesting and I'm surprised it took Phil that long to take the school computers after seeing them when he was told his community service was to mentor the kids in the class and I wonder who Loren's secret texter but Tyler blowing his first audition was amusing


1x19 Loren Gets Lost

Chloe coming clean to Max about her past was clever and sounded believable and Loren and her friends getting lost and stranded across town was spoilt by the title


1x20 The Songwriting Contest

After all the trouble they had to get there and being late so I'm not surprised she had stage fright


1x21 A Winner Is Chosen

I'm glad Eddie was able to convince Loren to sing and her being the winner was predictable but fainting after finding out was unfortunate, Chloe trying to get her mother out of her place before Eddie got there was amusing


1x22 The Music Video Rehearsal

Phil breaking in to his fathers place was the lowest of the low and just to prove his loyalty to his dealer was diabolical and I'm starting to think Melissa is adopted with the way her mother talks behind closed doors


1x23 Chloe's Jealousy

Chloe's face when Eddie was dancing with one of the dancers in his video was priceless but now Max knows about Chloe's mother what new pack of lies will she tell next and what a bitch she was to Loren and the dancer so I just hope her down fall is humiliating for her especially after putting a piece of glass in her boot and if what Tyler said about Chloe's past is true I'm not surprised she lied about it


1x24 Max Confronts Chloe

Chloe being responsible for the death of  Eddie's mother was a surprise and I can't believe she is still willing to marry Eddie knowing Max is on her tail but I was surprised it was Adriana's first time with Phil or anyone and then asking her to give him an alibi for the police was predictable


1x25 Lisa Reveals A Secret

I'm surprised how well Adriana lied to the police about Phil's alibi and about time Chloe's lies are starting to unravel with Max turning up at Tyler's and her mother turning up at Eddie's, Lisa sharing a secret with Melissa was nice but I don't think she is telling the whole truth and what a coincidence that Loren and Eddie go to the same spot to think


1x26 Loren's Dilemma

Max and Eddie clashing over Chloe's lies was bound to happen after what her mother said to Eddie but forging her again was disappointing and looks like the green eyed monster at Loren's mother work place has reared her ugly head


Reply 57#57 bala's post

I'm having to stream them from another site


1x27 Eddie and Chloe Meet Oz

Eddie advising Chloe to reconcile with Jackie was interesting but God help her if he finds out about how his mother died and who was driving the car and suggesting Chloe and her mother move in together was great and them having a meeting with Oz to make a re-make of Grease was amusing considering they have never seen the film


1x28 Melissa's Birthday

Melissa's birthday kiss from Adam was nice and about time, Cams comment about the kissing cam was was amusing and Adriana being the getaway driver was ridiculous especially crashing into Loren after the robbery, Tyler winding everyone up is getting boring


1x29 Chloe Turns Diva

Chloe having a diva fit because she has two left feet when it comes to dancing was predictable and about time she was caught kissing Tyler

