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Tricky Business (Nine) General Discussion (Spoilers)


1x10 Skyrockets In Flight

What a scam trying to make it looked like she broke her ankle in the shopping mall and the music teacher lip reading was impressive but Kate and Matt should of used the motel room instead of the office

[ Last edited by codebreaker at 7-26-2012 20:06 ]


Reply 36#36 bala's post

No according to Wikipedia there are 13 episodes



1x11 Who Wants To Be An Albatross

What a hatchet job the reporter did on Rick but the switch in the toilet was amusing especial forgetting the keys to Jim's car and poor Lily meeting the pregnant wife and Matt taking Kate out in the limo was nice

[ Last edited by codebreaker at 7-26-2012 20:07 ]


1x12 Bad Hair Day

What a moron ripping off the villain with the car he owed money on but he should of used the money to clear the debt and what was Wendy thinking attacking Kate and then trying to commit suicide


1x13 Episode 13

Kate walking into the cafe while Matt was with his ex was interesting and Lily's parents both going to to see her professor was amusing but Lily realising that Alex is a nice guy was great, Kate screaming for someone to call an ambulance after Rick was run-over was crazy as she had her phone in her hand before he saved her


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