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Teen Wolf Season 1-5 General Discussion Thread (Spoilers)

2x04 Abomination

Gerard is a cunning old fox making Allison believe he is just a grandfather who likes to cook and Stiles was impressive in the pool


2x05 Venomous

Scott was lucky when Stiles almost shot him with the arrow but the venom on the other arrow shot at Erica was amusing


2x06 Frenemy

Scott and Stiles being caught out side the gay club by the sheriff was interesting but Stiles trying to convince his dad he is gay was amusing and looking forward to find out who is Jackson's master


2x07 Restraint

Allison walking in on Jackson in the shower was amusing and the fight was great and the music being played while fighting was an interesting choice


2x08 Raving

Stiles imagination with the fairy dust was amusing and their theory about the teacher being involved was obviously wrong but what will Allison think about what her mother tried to do to Scott and what was done to her in return


2x09 Party Guessed

I hope Stiles present for Lydia at her birthday party wasn't breakable but forcing it through the front door was amusing and what ever Lydia put in the punch had some interesting side effects, what happened to Allison's mother was a surprise and considering how wasted the party guest were the sound of the police sirens worked wonders


2x10 Fury

It's a good job he wasn't a wedding photograph with Jackson killing everyone he took a photo of and what a way for Scott's mother to find out about him

[ Last edited by codebreaker at 8-7-2012 19:05 ]


2x11 Battlefield

Stiles bragging about what he did twice before the game was disgusting and he should of saved some of his energy for the game rather than playing with himself and Allison becoming a hell of a hunter


2x12 Master Plan

Scott outsmarting Gerard plan to beat his cancer by becoming a werewolf was great


3x00 Back to the Pack

This was a great look back at the memorable moments and explanation to what's happened so far


3x01 Tattoo

The twins being able to create a single creature should make things interesting and the Birds remake was great


3x02 Chaos Rising

Stiles only finding XXL condoms was amusing and poor Heather not getting her birthday wish and that was a close call in the vault


3x03 Fireflies

The two kids were lucky Scott turned up when he did and Lydia finding the manikin in the pool was amusing but not so much for the dead kid behind her and Stiles connecting it back to Heather wanting to loose her virginity was impressive


3x04 Unleashed

Stiles wanting to loose his veterinary in-case he's next was amusing and bringing the bike into the school to get the twins angry was amusing but what's with the blind demon wolf


3x05 Frayed

The flash back's while on the bus ride was different but that was some attack against the Alphas


3x06 Motel California

With 198 suicides jumping 201 to date in that motel it wasn't the safest place to stay but Lydia being able to hear the dead would of been hard


3x07 Currents

Scott and his friend falling asleep while watching his mother was amusing but Scott getting an erection while hiding in the closest with Allison was priceless


Special Revelations

I should of expected them to discuss the erection in the wardrobe but I didn't expect Scott to say he had a boner and being presented by Jill Wagner was great as she was in season 1


Reply 29#29 bala's post

I doubt it as they couldn't get the cast there every week


3x08 Visionary

Great back story about Derek and Page but him picking the triangle as an instrument to play just to get her name was amusing

