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Season 4

Episode 1: Sharing Finances
Extremely intelligent ghosts haunt a young lady; Doug and Claire decide to make a commitment; Kath and Dave cram a lot into a 15-minute period; Sandra discovers a soul mate; and the Date Fact Checker checks up on Fred.

Episode 2: Ecoterrorists
Ecoterrorists get in the face of a makeup company that uses animals to test products; Toni and Candace visit a car wash; Fred discusses how much he misses hip-hop; and Kath receives help from Dave in her efforts to sleep through the night.

Episode 3: Celery
A celery salesman cooks up a plan to increase its popularity; the Order Grill opens for lunch; Carrie admits to social bankruptcy; a frustrated office worker contemplates a career as a gutter punk.

Episode 4: Pull-Out King
A 1980s punk awakens from a coma; a neglected e-mail causes a stir; Nina shares surprising news with Lance; Malcolm and Kris tailgate at a live " Prairie Home Companion" show; and Carrie goes on a date with a tax lawyer.

Episode 5: Spyke Drives
Peter rushes Nance to a hospital emergency room; Spyke becomes a car owner; Ghavin quizzes a singer whose band passes through town; Fred and Carrie stage a garage sale; dinner-party guests suffer through a story that won't end; and Claire and Doug decide to treat each other like dogs.

Episode 6: Bahama Knights
Fred considers making a music documentary; Peter reunites with his old band and his ex-wife, their lead singer; Trudy and Craig compose a song; and Carrie and Fred have a postconcert rendezvous.

Episode 7: Trailblazers
Toni and Candace kick it into high gear when they take over the Portland Trail Blazers dance team; Joaquin concocts a smoothie; Sandra drops in on a tattoo-removal parlor; and Malcolm and Kris produce their own clothing.

Episode 8: Late in Life Drug Use
The mayor organizes a pride parade; Brendan and Michelle finally get around to sampling recreational drugs; the Punslingers christen some new businesses; Carrie's brother visits with his new boyfriend; the police drop in on Toni and Candace; and Spyke and Iris dine at a bad Thai restaurant.

Episode 9: 3D Printer
A minister tries to modernize the churchgoing experience; art students create anti-corporate paintings; the mayor inaugurates the city's official 3-D printer; Santa worries about the future of Christmas; a TV-commercial director struggles to be creative; and Lance and Nina's lizard dies.

Episode 10: Getting Away
The gang go on a weekend getaway to New Beavertown, Oregon, where Toni and Candace oversee a feminist retreat that is interrupted by a macho bus driver, and Kath and Dave's efforts to relax are disturbed via a surprise entanglement. Also, Peter and Nance do a walking tour of the town in hopes of discovering something special.

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Season 3

Episode 1: The Ungrateful Dead (Oct/25/2013)
Eric and the Baron try to smuggle a comatose Nick out of the country, but the Grimm wakes up and lashes out at his captor. Meanwhile, in Europe Stefania instructs Adalind in how to recover her Hexenbiest powers.

Episode 2: PTZD (Nov/01/2013)
Eddie , Hank, Rosalee, and Juliette finally locate Nick and manage to subdue him and give him the antidote for the zombie drug. As they wait or him to recover, Renard risks incriminating himself and the others to cover Nick's tracks during his rampage. Meanwhile, in Europe Adalind continues her trials to regain her Hexenbiest powers.

Episode 3: A Dish Best Served Cold (Nov/08/2013)
Nick goes back on duty and is immediately assigned investigate a case where the victims have burst open due to bloat. Things take a turn for a worse when Nick and Hank learn that all of the victims were Blutbad. Meanwhile, Renard deals with the aftermath of his brother Eric's death.

Episode 4: One Night Stand (Nov/15/2013)
When one boy is drowned and another narrowly escapes, Nick and Hank investigate reports of underwater creatures and find a family of aquatic Wesen. Meanwhile, Juliette reads a cryptic email sent to Nick and Renard learns what Adalind has been doing in Vienna.

Episode 5: El Cucuy (Nov/29/2013)
A Wesen vigilante is responsible for the brutal slaughter of two robbers, and Nick and Hank discover that an old Spanish legend of "El Cucuy" may be involved. Meanwhile, Nick tells Juliette the truth about his mother and Renard takes an interest in Adalind's ultrasound.

Episode 6: Stories We Tell Our Young (Dec/06/2013)
Nick and Han investigate an apparent case of demonic possession when an exorcism goes bad and a monsignor turns up missing. They soon discover the incident is tied to a Wesen legend... one the Wesen Council wants destroyed for good. Meanwhile, Renard flies to Vienna to deal with the aftermath of his brother's death, and Adalind receives a mysterious summons.

Episode 7: Cold Blooded (Dec/13/2013)
While Nick and Hank chase a Wesen thief and killer through the sewers, in Europe Renard meets with the Resistance and Adalind makes the acquaintance of Eric's successor.

Episode 8: Twelve Days of Krampus (Dec/13/2013)
While Nick and Hank try to track down a horrendous beast dressed as Santa who is abducting naughty children, Eddie tries to share his spirit for the holidays with Rosalee. Meanwhile, in Europe Renard cements his ties to the Resistance.

Episode 9: Red Menace (Jan/03/2014)
When a waiter turns up dead, Nick and Hank discover that someone is stalking a Russian "healer," intent on revenge. Meanwhile, Juliette takes in a friend trapped in an abusive relationship, Hank's physical therapist turns down his invitation to dinner, and Renard makes contact with Adalind at last.

Episode 10: Eyes of the Beholder (Jan/10/2014)
Nick and Hank investigate a gang-related homicide and discover that the only witness is the brother of Hank's physical therapist. Meanwhile, Nick tells Juliette that her friend Alicia is a Wesen, but Alicia refuses to discuss it with Juliette.

Episode 11: The Good Soldier (Jan/17/2014)
A deadly Wesen is stalking four men who committed a heinous crime during their time in Iraq, and Nick and Hank try to determine who the killer really is. Meanwhile, Rosalee gets an invitation to dinner from her estranged mother, and turns to Eddie for support.

Episode 12: The Wild Hunt (Jan/24/2014)
While Nick and Hank track down a Wesen killer who takes the scalps of worthy opponents, Monroe worries about telling his parents about his engagement to Rosalee. Meanwhile, Juliette continues her correspondence with Nick's mother and Adalind has early birth contractions.

Episode 13: Revelation (Feb/28/2014)
While Nick pursues the scalper killer, Monroe tries to deal with his prejudiced mother and father over his engagement to Rosalee. Meanwhile, Renard sends Meisner and Sebastien to help Adalind escape from Viktor before she gives birth to the baby.

Episode 14: Mommy Dearest (Mar/07/2014)
Nick and Hank face a dilemma when a pregnant friend of Wu's is targeted by a Wesen that feeds on amniotic fluid. They have to decide what, if anything, to tell Wu about the Wesen community before he finds out for himself. Meanwhile, Meisner discovers that Adalind's newborn daughter has powerful abilities.

Episode 15: Once We Were Gods (Mar/14/2014)
Wesen terrorists view the unearthing of a mummy as desecration and vow to steal it from the university where it's being kept. As Nick and Hank try to stop them, they keep a watchful eye on Wu, who is grappling with his sanity after seeing a Wesen. Meanwhile, Viktor finds the traitor in his organization, leading him to Adalind and Meisner.

Episode 16: The Show Must Go On (Mar/21/2014)
Nick and Hank investigate the brutal deaths of two women and discover the trail leads to a carnival that has left a string of similar murders in its wake. When she learns that the carnival features Wesen transforming as part of its act, Rosalee sets out to help the performers. Meanwhile, Nick has second thoughts after he accepts Monroe's offer to be the best man at his friend's wedding.

Episode 17: Synchronicity (Apr/04/2014)
The Resistance contacts an ally to get Adalind to safety: Kelly Burkhardt, Nick's mother. However, when the Verrat learn of their flight plan, Kelly has the pilot take them to Portland. Meanwhile, Nick tries to find a way to attend Monroe's wedding without giving away the fact that he's a Grimm.

Episode 18: The Law of Sacrifice (Apr/11/2014)
Viktor and Ruspoli travel to Portland to force Renard to hand over Adalind's baby daughter, and Nick and Kelly try to come up with a plan that will ensure the baby's safety, free of the influence of either the Royals or the Resistance.

Episode 19: Nobody Knows the Trubel I've Seen (Apr/25/2014)
Nick and Hank track down a girl tied to the murders of three Wesen, but make an unexpected discovery about who she is. Meanwhile, Adalind turns to Viktor when Nick and Renard can't do anything to help her get her baby daughter back.

Episode 20: My Fair Wesen (May/02/2014)
Nick decides to teach Truble how to be a Grimm and takes her for a ride along. However, when he and Hank investigate the murder of a young girl, Truble realizes that it's Wesen-related and decides to get involved. Meanwhile, Adalind finds something belonging to her mother that could help her get Diana back.

Episode 21: The Inheritance (May/09/2014)
Nick and Hank are called to investigate a double homicide, and quickly learn the victims were from a special section of the Verrat tasked with finding rare objects pertaining to the Wesen world. Trubel gets involved with a mysterious father-and-son tandem that crossed the country in a desperate attempt to deliver invaluable cargo to "the Portland Grimm." Meanwhile, Captain Renard begins to grow suspicious of Adalind's recent behavior and quietly decides to put extra eyes on her.

Episode 22: Blond Ambition (May/16/2014)
It's Monroe and Rosalee's big day and their joy will only be matched by unexpected heartache for those around them. Nick and Juliette make a startling realization that could shake their relationship to its core. Meanwhile, Adalind proceeds with a delicately laid plan that leads to a catastrophic event that will alter the course of Nick's journey.

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Season 3

Episode 1: The Heart of the Truest Believer (Sep/29/2013)
Hook pilots the Jolly Roger to Neverland so that Emma and the others can find Henry, abducted by Greg and Tamara. Meanwhile, Henry's abductors discover that everything isn't what it seems. And Neal wakes up in the Enchanted Forest and discover that he must seek out the castle of his father if he wishes to see Emma again.

Episode 2: Lost Girl (Oct/06/2013)
As she searches for Henry with the others, Emma meets with Pan, who gives her a map but warns that it will only lead her to her son if she admits who she is truly is. Meanwhile, in the fairy tale world, Snow White is willing to give up her kingdom and her people when the Evil Queen offers to spare her life if she will go into exile.

Episode 3: Quite a Common Fairy (Oct/13/2013)
In Neverland, Hook suggests that they recruit Tinker Bell to lead them to Pan's camp... unaware that Regina has a dark history with the fairy creature. Meanwhile, in the Enchanted Forest comes up with a way to get to Neverland and rescue Emma and Henry.

Episode 4: Nasty Habits (Oct/20/2013)
In Neverland, Gold must decide whether he will sacrifice his life for Henry... who the prophecy says will be his undoing. Things become complicated when he meets Neal, who he had believed was dead. Meanwhile, in the fairytale world, Bae is abducted by a mysterious Piper and Rumplestiltskin sets out to find his son and take revenge on his abductor.

Episode 5: Good Form (Oct/27/2013)
Hook convinces a dying David that the key to their escape from Neverland lies atop Deadman's Peak, and convinces David to accompany him to find it. Meanwhile, Emma, Mary Margaret, and Regina come up with a plan to contact Henry and assure him that there's still hope. And in the past, the man who will one day become Hook sets sail with his brother Liam to find a rare healing plant for their king.

Episode 6: Ariel (Nov/03/2013)
Regina leaves the group to find Gold and convince him to launch a magical assault on Pan. Meanwhile, Emma and the others learn that Neal is being imprisoned in Echo Cave, but they must pay a heavy price to free him. And in the fairy tale world that was, Snow White is on the run and meets a mermaid named Ariel, who asks for her help winning the love of Prince Eric.

Episode 7: Dark Hollow (Nov/10/2013)
Ariel travels to Storybrooke to help Belle find Gold's object that can imprison Pan for all eternity. However, two men from the Home Office are prepared to stop them at any cast. Meanwhile, in Neverland, Mary Margaret is furious at David for lying to her, while Emma finds herself the third point in an uncomfortable love triangle as she tries to capture Pan's Shadow and use it to escape Neverland.

Episode 8: Think Lovely Thoughts (Nov/17/2013)
While Pan tricks Henry into sacrificing his life by making him believe that he will save Neverland, Emma and the others try to stop him before it's too late. Meanwhile, in the fairy tale world, a young Rumple and his father Malcolm travel to Neverland but find out that it's not what they expected.

Episode 9: Save Henry (Dec/01/2013)
While Emma and Regina work together to try and find a way to save Henry before it's too late, eleven years in the past, Regina turns to Gold for help when she decides she wants to adopt a child to fill the emptiness in her life.

Episode 10: The New Neverland (Dec/08/2013)
The heroes return to Neverland with Henry, unaware that Pan has swapped bodies with the boy. Pan soon uses his insider status to find out where Regina has her vault... and the magic stored within it. Meanwhile, in the fairy tale world, Snow sets out to find a way to kill Regina for good by using the head of Medusa.

Episode 11: Going Home (Dec/15/2013)
To stop Pan, Gold must reverse the spell and put him back in his proper body, while Regina undos the curse to stop Pan's curse from destroying everyone in the town. However, stopping the curse will require a price that everyone in Storybrooke must pay.

Episode 12: New York City Serenade (Mar/09/2014)
Emma and Henry make a life for themselves in New York City, their memories of their lives in Storybrooke removed. However, Hook comes to find Emma to tell her that she's the only one who can help her parents. Meanwhile, a year ago in the Enchanted Forest, Snow White and David return with the people of Storybrooke but discover that someone has taken over their castle.

Episode 13: Witch Hunt (Mar/16/2014)
Emma teams up with Regina to find out who in town cast the memory-loss curse, while David and Hook search for missing townspeople and make a horrifying discovery. Meanwhile, a year in the past, Regina meets the intruder in her castle and learns of their connection.

Episode 14: The Tower (Mar/23/2014)
Zelena continues to infiltrate Mary Margaret and David's lives, while gathering totems of power. Meanwhile, a year ago in the Enchanted Forest, Charming goes on a quest to overcome his fears and comes to the aid of a princess trapped in a high tower.

Episode 15: Quiet Minds (Mar/30/2014)
The hunt is on for the Wicked Witch in Storybrooke, but she's closer than anyone suspects. Meanwhile, Neal returns and discovers that his father is alive, and vows to find him. Meanwhile, a year ago in the Enchanted Forest, Belle and Neal return to Rumplestiltskin's castle to find a way to bring back Neal's father, but discover that there is a terrible price to be paid.

Episode 16: It’s Not Easy Being Green (Apr/06/2014)
Zelena challenges her half-sister Regina to a magical duel, well aware that with Gold on her side, she's unbeatable. Meanwhile, in the past Zelena seeks out her past and goes to the Wizard of Oz, who tells her everything she needs to know.

Episode 17: The Jolly Roger (Apr/13/2014)
In the present, Ariel returns to Storybrooke and Hook agrees to help her find her lost love, Prince Eric. Meanwhile, Regina teaches Emma in how to develop her magic so that together they can take on Zelena. Nine months earlier in the Enchanted Forest, Hook agrees to help Ariel find Eric, a quest that reunites him to his old ship, the Jolly Roger... now under the command of the dread pirate Black Beard.

Episode 18: Bleeding Through (Apr/20/2014)
Regina summons the spirit of her mother to find out why she abandoned Zelena, while Zelena tries to convince Gold to serve her voluntarily. Meanwhile, in the Enchanted Forest that was, Cora tries to marry royalty but is tricked and betrayed.

Episode 19: A Curious Thing (Apr/27/2014)
In Storybrooke, Emma and the others realize that Henry must recover his memories if they hope to break the curse and find out what happened in the missing year. They're unaware that Zelena has threatened to kill Henry if Hook doesn't strip Emma of her magic. Meanwhile, in the Enchanted Forest during the missing year, after meeting with Glinda, Snow and Charming realize that they must take extreme measures if they hope to defeat Zelena.

Episode 20: Kansas (May/04/2014)
When Mary Margaret goes into labor, Zelena makes her move to gain the fourth component she needs for her spell to travel back into time and change her destiny. Meanwhile, in the distant land of Oz, Glinda offers Zelena membership in the Sisterhood of Witches. However, the arrival of a young girl named Dorothy changes everything.

Episode 21: Snow Drifts (May/11/2014)
While Mary Margaret and David celebrate the naming of their son at a coronation in Granny's Diner, Emma and Hook are pulled into Zelena's time portal and find themselves in the Enchanted Forest of the past.

Episode 22: There's No Place Like Home (May/11/2014)
Emma and Hook are pulled into Zelena's time portal and find themselves in the Enchanted Forest of the past. But in their quest to discover a way back, they must be careful not to change anything or risk altering the lives of their friends and family--as well as their very own existence

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Season 2

Episode 1: Born In The U.S.A. (Sep/25/2013)
In last year's finale, our heroes made the treacherous journey to the Tower and were able to turn on the power, but at what cost? The effects of this move prove to be catastrophic for everyone. Now, Miles, Aaron and Rachel have found themselves in a mysterious small town, in the great nation of Texas where Rachel unexpectedly encounters an important figure from her past. Charlie finds herself on a mission in the Plains Nation while Neville and Jason search a refugee camp for a lost loved one. Meanwhile, Monroe has discovered a gritty role in his new environment.

Episode 2: There Will Be Blood (Oct/02/2013)
Miles's life is in grave danger as he finds himself in the clutches of Titus Andover. Charlie is determined to find Monroe, as Rachel and her father, Dr. Porter desperately attempt to revive Aaron. Meanwhile, Neville hatches a plan to infiltrate the Patriots.

Episode 3: Love Story (Oct/09/2013)
Rachel makes a valiant attempt to rescue Miles and to escape with an ailing Tribesman's wife, while Neville and Jason are caught off-guard, assaulted by violent refugees. Charlie and Adam are at odds over what to do with Monroe. Legions of Tribesmen threaten all of Willoughby but with questionable leadership and Aaron faces death, yet again.

Episode 4: Patriot Games (Oct/16/2013)
Monroe and Charlie's dynamic begin to evolve. Meanwhile, wounds of Miles and Rachel begin to heal, yet her curiosity and heightened awareness could be her undoing. Neville's manipulation of Patriot power brokers makes Machiavelli look like a cherub and Aaron's mind works overtime awake or asleep with mind-blowing effectiveness. Rachel and Miles begin planning a resistance to what they believe might be the Patriot occupation.

Episode 5: One Riot, One Ranger (Oct/23/2013)
Aaron and Rachel speculate on the extreme effects of Nano technology, while he also confides in Cynthia. Meanwhile a figure from Miles's rugged past, Texas Ranger John Fry reemerges. Fry could be Miles' chance to bring down the Patriots in a big way, however Fry will need convincing. Charlie has a surprise for Miles and her mother, while Secretary Allenford holds a secret important to Neville.

Episode 6: Dead Man Walking (Oct/30/2013)
As Charlie, Rachel and Gene question Monroe's true allegiance, Miles himself is weary of his former friend's intentions. Meanwhile, Aaron continues to have visions that lead to endless questions.

Episode 7: The Patriot Act (Nov/06/2013)
When Rachel discovers some unsettling truths, Miles does what he does best to overcome obstacles before him and those he cares about. Meanwhile, Charlie shares a moment with her mom as Neville and Jason continue with their struggles between father and son

Episode 8: Come Blow Your Horn (Nov/13/2013)
As Miles and the gang try to escape the perils of their current situation, Rachel and Gene continue to struggle with their relationship, which affects Charlie. Meanwhile, Neville takes a gamble with the Patriots.

Episode 9: Everyone Says I Love You (Nov/20/2013)
The relationship between Rachel and Gene remains strained as Charlie shows her mom how much she's grown. Meanwhile, Neville gives Jason a determined proclamation.

Episode 10: Three Amigos (Jan/08/2014)
When Miles leads Monroe and Rachel south of the border; they're met with much more than they bargained for as Neville and Julia dance a delicate dance. Meanwhile, Charlie and Gene continue their search for Aaron.

Episode 11: Mis Dos Padres (Jan/15/2014)
Monroe finds himself in unfamiliar territory and must make a choice about his son, Conner whilst Neville and Julia continue to tango at Jason's dismay. Meanwhile, Gene leads Charlie to an uneasy discovery.

Episode 12: Captain Trips (Jan/22/2014)
When Gene decides to assist the town of Willoughby, Rachel and Charlie feel compelled to help too as Miles and Monroe continue to join forces in order to survive.

Episode 13: Happy Endings (Jan/29/2014)
Connor and Charlie are led onto a risky mission by Monroe. Miles and Rachel hold the fort in Willoughby. Aaron catches up with an old friend and Neville gets a new job.

Episode 14: Fear and Loathing (Feb/26/2014)
The nano code continues to cause Aaron and Priscilla problems as it continues causing friction between the two. Miles isn't sure if he can trust who he has in mind to take down the Patriots. In New Vegas, a difficult decision that could mean life or death has to be made by Monroe and Connor.

Episode 15: Dreamcatcher (Mar/05/2014)
When he wakes up Adam suddenly finds himself married to Priscilla and in a world full of power as he runs his company. He suspects somethings going on as a familiar faces soon appear.

Episode 16: Exposition Boulevard ()
Upon returning to Willoughby, Monroe, Charlie and Connor find the Patriots' reeducation center is up and running; Rachel and Miles are at odds on how far they are willing to go to take down the Patriots; Neville and Jason find a new ally.

Episode 17: Why We Fight (Mar/19/2014)
While Dr. Porter and Miles venture into Willoughby in search of allies within the town, Monroe seizes an opportunity to surprise the Patriots. Neville's political maneuverings put him and Jason in serious danger, as Aaron and Priscilla continue on their journey.

Episode 18: Austin City Limits (Apr/02/2014)
Frustrated with Neville, Jason turns to Miles with crucial information about the Patriots' next steps for Texas. Determined to derail the Patriots' plans, Miles and Monroe rush to Austin with Jason, Charlie and Connor in tow. Meanwhile, Aaron grows suspicious of Priscilla's increasingly unusual behavior.

Episode 19: $#!& Happens (Apr/30/2014)
As Miles, Monroe, Charlie and Connor rush to escape Austin, a confrontation with Texas Rangers separates Miles from the group. While out searching for Miles, Charlie is confronted by Neville who demands information on Jason's whereabouts. As a wounded Miles faces increasingly hopeless circumstances, Aaron learns that the nanotech has been busy.

Episode 20: Tomorrowland (May/07/2014)
Truman, empowered with new authority from the President, launches a mustard gas attack designed to kill Miles and Monroe. To Rachel's disappointment, Miles agrees to join Monroe in a ruthless plot to beat the Patriots at their own game. As Neville faces his own challenge from the Patriots, Aaron grows increasingly alarmed by the power of the nanotech.

Episode 21: Memorial Day (May/14/2014)
United by their desire to take the Patriots down, Neville and Monroe form an uneasy alliance. As Rachel comes face-to-face with the nano-tech while searching for Aaron, things don't go according to plan for Miles, Charlie and Gene when they try to steal the Patriots' supply of mustard gas.

Episode 22: Declaration of Independence (May/21/2014)
Miles, Charlie and Monroe attack the Patriots, but must come up with a new plan to prevent war between California and Texas; Neville sets his sights on President Davis. Meanwhile, Aaron and Rachel's efforts to save Priscilla has unexpected consequences.

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Season 2

Episode 1: Gone But Not Forgotten (Mar/03/2014)
Norman struggles to cope with Miss Watson's death in the Season 2 premiere. Meanwhile, Bradley goes to extreme measures while searching for her father's killer.

Episode 2: Shadow of a Doubt (Mar/10/2014)
Norman continues to be obsessed by Miss Watson so Norma tries her best to distract him. Bradley needs some assistance to get out of the situation he's in. Romero needs to make an arrest.

Episode 3: Caleb (Mar/17/2014)
Dylan tries to get Norma and Caleb talking when he turns up at the motel. Emma ends up in a new relationship after attending a memorial service for a friend. Norman meets a girl who's a townie and a bad influence.

Episode 4: Check-Out (Mar/24/2014)
The fall-out from Caleb’s return causes Dylan to question his loyalty to Norma and Norman. Christine brings Norma into the White Pine social scene. Norman grows increasingly worried about Caleb’s presence in town. Romero finds himself caught in the middle of Zane’s war with a rival drug family.

Episode 5: The Escape Artist (Mar/31/2014)
Norman trusts Cody with a family secret. Dylan finds himself fighting for his life as Zane’s war escalates. Norma makes a deal with a mysterious man to help stop the bypass.

Episode 6: Plunge (Apr/07/2014)
Dylan is asked to manage an explosive situation; Norma and Norman's relationship is threatened by a growing secret; Emma lands in a dangerous situation.

Episode 7: Presumed Innocent (Apr/14/2014)
Norma questions Norman when her faith in him is tested. Zane is on the path of revenge, threatening Dylan. Romero examines new evidence he receives in the case of the murder of Miss Watson. The friendship between Norman and Cody reaches breaking point.

Episode 8: Meltdown (Apr/21/2014)
Dylan has to make an impossible choice. Norman is unable to find out the truth about his blackouts.

Episode 9: The Box (Apr/28/2014)
Norma attempts to connect with Norman. Romero ask a former colleague for assistance.

Episode 10: The Immutable Truth (May/05/2014)
Norman is unable to escape the past. Romero and Dylan attempt to bring an end to the drug war.

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I can do both for

Chozen done
Mixology done
Star-Crossed done
New Worlds done
W1A done

[ Last edited by codebreaker at 5-10-2014 21:04 ]


About Chozen

Chozen Premiered on FX on January 13, 2014

About the Show:
Chozen is an animated comedy about its title character, "Chozen," a gay white rapper fresh out of prison. Armed with a new message, Chozen is on a quest for redemption and to claim his rightful position as the world's top rap artist. His music and lyrics take aim at the stereotypes of machismo and misogyny that is synonymous with rap music. And his new world view has been shaped by his time in prison.


Actor’s name

Character’s name

Bobby MoynihanVoicedChozen
Danny McBrideVoicedJimmy
Gary Anthony WilliamsVoicedJamal
Grant DekernionVoicedTBA
Hannibal BuressVoicedCrisco
Kathryn HahnVoicedTracy
Method ManVoicedPhantasm
Michael PenaVoicedRicky
Nick SwardsonVoicedTroy
Paul IaconoVoicedFidget

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[ Last edited by codebreaker at 5-22-2014 19:27 ]
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  • waterlilybarb Treasure +2 thanks - ready to post 5-22-2014 11:07
  • waterlilybarb Points +10 thanks - ready to post 5-22-2014 11:07


Season 1

Episode 1: Pilot (Jan/13/2014)
Redemption is sought in the opener of this series, in which an atypical rapper takes on the hip-hop industry.

Episode 2: Love & Bottlerockets (Jan/20/2014)
Chozen takes action when he suspects Tracy's boyfriend is cheating on her.

Episode 3: Beef (Jan/27/2014)
A surprising job offer pairs Chozen with an old foe.

Episode 4: Da Director (Feb/03/2014)
Tracy and Chozen collaborate on a video. Meanwhile, Ricky and Crisco get involved in Troy's love life.

Episode 5: Laced (Feb/24/2014)
An old flame creates tension between Chozen and the band as they prepare for an exclusive performance.

Episode 6: I'm With the Contraband (Mar/03/2014)
A criminal enterprise is launched by Chozen.

Episode 7: Family Weekend (or How Gary Got His Groove Back) (Mar/10/2014)
A campus visit turns into an unforgettable night for Chozen and Tracy's parents.

Episode 8: Boy's Night (Mar/17/2014)
Chozen and Hunter hit the hottest club in town, while Ricky and Crisco try to get exposure for their new song.

Episode 9: In A Pickle (Mar/24/2014)
A big opportunity in children's television threatens the band's hip hop future.

Episode 10: The Battle of Broken Spear (Mar/31/2014)
At the summer's biggest music festival, Chozen confronts his past and goes head-to-head with Phantasm.



[ Last edited by codebreaker at 5-22-2014 19:28 ]
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About Mixology

Mixology Premiered on ABC on February 26, 2014

About the Show:
One bar. One night. Ten single people. Welcome to Mix, a high-end bar in Manhattan’s trendy meat-packing district. Recently dumped by his fiancée, Tom (Blake Lee) hasn’t been out on the town in a decade. His best friends, handsome, confident Cal (Craig Frank) and fast-talking Bruce (Andrew Santino), are throwing Tom back into the dating pool whether he likes it or not. Tom’s first encounter is with Maya (Ginger Gonzaga), an attorney who’s as beautiful as she is brutal; before long, Tom is in tears. After that, it only gets worse. Rounding out Mix’s chic crowd is Maya’s engaged-for-now friend, Liv (Kate Simses); aggressive single mom Jessica (Alexis Carra), Jessica’s gorgeous and chic frenemy Fabienne (Frankie Shaw), bubbly cocktail waitress Kacey (Vanessa Lengies); dark, mysterious bartender Dominic (Adan Canto); and failed internet entrepreneur Ron (Adam Campbell), who’s having the worst night of his life.

Mixology stars Adam Campbell (Epic Movie) as Ron, Adan Canto (The Following) as Dominic, Alexis Carra (Incredible Girl) as Jessica, Craig Frank (8.13) as Cal, Ginger Gonzaga (Legit) as Maya, Blake Lee (Parks and Recreation) as Tom, Vanessa Lengies (Glee) as Kacey, Andrew Santino (Punk’d) as Bruce, Frankie Shaw (Blue Mountain State) as Fabienne and Kate Simses (What’s Your Number) as Liv.

Mixology was written by Jon Lucas and Scott Moore (The Hangover, 21 and Over), and is executive-produced by Lucas, Moore, Ryan Seacrest, Nina Wass, Adam Sher and Ira Ungerleider. The pilot was directed by Larry Charles (Seinfeld, Entourage, Borat), and is produced by ABC Studios.


Actor’s name

Character’s name

Adam CampbellRon
Adan CantoDominic Veracruz
Alexis CarraJessica Genser
Craig FrankCal
Ginger GonzagaMaya
Blake LeeTom
Vanessa LengiesKacey
Andrew SantinoBruce
Frankie ShawFab
Kate SimsesLiv

Link to discussion thread

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[ Last edited by codebreaker at 5-22-2014 19:32 ]
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  • waterlilybarb Treasure +2 thanks - ready to post 5-22-2014 11:07
  • waterlilybarb Points +10 thanks - ready to post 5-22-2014 11:07


Season 1

Episode 1: Tom & Maya (Feb/26/2014)
After recently been dumped Tom hasn't been out for years. His best friends Bruce and Cal decide to throw him back into the dating game, regardless of how he feels about it. The first date is set with Maya, an beautiful, brutal attorney that reduces Tom to tears.

Episode 2: Liv & Ron (Mar/05/2014)
Liv steps out of her comfort zone when she meets charming Brit Ron. Jessica and Fab compete over the handsome bartender while Tom learns how to be a wingman.

Episode 3: Bruce & Jessica (Mar/12/2014)
Bruce sets his sights on Jessica, a single mom, who proves to be more challenging than expected. Liv feels so alive with Ron that she starts behaving out of character. Maya fends off advances from some Hawaiians that think she is one of their own.

Episode 4: Cal & Kacey (Mar/19/2014)
Hopeless romantics and frequently heart-broken, Cal and Kacey seem perfect for each other, but Bruce has other ideas and tries to keep his friend from being a four time loser in love. Liv's wild night continues as she decides to give her panties to Ron while Jessica and Fab decide to engage in a friendly competition.

Episode 5: Fab & Jessica & Dominic (Mar/26/2014)
Jessica and Fab compete for Dominic, the bartender. Bruce, Cal and Tom can no longer get any service from Kacey, who is upset with Cal, so the guys risk giving up their table to move to a booth. Liv is shocked when she learns something intimate about Ron.

Episode 6: Tom & Maya Part II (Apr/02/2014)
Tom and Maya are hitting it off well, to the amazement of Bruce and Cal when trouble enters the bar in the form of Tom's ex-girlfriend. Liv makes friends with Jessica and Fab and asks for their advice with meeting guys. A group of firemen enter the bar and charm the ladies but Ron is in no mood to surrender.

Episode 7: Bruce & Fab (Apr/09/2014)
Bruce and Fab's intense dislike of each other lead to a bizarre bonding moment. Tom becomes the talk of bar and gains respect by accident. Liv and Maya track down the owner of a picture of a well endowed package.

Episode 8: Jessica & Ron (Apr/16/2014)
Jessica sets out to retrieve a delicate photo of herself from Ron's phone and ends up remembering how much she likes him. Maya talks to a man who thinks she is something she is not while Bruce searches for a woman who likes redheads.

Episode 9: Dominic & Kacey (Apr/23/2014)
Kacey gives Dominic an ultimatum about their relationship and is surprised by his answer. Dominic then seeks Tom's advice as to what he just agreed to. An intoxicated Liv is out of control and consumed with jealousy over Ron and Jessica.

Episode 10: Liv & Jim (Apr/30/2014)
After being caught at the bar by her fiancee, Liv tries to win Jim back. Bruce learns Tom and Cal sometimes choose not to hang out with him and it hurts his feelings.

Episode 11: Bruce & Maya (May/07/2014)
The night is drawing to a close and nobody wants to go home alone once it's last call. Bruce recruits Maya to fake flirt with him to get Jessica's attention, but when things start to look like they're getting serious between them, Tom gets nervous causing Cal to spring into action. Meanwhile, Fab spots her attractive gynecologist and debates whether or not she'd be able to date him.

Episode 12: Last Call (May/14/2014)
The bartenders have spoken and it's last call at Mix. Bar tabs aren't the only things that need to be closed as Tom finds himself bonding with Liv while she tries to help him take home Maya. But in the process, Liv and Tom can't help but realize they might actually be meant for each other instead. Bruce starts to panic when he realizes Jessica is probably going to go home with Dominic, so he sets out to find a backup girl he can take home but learns some things aren't always what they appear.

Episode 13: Closing Time (May/21/2014)
The night is coming to an end and it's Tom's last chance to ask Maya to go home with him, but Bruce and Cal explain the various obstacles that lie ahead that could prove costly on his quest to find love. Meanwhile, Bruce has to decide whether or not to make a final play for Jessica or go home with a girl who is infatuated with his red-headed attributes. Across town, Liv finds herself in a situation with Ron that comes down to a last minute decision that will ultimately affect her happiness. And Kacey will need to overlook some information she learns about Cal and decide if she still wants to keep her date with him.



[ Last edited by codebreaker at 5-22-2014 19:33 ]
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About Star-Crossed

Star-Crossed Premiered on The CW on February 17, 2014

About the Show:
When Emery was 6 years old, an alien spacecraft crash-landed in her small town. Whether they came in peace or with more sinister intentions didn't matter: a fierce battle erupted as humans fought for control over their new rivals, an alien species called the Atrians. In the midst of the conflict, Roman, a 6-year-old Atrian boy, found his way to a shed behind Emery's house, where she protected him from harm, bringing him food, comfort - and friendship. In their brief time together, Emery and Roman forged a deep bond, but the authorities wasted no time tracking Roman down and capturing him in a violent confrontation. Emery has grown up believing that Roman was killed that day. Ten years later, the Atrians have been acclimated to life on Earth, but they are interned in a heavily-guarded camp known as the Sector to keep them separate from humans. Now, for the first time, a group of Atrian teens will enroll in a suburban human high school, with the goal of testing the feasibility of human/alien integration. The eyes of the nation and the whole world are fixed on this historical social experiment, an endeavor fraught with suspicion and fear. In the mayhem of the first day, Emery is amazed to learn that Roman was not killed by the authorities and is, in fact, one of the Atrian students. Their childhood bond is quickly rekindled - in a school and a society that distrusts everything about the Atrians, Emery and Roman have found each other again. However, their relationship is threatened by the small-mindedness of their respective communities and the political agendas of people in power. While the world around them rages with anger and prejudice, their bond becomes increasingly strong and increasingly dangerous. As an epic Romeo and Juliet romance unfolds, a violent encounter between Roman's father and Emery's father occurs in the Sector. Can Roman and Emery's love - and peace between the species - survive?


Actor’s name

Character’s name

Aimee TeegardenEmery Whitehill
Matt LanterRoman
Grey DamonGrayson
Malese JowJulia
Greg FinleyDrake
Natalie HallTaylor
Titus Makin Jr.Lukas
Chelsea GilliganTeri

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[ Last edited by codebreaker at 5-22-2014 19:47 ]
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  • waterlilybarb Treasure +2 thanks - ready to post 5-22-2014 11:08
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Season 1

Episode 1: Pilot (Feb/17/2014)
An alien spacecraft crashes on earth and 6 year old Emery Whitehill befriends a young alien boy named Roman before he is taken away. After ten years, a group of Atrian teenagers are introduced into human society as an experiment where Emery and Roman reunite.

Episode 2: These Violent Delights Have Violent Ends (Feb/24/2014)
Roman is suspicious of his Uncle Castor showing up offering to help the family as he helps Sophia prepare for a funeral. Emery tries talking to Roman who wants nothing to do with her still, so she turns to Grayson. The Atrian Seven are invited to the school carnival, but Drake is kidnapped and Roman discovers a hit has been put out on Emery and her family at the event.

Episode 3: Our Toil Shall Strive to Mend (Mar/03/2014)
It's the tenth anniversary of "Arrival Day" and the town is preparing a commemoration for the fallen soldiers. Gloria selects a small group of human teenagers who will spend some time inside the sector to see what it's like to be an Atrian for a day. In addition, Gloria assigns Emery the task of filming the interactions. While Grayson offers to help her with the project, Roman strongly objects to Emery going inside the sector. Despite Roman's concern for her safety, Emery decides to move forward with the project. While Sophia is excited to show everyone around her pod, Teri and Drake resent the intrusion and decide to have a little fun at the humans' expense. However, when Drake is kidnapped during the tour, he's surprised by who is behind the abduction. Meanwhile, Julia confronts Roman with her suspicions about cyper.

Episode 4: And Left No Friendly Drop (Mar/10/2014)
Roman is furious when the sector guards ransack his family's pod looking for restricted technology. However, he is taken aback when his mother shows him a secret cell phone she found hidden in his late father's things. Roman takes the phone to school in hopes of retrieving the data and finding out what his father was hiding. Turning to a friend he trusts, Roman asks Julia for help and she introduces him to Lukas, a tech genius. Emery notices Roman's newfound closeness to Julia, but since Julia had promised to keep Roman's secret, she deflects Emery's questions, causing tensions between the friends. Grayson asks Emery to forgive him for the incident at the sector, but she's not sure she can trust him. Meanwhile, with Emery's encouragement, and under Teri's watchful eye, Sophia decides to join the swim team and blows everyone away with her speed. Unfortunately, not everyone is thrilled to have Brina on the team and when she is poisoned by rivals, an all-out brawl ensues. The Trags give Drake a mission.

Episode 5: Dreamers Often Lie (Mar/17/2014)
When Gloria tells the Atrian Seven they are allowed to spend some time outside their sector, Roman sees it as an opportunity to further investigate his father's mysterious past and makes a stunning discovery. Emery and Grayson go out on a date, but their night is ruined after Eric calls Grayson for help and ends up putting everyone in danger. Drake mistakes Taylor for an undercover Trag, and Lukas makes his move on Sophia.

Meanwhile, Teri tries to take over Drake's mission.

Episode 6: Stabbed with a White Wench's Black Eye (Mar/24/2014)
When Emery is confronted by a tabloid photographer with video of her talking about cyper, she enlists Julia's help to find a replacement story for him. Meanwhile, Drake tells Roman that Grayson's parents are the leaders of the Red Hawks. When Grayson's parents throw a big charity ball at their house, Drake makes plans to go, at Vega's request, to undertake an important mission. Roman goes to the party to make sure Drake stays out of trouble, but gets caught in the middle of a kidnapping scheme.

Episode 7: To Seek a Foe (Mar/31/2014)
Grayson continues to seek solace from Emery after the incident with his mother. Feeling guilty for her part in everything, Emery tells Julia she's going to support Grayson during this trying time with his family, putting her relationship with Roman on hold. Zoe sets a trap for Taylor using black cyper, but Lukas is the one affected and is rushed to the hospital. When Roman realizes black cyper is involved, he and Drake try to find a cure for the deadly poison before it kills Lukas. Meanwhile, Eva gets closer to the truth about Julia's recovery.

Episode 8: An Old Accustom'd Feast (Apr/07/2014)
Roman invites Emery inside the sector to celebrate Dinaskyu, an Atrian holiday that celebrates the family. Emery asks Sophia for tips on how to impress her mother. Vega tells Drake that with Zoe missing, they've tapped him to be their new undercover operative, which means he'll be leaving town and getting his markings removed. When Roman goes to Vega and asks her to reconsider sending Drake away, she offers him a way out. Meanwhile, Eva approaches Julia with an offer. When Julia refuses, Eva takes her mission to a dangerous place. Finally, Grayson confronts Emery about her feelings for Roman.

Episode 9: Some Consequences Yet Hanging In The Stars (Apr/14/2014)
Roman argues with Emery about whether he can trust his uncle Castor. However, when Roman asks his uncle about the day their spaceship crashed, Castor's reaction is far from what he expected. Meanwhile, Grayson tries to remember what happened the night he blacked out, and Taylor throws a "meteor shower" party to spend more time with Drake. Still unable to deny her feelings for Roman, Teri makes a decision that puts her in grave danger.

Episode 10: What Storm Is This That Blows So (Apr/21/2014)
A hurricane suddenly hits the town and everyone is trapped inside the school. Teri drugs Roman, which leaves him very paranoid and very angry. While drugged he says some very hurtful things to Emery that alter their relationship. Taylor convinces Drake that they should go public as a couple. However, when Grayson overhears the couple talking, he blackmails Drake into breaking up with Taylor. Meanwhile, Julia turns to Emery for help after Eva threatens her.

Episode 11: Give Me a Torch (Apr/28/2014)
Rumors that Taylor could be pregnant spread whilst a misinformed Vartan kidnaps Emery. MVega wants Teri's help to find the Iksen's key. Roman and Castor give their testimony about the spaceship crash.

Episode 12: This Trick May Chance to Scathe You (May/05/2014)
Roman and Drake find out that the Trags are making a bomb and ask Grayson for help. Emery needs Sophia and Lucas' help to smuggle the bomb out of the sector.

Episode 13: Passion Lends Them Power (May/12/2014)
Roman is hurt and Emery turns to a friend for help. Vega manages to set off the Suvek during a parade whilst Teri overhears some something surprising from Vega.



[ Last edited by codebreaker at 5-22-2014 19:48 ]
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About New Worlds

New Worlds Premiered on Channel 4 on April 01, 2014

About the Show:
Gripping historical drama set in the turbulent 1680s. This sequel to The Devil's Whore takes place on both sides of the Atlantic, as two young men and two young women commit their lives to a fairer future with blood, passion and urgency.

Written and created by Peter Flannery, and set during the Restoration period, New Worlds is a gripping story of love and loss and the human price paid for the freedoms we enjoy today.

Starring Jamie Dornan, Freya Mavor, Alice Englert and Joe Dempsie.


Actor’s name

Character’s name

Jamie DornanAbe Goffe
Freya MavorBeth Fanshawe
Joe DempsieNed Hawkins
Alice EnglertHope Russell

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[ Last edited by codebreaker at 5-22-2014 19:54 ]
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Season 1

Episode 1: (Apr/01/2014)
Ned Hawkins warns the residents of Hadley to keep up with the rents owed to his father's company, but is interrupted when a Native American attacks. At Fanshawe House, Beth, the daughter of the Countess of Seacourt, is celebrating her 21st birthday. The celebrations are interrupted though as outlaws attempt to rob the guests. Beth ends up being kidnapped and taken into the woods by Abe Goffe He wants to know whether Beth can stand by as the liberties won with her father's Civil War blood are destroyed.

Episode 2: (Apr/08/2014)
Ned's father sends him to England to keep him away from the King's agents. Ned wants his father to give Hope a letter, but he ends up destroying it and insists Hope marry Henry Cresswell. In Oxfordshire Abe and Beth's love is growing stronger. They blow up the clay pits where the George Hardwick is forcing everybody to work like slaves for him.

Episode 3: (Apr/15/2014)
Beth's efforts to start a new life in the New World ends abruptly after her ship is wrecked just off the shores of Massachusetts. She is found by Masca, the leader of the Native American Wawanaki tribe and is taken in and slowly begins to recover. After Ned returns to Boston, he is upset to discover Hope stuck in a loveless marriage to Henry.

Episode 4: (Apr/22/2014)
Ned returns back home to Hope and tells her that he wants them to have a future together. Abe manages to escape from jail and having decided against a life of violence he dedicates his life to spreading Colonel Sidney's revolutionary ideas. Beth decides it is time to return to England after she learns about Charles' death and is reunited with Abe.



[ Last edited by codebreaker at 5-22-2014 19:54 ]
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About W1A

W1A Premiered on BBC Two on  March 19, 2014

About the Show:
The follow-up to 'Twenty Twelve' as Ian Fletcher takes up the position of 'Head of Values' at the BBC.


Actor’s name

Character’s name

Hugh BonnevilleIan Fletcher
Jessica HynesSiobhan Sharpe
Sarah ParishAnna Rampton
Jason WatkinsSimon Harwood
Monica DolanTracey Pritchard
Nina SosanyaLucy Freeman
Rufus JonesDavid Wilkes
Hugh SkinnerWill Humphries

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[ Last edited by codebreaker at 5-22-2014 19:58 ]
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  • waterlilybarb Treasure +2 thanks - ready to post 5-22-2014 11:08


Season 1

Episode 1: (Mar/19/2014)
Ian struggles to find somewhere to sit in the new BBC building as it's been designed with no desks. Nigel Trescott makes a complaint that Cornwall is been under-represented by the BBC and a local news presenter gets involved in the scandal as well. A PR company suggests getting Sally to do something on a high profile BBC show to stop some of the damage. Producer Lucy Freeman has a new idea for a show. Whilst the office copes with losing Clare Balding to ITV.

Episode 2: (Mar/26/2014)
Ian has his first big interview with Jenni Murray on Women's hour were he faces tough questions about sexism and agism. Clare Balding is now available again to co-present with Alan Titchmarsh, but her replacement has already been found in Carol Vorderman.

Episode 3: (Apr/02/2014)
Ian is still struggling to find his place at the corporation as head of output Anna Rampton moves 'Songs of Praise' to radio to free up a primetime slot for her own new show. Ian's salary comes under scrutiny from the press. Siobhan and her team are asked to refresh the BBC logo.

Episode 4: (Apr/09/2014)
Siobhan and her team unveil ideas for the new logo. Ian's salary is published in a national paper, leaving the BBC to decide whether to just keep him on, or for him to decidedly make their decision and take a pay cut. All three presenters of 'Britain's Tastiest Village' have now dropped out, so the search continues.



[ Last edited by codebreaker at 5-22-2014 19:58 ]
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I can do both for

About a Boy done
Growing Up Fisher done
Mind Games done
From Dusk Till Dawn: The Series done

And I can do About for

Riot done

[ Last edited by codebreaker at 5-24-2014 06:34 ]


About About a Boy

About a Boy Premiered on NBC on February 22, 2014

About the Show:
Based on the best-selling novel by Nick Hornby ("High Fidelity," "An Education"), written and produced by Jason Katims ("Friday Night Lights," " Parenthood"), and directed by Jon Favreau ("Iron Man," "Revolution") comes a different kind of coming-of-age story.

After writing a hit song, Will Freeman (David Walton, "Bent," " Perfect Couples") was granted a life of free time, free love and freedom from financial woes. He's single, unemployed and loving it. So imagine his surprise when Fiona (Minnie Driver, "Good Will Hunting," "Barney's Version"), a needy single mom and her oddly charming 11-year-old son, Marcus (Benjamin Stockham, "1600 Penn"), move in next door and disrupt his perfect world.

When Marcus begins dropping by his home unannounced, Will's not so sure about being a kid's new best friend, until, of course, Will discovers that women find single dads irresistible. That changes everything and a deal is struck: Marcus will pretend to be Will's son and in return, Marcus is allowed to chill at Will's house, playing Ping-Pong and gorging on steaks, something his very vegan mom would never allow. Before he realizes it, Will starts to enjoy the visits and even finds himself looking out for the kid. In fact, this newfound friendship may very well teach him a thing or two that he never imagined possible - about himself and caring for others. Also starring is Al Madrigal ("Gary Unmarried").

Katims, Favreau, Tim Bevan ("Les Misérables," "About a Boy"), Eric Fellner ("Les Misérables," "About a Boy"), Liza Chasin ("Les Misérables," "About a Boy"), Robert De Niro ("About a Boy," "Meet the Parents") and Jane Rosenthal ("About a Boy," "Meet the Parents") serve as executive producers. "About a Boy" is a production of Universal Television, Working Title Films, True Jack Productions and Tribeca Productions.


Actor’s name

Character’s name

David WaltonWill Freeman
Minnie DriverFiona Bowa
Benjamin StockhamMarcus Bowa
Al MadrigalAndy

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[ Last edited by codebreaker at 5-24-2014 06:38 ]
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  • waterlilybarb Points +10 thanks - ready to post 5-22-2014 13:37


Season 1

Episode 1: Pilot (Feb/22/2014)
Will wrote a smash hit song and has managed so far to live a peaceful and comfortable lifestyle. All of that is about to be disrupted when he meets his new neighbor, a newly single female and her charming 11 year old son.

Episode 2: About Total Exuberance (Mar/04/2014)
Fiona has a job interview she has to go to and Andy manages to guilt trip Will into babysitting Marcus. However when they receive a invitation to a last minute once-in-a-lifetime charity pool party hosted by Lil Jon the situation gets complicated.

Episode 3: About a Godfather (Mar/11/2014)
Will's friendship with Andy is changing with Andy's responsibilities as a father, much to Will's annoyance. Their friendship is tested when Andy and his wife ask Will to be godfather to their children, and Will must decide what it means to be a good friend.

Episode 4: About a Girl (Mar/18/2014)
Will's advice about girls ends up a disaster, but Fiona steps in to help Marcus get invited to Hannah's birthday party.

Episode 5: About a Plumber (Mar/25/2014)
Marcus starts pushing Will toward his mother, so Will tries to draw boundaries. Meanwhile, Dakota pushes Fiona to start dating, starting with her plumber.

Episode 6: About a Buble (Apr/01/2014)
Marcus has an accident at home while Fiona is working and Will takes him to the emergency room, where he meets the woman of his dreams. The problem arises when he must decide whether to be honest about his songwriting.

Episode 7: About a Poker Night (Apr/08/2014)
Marcus attends his first sleepover, which leaves Fiona searching for something to keep her occupied. When the opportunity arises, she crashes Will's poker party.

Episode 8: About a Slopmaster (Apr/15/2014)
Fiona participates in Marcus's class and tries to teach him a lesson about hard work, but the lesson falls on deaf ears thanks to Will. Meanwhile Will is determined to get closer to Sam so he goes all out on a party for her benefit.

Episode 9: About a Kiss (Apr/22/2014)
Will crashes Andy and Laurie's game night after he learns Fiona will be TJ's date. Marcus' evening at his babysitter's house starts off badly, but ends on a high point.

Episode 10: About a Boy's Dad (Apr/29/2014)
Marcus' father comes to visit from his job in Antarctica, but he doesn't seem to express much interest in spending time with his son. Will can't help himself and gets caught up in the middle.

Episode 11: About a Birthday Party (May/06/2014)
Will is determined to make Marcus' birthday party an event to remember, but he inadvertently creates a scheduling conflict with Sam's important gala.

Episode 12: About a Hammer (May/13/2014)
Will invites Sam to temporarily move in with him when she is forced to evacuate her apartment. However, when Andy warns Will that his home will soon be transformed into her place, similar to what had transpired with him and Annie, Will starts to panic. Meanwhile, Fiona misreads a conversation and is under the false impression that Sam is pregnant and Will and Marcus build a treehouse together.

Episode 13: About a Rib Chute (May/13/2014)
Will is completely heartbroken when Sam receives a job opportunity she can't refuse in New York, prompting Fiona and Marcus to try their best to comfort their friend. With her absence weighing on his mind, Will turns to Andy for his sage advice in figuring out how to best move forward.



[ Last edited by codebreaker at 5-24-2014 06:39 ]
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About Growing Up Fisher

Growing Up Fisher Premiered on NBC on February 23, 2014

About the Show:
It's not every family that's brought closer together by divorce, but then again, the Fishers are anything but typical. Take Mel Fisher (J.K. Simmons, "The Closer," "Law & Order"), for example. He's chopping down trees, showing his daughter how to drive, and playing football with his son… except that Mel's blind. Then there's Joyce (Jenna Elfman, "Dharma & Greg," "1600 Penn"), who is your typical teenager - really into fashion, busy with school - but the problem is she's Mom. That makes it difficult for her actual teenage daughter, Katie (Ava Deluca-Verley, "Southland"), whose advice (and clothes) Joyce is always seeking. At the center of all this is Henry (Eli Baker), the Fishers' 11-year-old son. Having always been his dad's eyes and wingman, Henry is less than thrilled when his job is outsourced to Mel's new guide dog, Elvis. While the boy is at first reluctant to accept the changes that Elvis brings, adult Henry (voiceover by Jason Bateman, "Arrested Development," "Identity Thief") realizes upon reflection that his parents' split finally allowed the Fishers to become one happy (divorced) family.

Inspired by his own life, DJ Nash ("Up All Night," "Bent") serves as executive producer along with Bateman, Jim Garavente ("Identity Thief") and Tucker Cawley ("Up All Night," "Everybody Loves Raymond"). "Growing Up Fisher" is a production of Universal Television and Aggregate Films.


Actor’s name

Character’s name

J.K. SimmonsMel Fisher
Jenna ElfmanJoyce Fisher
Eli BakerHenry Fisher
Ava Deluca-VerleyKatie Fisher
Lance LimRunyen

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