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Glee Season 1-6 General Discussion Thread (Spoilers)

5x12 - 100

Past and current members reuniting for one final assignment was a nice way to celebrate the 100th episode


5x13 New Directions

April and Holly playing kill, marry or bone was amusing as Will was on both their lists and the chums daydream was amusing as it was obviously based on friends but with the graduation and the end of Glee club this could of been a series finale


5x14 New New York

Artie having his backpack stolen with a guy on crutches was cruel but amusing as they caught the guy responsible


5x15 Bash

Mercedes and Sam getting caught playing footsie under the table was amusing and I'm not surprised Sam meeting her friends didn't go well, Kurt getting attacked because of his sexual preference was diabolical


5x16 Tested

Blaine's obsession with New York cuisine was bound to put on some weight but splitting his trousers was amusing and Sam wanting to get tested for STDs because Mercedes is a virgin was a mature thing to do and the boys joining him was great but Artie's test coming back positive for ?Chlamydia was a surprise and having more than one girlfriend was unfortunate


5x17 Opening Night

Rachel laying into Sue for using her place as a knocking shop was a surprising but as she has been evil from the start it's about time someone stood up to her


5x18 The Back-Up Plan

Rachel threatening her leading role in Funny Girl by auditioning for a TV pilot was crazy as she is just starting to get recognised and she hadn't even read the script


5x19 Old Dog, New Tricks

Kurt getting the lead role in a retirement home after the last on died was surprising and Rachel attempts to salvage her reputation by creating a charity for rescue animals was worrying as it was just going to be a publicity stunt


5x20 The Untitled Rachel Berry Project

Sam dealing with the pressure of commitment was made harder with all the young dancers but him walking out after the sexy photographer kissed him was impressive and Rachel's so called writer was strange

