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CSI Miami Season 7-10 General Discussion Thread (Spoilers)

Reply 47#47 bala's post

Why didnt he explain to the team when he handed the shell casing because he had already told Horatio and the kid was safe


Episode 21 Chip-Tuck

I feel sorry for any women that watches this that wears a wig or hair extensions


Reply 51#51 bala's post

That would be like a jigsaw puzzle


Reply 55#55 bala's post

I recognized her from Sons of Anarchy and Jericho


Reply 58#58 bala's post

That would be quick but painful


Reply 63#63 bala's post

Yes good episode i was starting to think Ivan was like a cat with 9 lives but he must of used them all up but what about Eric was he already shot or was he shot by Calleigh


Reply 65#65 bala's post

Eric has risked everything for his father maybe even his life and job


CSI Miami 8x01 Out of Time (2)

Good flash back episode when Horatio flashes back 12 years to remember how the team was created


CSI Miami 8x02 Hostile Takeover

Great episode when the lab is attacked, Horatio must fulfill a gunman's unique request in order to save five hostages all this to uncover a counterfeiter and a child abuser


CSI Miami 8x03 Bolt Action

That was clever the way he managed to kill the three volleyball players in plain sight of every one


Reply 12#12 bala's post

Can you imagine siting on a toilet and seeing that


CSI Miami 8x05 Bad Seed

Interesting episode it is enough to put you of salads for life and i liked the way Horatio got his full confession from Jerry Mackey

[ Last edited by codebreaker at 10-20-2009 18:47 ]


CSI Miami 8x06 Dude, Where's My Groom

Good episode he was one lucky groom that will probably never go to a strip club again and his friends signature got them court for the killing


Reply 22#22 bala's post

Great episode i had a feeling that there was more to the couple using the credit card


8x08 Point of Impact

Good episode this was a new twist on the consequences of using drugs but what a price to pay


Reply 26#26 bala's post

The wife looking for the life insurance before the body was cold looked suspicious but lets hope the CEO had life insurance on himself it would be a shame to wast his life


8x10 Count Me Out

Good episode that was a close call for Ryan and Natalia when the meth lab explodes and i am glad that Calleigh when back and arrested that arrogant woman


Reply 31#31 bala's post

Great episode Eric working for the other side put a interesting view on the evidence and who would of thought that breakfast would be the turning point in the case


Reply 33#33 bala's post

That was over the top by the mother getting that boy to expose the stand in with tragic consequences


8x14 In The Wind

Good episode the man on death row nearly got away with it all because the the old lady changed her statement but thanks to the wind machine confirmed her original statement


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