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Raines Season 1 General Discussion Thread (Spoilers)

1x01 Pilot

Interesting first episode with Raines being  haunted by the murdered victim but she keeps hounding him with one crucial question -- who did this?. I was curios why she didn't help him find out why it was but giving the money to her mother was a nice touch


Reply 3#3 bala's post

What about his ex partner Charlie


1x02 Meet Juan Doe

Another interesting episode, i liked that when Raines had eventually identified Julio that his face then became clear and Julio sense of hummer was amusing but how tragic to be killed by his father because he thought he was an assassin


1x03 Reconstructing Alice

Alice the homeless woman turning up in Raines hallucinations at the motel as a maid and sticking her tongue out in the psychiatrists office was amusing


1x04 Stone Dead

The retired drug dog wrecking the shop was amusing and the junkie keeping the murder weapon because it was a collectible was stupid


1x05 5th Step

All the cop drawing their guns because the one cop seen something shining in his pocket but the kid stole a stapler was amusing but the Judge hiring a hit man to kill his wife all because of the people he sentenced was disgusting and the hit man in the boot didn't stand a chance once the shooting started


1x06 Inner Child

Raines trying to be careful how he discussed the case of the ten-year-old girl that was rape and murdered was nice but when the prime suspect is also killed by her father it gets interesting and amusing


1x07 Closure

The car full of victims from the plane crash was amusing But the mechanic killing four innocent passenger because he was having an affair the one passengers wife was crazy

