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The girly`s ......giggle box

Reply 2537#2537 meljones_83's post

I know what you mean about not being able to get up when you have the flu!  I vaguely remember when I had the flu.  I was about 12 at the time.  I spent the entire 48 hours on the couch watching tv cuz i couldn't do much of anything else and the couch was closer to the bathroom than my bed was so just in case.  I've also never gotten a flu shot.  I mean yeah I've been sick during flu season, but it usually just a cold or once a stomach virus, but nothing that the flu shot would help prevent.


I haven't had time to catch up from what I missed yet, but I just wanted to check in and say "Hi".  I'm back from my very short break for Thanksgiving.  It was nice to be with my family even if it was just for the weekend.  Well I'm off to was a long weekend!  Hope everyone is doing well!


I realized it'd been a while since I changed my meez.  I was trying to find something winter-y but unfortunately couldn't find cute winter-esque clothes so i went for a cute outfit and coffee cuz i'll be running off of caffinee for the next week and a half due to finals


Reply 2568#2568 themegababe's post

Meg i probably would have chosen that hyped up on coffee animation too if I had seen it.  On a given exam day i go to starbucks usually twice (once in the morning and once before the exam) All that caffinne affects my sleeping but at least i don't fall asleep during my exams

Woah my smilies are rearranged!  I couldn't find the one i was looking for cuz it moved...that was weird!

And as much as all of you seem to love living in such cold places, I don't think I could live in a place where you have to defrost your car just to get inside.  I love the cold, but that is just too cold for me!  I prefer to freeze while walking to the car then get right in and blast the heat to warm myself up.  Or our recent coldness which actually isn't that cold just really comfortable especially in the sun.  I do wish it would snow though!  It has been cold enough, just not the right type of cold since well this is florida


Reply 2581#2581 cshapiro's post

I don't know in comparison to where you are, but Germany is not know to have mild winters.  But I've never actually been, I just hear from my friends who live in Europe and have been.

So it randomly got warm here and it is now throwing off my immune system...just what i need a cold during finals! At least I won't freeze while taking my exams though.  I can deal with a little runny nose and a cough as long as it doesn't get worse!  But I hear it is supposed to get cold again next week.  All this drastic temperature change is not good for me!  I'd rather it stay one temperature all season, preferably a nice comfortable cold but that will never happen!  Our winters can range from highs in the 80s to lows in the 20s F in the same week!


Reply 2600#2600 waterlilybarb's post

Wow that's a lot of snow!  I can't even imagine what a Canadian winter must be like!  I out by Lake Louise one July and there was a snow storm.  I also got stuck in a soft patch of snow that ended up coming up to my waist.  Though it was fun to hike in the snow in the summertime .  Even when I used to go skiing we went in the Spring not Winter because it is warmer.  The one winter we went skiing and we got caught dog sledding when a blizzard began.  Luckily we got back inside to defrost in front of the fire place before the storm really picked up.  I don't think I'd ever been so cold!


Reply 2602#2602 waterlilybarb's post

I take it back it wasn't july.  I was there in June.  It was actually the first week of the season and much of the snow had not melted yet thus turning easy hikes into hard ones and many trails were still closed.  But still I don't think snow in June is all that common either


Hi everyone!  I'm not fully caught up yet, but I just wanted to pop by and say Hello.  I just got back to school today after a very nice break.  I helped a few of my friends escape the Northeastern cold and stay with me in sunny south florida for break Seriously though this was one of the warmest winters i've seen in Miami in a long time!  I actually wore shorts almost everyday!  I hated it!  I love florida winters because they are usually the perfect tempertaure to just hang out outside.  This was like summer!  Okay I'll stop complaining now because I know you all are dealing with shoveling snow and such and I'm complaining about it being too hot I guess that's just global warming for us the cold is getting colder and the hot is getting hotter.

Well I should get to sleep now.  Classes start in the morning (well afternoon becuase I worked my schedule to not have a class before 1 in the afternoon.  The only downside is somedays i'm in class until 7 but it's better than waking up at 7!)

I hope everyone enjoyed their holidays and is having a great start to 2009!  Can you believe we are almost a decade into the millenium?  I swear 2000 was not that long ago! lol


Reply 2649#2649 shinny's post

from what I've heard the recovery for the surgery isn't so bad.  I still have to get mine out too, I just haven't been able to find a good time.  Some advice I have been given (as weird as it may sound I've been told it helps) is to take a D or DD bra and put a bag of ice wrapped in a towel in each cup then secure it to your head so the ice is on either side of your mouth.  It may look goofy, but that way you don't have to sit with the ice in your hands and have your hands free to do whatever.


Just dropping in to say "Hi".  I just got back from a lovely long girls weekend in New York with my mom and sisters.  It was nice.  Not too cold, but there it did snow yesterday.  About two inches in the morning and probably another two or three at night.  It'd been a while since I'd seen snow actually falling from the sky.  I saw Equus, the show with Daniel Radcliff and Richard Griffiths.  It was amazing!  Both of them were great and the choreography was excellent!  I also saw In The Heights which was also good.  Both were very different from anything I'd ever seen before.

Anyone here heading down to (or already in) D.C. for the inauguration?  I've got a few friends who flew up.  That's a once in a lifetime experience!


I am looking at an apartment to live in next year here at school.  From what I've seen so far it is really nice and cheaper than some of the other places I've seen.  I am really excited to be done with the whole dorm thing!  I can't wait to have my own bathroom again


Thanks Barb and Shinny.  I actually signed my lease on Friday.  I still have roommates (well housemates) but we each have our own room and bathroom and our rents are individual so we don't have to worry about the others not paying which is one reason why we chose this place over others.  Then my friend and I went out to celebrate.  We ended up taking a spontaneous road trip down to Orlando yesterday to see Rocky Horror Live at the movie theatre in CityWalk (where Universal Studio's entrance is).  Her aunt was staying in Disney so we had a free hotel room to crash students on a budget It was a lot of fun!  I absolutely love that movie and with the audience interaction it just makes it so much fun!  One weird thing about it though is that the movie starts out with a flat tire and our little trip started out with a flat tire too (my car unfortunately but an easy fix!)  We considered it either a huge coincident or it was fate for us to take this spontaneous trip lol


Reply 2682#2682 shinny's post

It's so pretty blanketed in snow!  Though I have to say I prefer visiting not living in snowy climates.  I have learned that where I now live it does get cold enough to be below freezing (no where near as close to where you live though Barb) but we don't have the right weather conditions for snow.  We are now on one of our temperature dropping weeks so by the end of the week it should be down to the 20-30s F, fortunately/unfortunately it will only stay that way for a few days then it is back up and back down again.  I personally love this type of weather where it is cold, but not too cold, but I've also never lived in a place that has such temperature extremes so often that it is really affecting my immune system and I have been constantly sick for the past few weeks, nothing too bad that it affects my day to day things, but due to the weather drops and rises i just can't overcome it which sucks.

On a happier note, did I mention I am going back to Israel in a month?  I'm doing and Alternative Spring Break program and going to help some poorer towns in need and the money I raised to go (it was free with fundraising) is going to help build secure playgrounds for kids who are living in the war zone right now so are unable to play safely outside.  I really wanted to build bomb shelters in the city of Sderot (a city that really needs it, for more info check out wikipedia or if you want) but Sderot is currently in the hot zone of missile attacks from the war with Gaza so instead I'm going to Dimona which is closer to the Jordanian boarder and also where the Black Hebrews live (decendents of the lost tribe of Dan found to be living in Uganda or Ethiopia i can't remember like 10 years ago then were brought to live in Israel to escape a civil war there).  I'm really excited.  It's not going to be a relaxing Spring Break for me, but it should be a great experience.


Reply 2687#2687 studiojek's post

Congratulations!  That so exciting to know it's a girl.


Just stopping in to say "Hi".  I had quite a busy week with exams so I was not able to get online much.  I've got a ton of shows still left to catch up on before new one start airing tomorrow so this is just a quick visit.

On the topic of the ever changing weather.  I am getting quite annoyed with the weather here as it is literally ever changing!  For the past month or so we have not had the same weather two days in a row.  The temperature fluctuates from a beautifully warm 70s F to the coldest I've seen being the low teens to somewhere in the middle that would be really nice if it would stop raining.  It seems as we get closer to Spring the temperature here fluctuates more than normal.  The other day I went to class all bundled up at around 1:00 pm because it was low in the 50s and when I got back from class around 4:00 pm it was probably in the mid 70s so I had to debundle, then that night it was in the high teens with a wind chill of 8 F.  Yeah something is just not right about that!  Climates should not be so extreme.  Something needs to be done about Global Warming.

Wow I got a little carried away from my quick visit.  Global Warming and environmental issues have just been on my mind more lately because they are the reason why our weather can't seem to decide if it wants to be hot or cold or somewhere in between, it chooses all three!


Reply 2708#2708 waterlilybarb's post

I've never noticed the difference between caffeinated tea and decaf, but that could be because growing up we only had caffeine free because caffeine and my mom don't agree well.  I wonder now that I only drink caffeinated tea if I would be able to tell the difference.  I might have to test that.  Hmm I never realized caffeine had that first "e" in it until now.  I've spelled it wrong my entire life!


Reply 2712#2712 shinny's post

I had never had milk in my tea until my program last year when one of my British friends made me a cup of tea and put milk in it.  I have to say I am a fan of milk in tea now.  Though some kinds I prefer just with sugar, there are others I now take with milk.  My favorite is Chai, though it is hard to find good Chai tea here.  I am also a big fan of green tea with mint leaves.


Reply 2717#2717 gypsiegirl66's post

Welcome Gypsy!  I hope you are feeling better!  It's nice to see you around again =)

and Barb, that was too cute!  Thanks!


Reply 2719#2719 gypsiegirl66's post

Hi.  School going well.  Classes are hard, but I'm taking classes I'm interested in so i'm enjoying them and there are always fun things going on around campus and in my sorority.  The only big news in my life right now (other than the Gators winning the national championship again woohoo!) is that I will be going to Israel in 21 days for my spring break.  I'll be mostly in the south doing community service work in underdeveloped poor neighborhoods.  But we will be in Jerusalem for Shabbat so I'll get to do a little bit of the touristy stuff.  I'm really excited!  It's not exactly what I wanted to do (which was build bomb shelters in Sderot) but unfortunately Sderot is not a safe place to be now because of the War with Gaza.  But the money I raised for this program is going toward building a safe playground so the children of Sderot can have a safe place to play.

Oh other big new, my sister got accepted in University of Florida on Friday.  I'm really excited for her.  I want her to be here with me, but I have a feeling she will probably end up at UNC-Chapel Hill if she can get scholarship money.


Hi Giggle Box!

I'm finally back =)  Things just got crazy with finals and moving home, but I'm finally home for the summer.  It seems like I missed a lot!  The upgrade looks nice.  

Well I hope you all are doing well.  I'm still making my way around the forum trying to catch up on what I missed during my time away.  It's nice to be back

