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The girly`s ......giggle box

Reply 2158#2158 themegababe's post

Meg is you're Meez doing Soulja Boy?  I sat there trying to figure out what dance it was doing and that is the closest i could come up with lol


Reply 2161#2161 themegababe's post

I know what you mean about getting all this energy on the weekend and just wanting to dance!  When I was in Israel every wednesday night we had this club that closed down just for us and we would stay there hang out and dance until the wee hours of the morning with all of my best friends.  It was a great way to blow off steam after a week full of classes!

Hopefully tonight I'll be going out downtown.  The people I've been meeting don't really plan in advance so I just sorta wait until we all decided when we are leaving and where we are going.  Now I'm off to this big carnival my school throws where they have slip-n-slides and stuff and a lot of clubs set up so you can learn more about them.  The rest of the weekend is study, study, study...I've got two exams next week cuz it is halfway through the semester.  It's not midterms cuz summer is abridged so we don't have actual midterms of finals.


Reply 2166#2166 themegababe's post

I agree, I like papers better than exams too, but hate the hours going into writing the papers!  With papers you learn to write more toward the bias of the instructor (for example for my final papers for my Arab-Israeli Conflict class I focussed on the issues my teacher liked to talk about, not the issues I particularly prefer discussing).  With exams you either know the stuff or you don't.  There is no way to pretend to know what you are talking about even if you don't and still get a good grade (I don't know how many times I've done that )  For one of my classes though our exams are all online so they are open notes and many students take them together in groups.  Summer semester for incoming students is supposed to be and easy class load and just give you a chance to get used to the campus and adjust to college life so the classes they offer are the easy general education required classes and instructors tend to be more lax on grading and course content.


meg i just noticed our Meez are wearing the same dress in different colors =) good tastes lol

Barb good luck packing and congrats on  finding a place to rent!  Smart to pack in tasks!  I have found though the only thing I hate more than packing is unpacking (unless that unpacking involved throwing everything into the wash lol)!  I too hate cleaning out my closet, but it can be fun finding things you forgot you had.  Packing can be a nostalgic task!


Reply 2190#2190 themegababe's post

I remember A Teens.  When I saw Mamma Mia on Broadway I though they took all the songs from A Teens.  ahaha i was young


Reply 2192#2192 waterlilybarb's post

dancing in the isles of the supermarket sounds fun! =)  I sometimes sing along to the music too, but very quietly because I cannot sing very well so I'll spare those around me from hearing my horrible voice (except for my friends who seem to love to hear me sing cuz they think it's funny). Glad you got your stuff done before the rain.  We had a huge rain storm here too, luckily I made it back from class right before it started to poor!

Your meez is not doing a mild freak out it is actually sleeping which is probably what you should be doing...getting some rest.  packing is exhausting!


Penny I am so sorry to hear about your daughter's fiance.  It sounds like he is getting the best care possible which is good. It is so sad though!


I just accomplished something and had no one to tell so I thought I'd share my new with you girlies...
After months of frustrating attempts, I have just solved my first 4x4 Rubik's Cube Revenge (with only a little help from the internet to ease my frustration).  Now I just have to see if I remember what I did or it was just a fluke solve.  I know what I'll be doing on my 2 hour plane ride to New York on Thursday now

hmm... maybe soon I'll have to go find a 5x5 to try.  what can I say i like to challenge myself


so my Meez is of shopping the streets of New York City because that is where I will be this weekend =)  I am so excited!  I am going to meet five of my friends from my program in Israel and we are having a Gossip Girl style reunion in NYC (We watched Gossip Girl religiously together so we found it fitting lol)  I'm leaving thursday right after my classes so after tomorrow i won't be on until I get back sunday night


I am now back from New York and had an amazing trip!  It was my friends first time in NYC so it was fun to show her around and see her reactions to everything.  She was like a little kid in a candy store I saw Spring Awakening on Broadway which was a great show!  and one of the actors did a lot of TV including a reoccuring role as Kyle on Lost.  If I would have known this before I would have gotten his autograph, but i did get to see him up close =)

Reply  2226#2226 meljones_83's post
Mel that all sounds very exciting!  I think there can be good stress!  The feeling of being stressed isn't that wonderful, but on a situation by situation basis it guess it can.  A wedding is probably the perfect example because while the planning of it is stressful, the outcome is supposed to be one of the happiest times of your life right?  Have fun with it and don't worry about the small details those can be worked out later.  (my first apartment in Israel wasn't fully furnished until the week before we moved out and we had no kitchen table for about a month so we found an old coffee table someone discarded and brought it up to our apartment so we could have something to eat made the experience unique )

Reply  2228#2228 angel-87's post
angel-87, welcome to the girlie's giggle box and welcome to the forum!  its always a pleasure to see new faces around (well so to speak )


Reply 2230#2230 angel-87's post

You are very welcome!  I remember when I was a newbie on here (it is hard to believe it's almost been a year!)  Anyway I came across this thread and everyone was so nice and welcoming I stuck around.  I came on this site to earn points and todiscuss all the shows I love with people who equally love them, but I keep coming back for the people.  This thread is the only one of its kind where we just chat, giggle, vent, we used to use a lot more images but don't really do that much anymore.  We are one big happy FriendVista family!


Reply 2233#2233 redsoxpatriot30's post

definitely not a family friendly show, but the music and choreography are great!

Mel, you'll have a great time in NYC.  It is one of my favorite places to visit because there is always something to do!  It is a great place to make your first trip to the State.  The most common first trips (at least within people i've met) are New York, Miami, or California.  New York has great shopping, great food, great theatre, a great atmosphere and is like no where else!  I mean when I was there I was just walking down the street and walked right by a photoshoot.  Now that can only happen in a place like New York City!


Where is everybody?

This site has been unusually quite these past couple of days.  I know certain people are away, but where is everyone else?


Reply 2243#2243 meljones_83's post

It's been raining all week here too!  There's a hurricane on it's way to south florida.  my brother and sisters were supposed to start school tomorrow but they cancelled the first day of school due to the hurricane.  luckily it isn't going to reach this far north, we will just get some rain off the bands.

I'm all moved into my new dorm room. I start rush for sorority tomorrow and classes start a week from tomorrow.  It feels like I never left here (i was only gone 5 days )

oh and on the topic of wedding mom just figured out how to customize ringtones on her phone so now every time my dad calls her it rings Your Song by Elton John which was their wedding cute!


Reply 2252#2252 meljones_83's post

studiojek forgot to mention Central Park.   Whether you just have a nice picnic and enjoy the scenery of the park or choose to do a carriage ride around the park, it's a beautiful site!


Reply 2262#2262 shinny's post

I loved Ave Q!  It was hilarious!  

Well I've been going through recruitment for sorority this past week.  Tomorrow is bid day which basically means I find out which sorority I get.  The one I like the best is the same sorority my mom was in in college so she likes to joke that tomorrow I'll find out if I am her sister along with her daughter I'm excited to find out =)

Oh and a little fun fact...Hurricane Fay (the one that just hit Florida) set a record by being the only storm to circle around and hit the same place twice.  That place just happens to be the city in which my school is located.  No worries though by the time it hit us it was only a tropical storm so we just got a lot of rain.


I start classes tomorrow.  I'm am excited =)  I also found out which sorority I got into today and I got the one I wanted so I am so happy!!!  Well I'm off to bed even though I don't think I'll be able to sleep with the amount of sugar and excitement running through me right now!


Reply 2274#2274 shinny's post

I was ignoring it too I joined after Barb took over the thread and while I had heard about the origin, I just didn't know how to respond to Gary's post. looks like you are way out numbered now!  Good luck trying to take back the thread


so yesterday i went to my first football game at my school.  Football is not my favorite sport to watch, but it is really big at my school so the atmosphere of the stadium makes it fun!  One play I actually happen to catch one guy tried to tackle a player on the other team by grabbing his jersey, but it didn't stop him, the guy just kept on running while his shirt ripped.  They finally tackled him, but it was funny


Reply 2281#2281 gypsiegirl66's post

I'm in Alpha Epsilon Phi (AEPhi for short).  Football isn't just for the students here though, people come in from all over the state just for the games! Next week we play Miami (my hometown).  It is one of the biggest games of the season because they only play each other once every 7 years.  Tickets are going for hundreds of dollars and people are driving up just to be up here during the game even if they don't have a ticket. My school was just voted the #1 stadium filler school!  I love how spirited the school is because my high school was anything but spirited.

