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The girly`s ......giggle box

Reply 1342#1342 meljones_83's post

Haha I see him!


Reply 1346#1346 casper27's post

I am not a beer drinker, I prefer the cocktail, but the other night we stumbled across a beer house and had this cherry flavored beer.  It tasted just like soda!

So I'm dying my hair for the first time ever!  I'm excited to see how it will come out.  I chose to go more red because I used to be a blonde, then my hair magically got darker.  Get a taste of it all =)  I've got 15 more minutes to kill until I have to rinse.  I really want to see how it looks.  I'll be back later and let you all know if the dye was a success.


I don't have time to read what you posted right now Barb, but I'll read it when I get back.

I beat you all to the meez.  I posted it last night right after I washed out the dye.  hehe we're all addicted!  I love how some people have put their meez in their signature and change it every so often.  It's so much fun!

I am happy to report that my hair came out good.  It is a subtle change, but you can definitely see the red.  If you didn't know me, you would think it was natural.  That's why I chose the color.  I like change, but I like to keep it natural looking.  For a while I had blue contacts (back to the color they used to be); I now have green eyes.  When I would wear my clear contacts when I ran out of blues people thought those were the fake ones because the blue looked so natural.

Oh and while working today I was listening to Bryan Greenberg's CD (he's Nick Garret on October Road and was Jake Jigalski on One Tree Hill).  This song made me think of the giggle box so I thought I'd share it with you girlies.  It's called Daydream by Bryan Greenberg.

I can't find the lyrics online but here is the opening verse.  I also can't upload the song on here because it's locked on my iTunes, I'll try to find a site later that has it, but I'm on my way out of the apartment right now and just wanted to share this.
"lets run away from reality
roll around in a fantasy
wont tell anyone we're leaving
lets sneak out while their sleeping..."


My condolences to you Penny.  I hope your dad is doing okay.  It must be hard for him after so many years to be without your mom.  It is great they both got so many years out of their life and got to meet their great grandkids!  It is not often you find four generations of a family together.  I'm sure he will greatly enjoy the visit from you and your son.

Wow Meg, six weeks left!  Keep us updated.

And musicman, welcome to the giggle box.


Wow so many country girls.  Sometimes I feel like the only one!  I just missed the biggest country music concert of South Florida, the Chili Cookoff.  It included artists such as Taylor Swift, Joe Nichols, Jewel, Big and Rich, Gretchen Wilson and more...

Well for my song request I'm going a bit old school: I can't get no satisfaction by the rolling stones


Now if only I could actually dance like that!  I used to be a fair dancer, but I haven't danced since middle school.  I do enjoy busting a move at the occasional party or concert though


Okay so our small heat wave is officially over!  It hailed last night and this morning.  I did not sleep a wink last night because I was so cold I just couldn't fall asleep.  The cold has really started to affect me.  I took the wrong bus to work today-three 19s all stopped at the same time and I have to take the 18.  I miss read one of the 9s as an 8.  By time I realized I was on the wrong bus I has gone 2 stops in the wrong direction, missed the right bus and had to walk the rest of the way.  To make things worse, then it started to rain.

I'd never though I'd say this, but I miss the weather in Miami!

Only a few more months of cold...only a few more months of cold...!!!!!


Reply 1417#1417 studiojek's post

thanks! that looks soo good!

I'm actually off to the gym now.  Nothing like breaking a sweat then sitting in a locker room full of heaters and take a nice hot shower to make you forget about the cold.  Too bad the gym is the next town over and a 15 minute walk from the bus stop.  I look forward to those showers though!  So much nicer than the piece of crap, non existent shower in my apartment.  It is literally just a nozzle coming out of the wall.  No shower curtain, door, or anything!


Reply 1431#1431 gypsiegirl66's post

wow 75F is a bit cold for south florida now, but those were the days I looked forward to most!  I heard about those random cold days though, even some snow flurries over the bay!  I actually had to call home to see if it was true because I could not believe something with the word snow in it would happen in Miami!
ps like my new meez?  It's me when I actually learn more than just chords on the guitar and can actually play songs.  I chose the cowgirl outfit because I'm a cow girl at heart and the Rodney Atkins background was the only country music one they had.  Plus I love his song "Watching You" It's so cute!

[ Last edited by imarielle626 at 1-30-2008 21:07 ]


wow so many posts just went up at once! I guess we're all on at the same time.  I feel like I should refresh the page before I post this because 3 more posts will go up


Your mom seems like a character Shinny!  So funny that trick she played on your dad.

Reply #1455 WaterlilyBarb's post
So that is how you Canadians keep warm

I love searching through the bumper stickers on Facebook, I found this and thought I'd share it with you all...


So my trip up to our only ski-able mountain here in Israel was cancelled because there is too much snow!  I couldn't believe it.  Their season is usually only a couple weeks long, but it is going to be longer this year.  At least we know they'll be enough snow when we go next week! =)  I understand why too much snow is not safe to ski, but it just seems a bit ironic


Wow it's spring already! It definitaley doesn't feel like it here since many places in Israel just got their first snow.  But it is getting warmer!  I actually have to shed layers while walking home because it gets so warm.  Today is the first day I haven't woken up freezing in a long time!

So how bout them Giants??  I think its a bit ironic that if I were at home in American I would not have watched the game, but here in Israel my roommates and I went out and watched the first quarter.  By the time the first quarter ended it was after 2:00 AM so we went home and to sleep.  None of us like football, but they cancelled out work for today so anyone who wanted to stay up to watch the game can.  We took advantage of the no work to go out in Tel Aviv, but ended up at the American bar in the end


Reply 1500#1500 waterlilybarb's post

Aww Barb sick again =(  Maybe these will help you get better quicker


Oh Penny that looks horrible!  I'm glad she is doing better though.  That's the one downside to living in the wood.  We used to spend a week of our summer in a cabin in the middle of the woods in Georgia.  It was pretty much in the middle of now where except for the small town created for this vacation get-away and the people who work there (they are all students at Florida State University in the circus program). We had to be careful of ticks and spiders and such.  Especially since most of us kids would take the short cut through the woods to our camp and the pool.

On a different, yet still scary note, my little sister just got her driving permit!  I can't believe she's already old enough to drive!  I was still getting used to the fact the older of my younger sisters can drive (and has my car since I'm not home).


Reply 1521#1521 shinny's post

She's 15.  In Florida you can get your permit at 15 and license at 16.  I personally think it is young, but the law to raise the age didn't pass because 16 is the legal age to hold a part-time job so many parents need their kids to be able to drive themselves to work and back


Reply 1524#1524 shinny's post

I never understood why you are legal at 18, can't drink alcohol, but CAN serve it.  Also if you are in the army you are allowed to drink when you are 18 from what I've heard.  Sometimes laws just don't make any sense but lowering the drinking age will never pass in America because a most voters in the 18-21 age range don't take the time to vote and every one older wants to keep the drinking age at 21 because 18 year olds aren't mature enough.


I don't think age has as much to do with drinking problems as culture does.  Here in Israel the drinking age is 18, but culturally people don't go out to get drunk, they just go out to have a couple drinks with some friends.  On the program I am on we are half Americans all under 21.  Since we can all legally drink here in Israel, but not at home, many people take advantage of this privilege and drink too much.


Reply 1541#1541 studiojek's post

Here in Israel, they just passed a law that you must be 18 to buy Hooka, on the streets and in the bars.  Before there was no age limit so anyone could get it.  People claim that smoking Hooka is better than cigarette, but the truth is it is actually worse.  Although it does not have nicotine in it, it also does not have a filter so you are smoking pure tobacco.  They have also recently passed the no smoking in public places law, although it has yet to be strongly enforced.  These changes will take time to really work because smoking is so much a part of Israeli and Middle Eastern culture.


Reply 1544#1544 studiojek's post

I remember when I stepped off the plane in Italy.  The stench of cigarette smoke was so strong!

Hooka is pure flavored tobacco.  The way it is smoked is through a hooka that has water filled in the bottom, the tobacco on top covered with tin foil and a piece of coal.  The hose is in the middle so it sucks down the tobacco and up the water.  Since there is no filter like on cigarettes you are pretty much smoking pure tobacco and water.  Here's a picture

