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The girly`s ......giggle box

Reply 1216#1216 waterlilybarb's post

the funny thing is I don't have dial up at home.  My phone was actually interfereing with my wireless connection.  It had something to do with the frequency of the phone and the internet.


Reply 1219#1219 gabsimom's post

I hope you feel better soon!  Be sure to drink plenty of liquids!  You don't want to add dehydration to that list too.   And a good hot tea always helps.  I've got a nice blend I wish I could send you to help, but unfortunately there is only one place you can find this tea and that is a Druze village up in the north of Israel right near the Lebanon boarder.  They say the herbs can heal the common cold, as well as other viruses.  Here's the best I can do:
Just a pinch of these into a coffee filter and add to hot water with sugar

gives you a great

Try to get some rest and as Barb said, call someone for help.  No one in your condition should have to handle a two year old alone.  That's what friends are for.


Good Morning Girlies!

Well I'm off to work in a few minutes, but I had some extra time so I though I'd stop by and give you all a nice little wake up call.

Tina, I hope you were able to get some sleep and are feeling better.  And I hope everyone had a great New Year.

Oh, and I was just wondering if there is a way to change some settings so I don't have to type the code for the color everytime, it just does it automatically every time I post.  I looked in Member CP but couldn't find anything.  Maybe there is something I am missing.


Reply 1227#1227 waterlilybarb's post

Oh no!  Well I hope you are both feeling better soon!

And you're very welcome for the cheery wake up.  I am not a morning person, but today for some reason I woke up in a very cheery mood (and an hour before my alarm).  It was weird because I haven't been having the best of days since I came back to Israel.  I think going home for the short period of time I did was not too good for me because the entire time I was there I just wanted to come back here, then when I finally did make it back here I started feeling homesick again.  I missed my mom's birthday for the first time ever and New Year's with the fam and Dick Clark lol.  But then I started watching Men In Trees.  Just three episodes into the first season and I already feel better.  A good laugh really can help raise your spirits!

Well, I am off to bed now because it is late (2 AM to be exact) and I've got to get up to meet the laundry guy.  He's had my clothes for two weeks and I am down to my last pair of clean clothes.  I really dislike that Israel does not have any coin laudromats, but I guess I shouldn't be complaining.  I never thought I'd look forward to doing my own laundry lol


Reply 1229#1229 waterlilybarb's post

Purell is my best friend!  I work in a Kindergarden where most of the kids are sick all the time.  Fingers crossed I haven't gotten sick yet.  I also joined the gym this past weekend here, and even though it can take any where between 30 minutes to an hour (depending on if the bus follows the schedule or not)  just to get to the gym one way, hopefully the exercise will keep my immune system strong (and keep me in shape).  I don't know how Israelis aren't all fat they eat everything fried or something equally as fattening!

I just got addicted to the Impossible quiz.  In the past hour I have gotten through to question 42.  It's a bit frustrating because everytime you lose your three lives you have to start over from the beginning.  I can do the first 41 questions with my eyes closed now lol.  It's a fun way to kill time.

Well I hope everyone who has been sick is feeling better and I wish you good health.  And for those of you who are healthy, I also wish you good health to stay healthy!


Reply 1235#1235 xareena's post

Nothing really.  This is just a place for us to vent if we need to, share what is on our minds, leave greetings to help our fellow girlies if they so need.  This is really just a place to come to escape.  Escape from what it's up to you.  And don't worry we are friendly and always open to newcomers!
**EDIT** you edited your post so this response no longer answers your question, but I left it up anyway.  Welcome to the girly's giggle box.  This is not a moderator only thread.  I actually think I was just a member when I first discovered this place.  If you would like to stay, we can guarantee a good time!  Whether you need to turn a frown upside down or just are bored and need a place go, you are always welcome here!

Meg...I am also glad I found Men In Trees.  I'd always wanted to watch it, but never got around to it.  I have a long list of those kind of shows.  I actually chose MiT over other shows on my list because our taste in shows seem to overlap a lot and you are a co-mod for it so I figured it must be good   and Best Wishes (not congrats...I learned that from Emily Gilmore lol) on your wedding day!  How exciting it is so soon!  The time sure will fly by!

Speaking of time baby brother becomes a teenager today (he turns 13).  I still think of him as the little boy I used to read Good Night Moon to every night before he went to sleep.  I can only imagine what it feels like to be a mother and watch your children grow up right before your eyes!

[ Last edited by imarielle626 at 1-9-2008 21:18 ]


Reply 1242#1242 meljones_83's post

I know what you mean how the people on this site feel like friends you've had forever even though we've never actually met!  Our love and addiction to TV shows helps =)  Sometimes just coming on here and talking to all of you can make my day!

I think I've finally caught the little bug that has been going on.  I started feeling sick last night and today at work my Gannenet (like a kindergarten teacher) noticed I wasn't feeling well.  I ended up coming home from work and taking a 4 hour nap!  I'm just glad it's the weekend now so I can sleep off whatever it is that I'm getting so I don't have to miss anything.


Reply 1244#1244 waterlilybarb's post

Unfortunately the remedy I suggested for Tina is back home in Miami.  I found it in a remote Druze village here in Israel two summers ago when I was on a tour and I don't think I'll be able to find it again =(.  I just have to settle for plain peppermint tea.  Peppermint helps you sleep and sleep helps you get over being sick, so hopefully it'll work.

Mel, thanks for the flowers.  They look wonderful.  And the great thing about internet sent flowers, you don't have to worry about them dying in a couple days

Well I'm off to watch an episode of Men In Trees before bed.  I'll see you girls around tomorrow =)


To all those sickly...

have some chicken noodle soup.  It is the Jewish remedy to cure all illness lol.  I just had some myself and I am feeling a bit better.  At least now I'm not freezing in my apartment!  I miss having A/C and heating!!!


Originally posted by casper27 at 1-14-2008 05:37  
Altruistic:- had to do a search on that one awesome word and very true, good luck  xareena.
I remember that word was one of my SAT vocabulary flash cards.  I really liked the word and ever since I use it every chance I get lol.

Well I have a story for today.  If anyone believes in omens, I'm pretty sure that is what you would call my morning.  Last night before falling asleep I was greatly considering calling in sick to work because I just didn't want to go.  I ended up sucking it up and saving my sick days for when I really need them (like to take a trip to Egypt).  I woke up feeling more sick than usual.  I was getting better after my restful weekend.  Then, while making my tea some of the hot water splashed on my hand, burning me and then causing me to drop my mug, burning me some more.  I decided to take some Emergen-C to boost my vitamin C intake and suck it up and go to work.  I feel better now, but I really wish I would have listen to my conscience and not gone to work today and sick the incredibly bad morning!


Reply 1269#1269 waterlilybarb's post

thanks for making me laugh =)  and I do hug my teddy bear every night!  In my mind you are never too old out grow your favorite teddy bear (or a build-a-bear your mother made for you when you moved halfway across the world for those nights overcome with homesickness)

p.s. boiling water is not pronounced "hot water" hehe


Reply 1275#1275 gabsimom's post

I actually don't get to make it home often.  It's a 14 hour plane ride home, 7 hour time difference.  I've only been home once since September and won't be home again until June, and then it is off to college (this time only a 6 hour drive instead of a 14 hour flight).  But nine months is nothing compared to 4 years!  I don't think my mom could handle me being gone that long!  Now with modern technology Skype makes things a lot easier, because even though we talk on the phone everyday, sometimes you just need to see their face.


This site does seem quite lately.  Well, every board except for free chatting.  Every day there are some new threads added there.  I've had my Gossip Girl quiz open for over a week just because I haven't gotten that many responses.  I guess people just assume that with the writers strike and no new shows there is nothing to do on here.  Hopefully the Race will bring some activity back.


Reply 1286#1286 waterlilybarb's post

oh yes, my surprise will bring back our members I just hope it all works out the way I see in it my mind.  I have a feeling it won't, but it'll still be fun!


So for anyone interested here is some interesting news from the Middle East.  Since this winter has been the coldest winter for a very long time (I don't remember the detail lol) a lot of people, particularly homeless people have died from the cold here in the Middle East.  It's crazy how cold it is here!  Especially for the girl from Miami.  On our coldest night so far (somewhere in the single digits during the day and i'm sure below freezing at night!), I was wearing 5 layers, then come home and add another since our apartment is like a wind tunnel for the cold.  Ventilation is poor in these apartments and apparently they don't know what a heating system of A/C is!  
☃  Although today was a warmer day (it's about 10⁰C and I'm only wearing a sweatshirt and sweatpants)!  My roommates and i are hoping to use this "heat" to take a trip to the beach.  We are hoping the sun will do some good for this illness that has spread through most of my program now.

[ Last edited by imarielle626 at 1-18-2008 20:06 ]

[ Last edited by imarielle626 at 1-18-2008 20:06 ]


Oh Gypsie! I hope you are feeling better.  As for your worry about it healing, physical therapists can work wonders these days, so worst case scenario you pay the physical therapist a couple visits.  My sister got injured running cross country and after one visit tot he physical therapist, he had her good as new and she has been running great ever since!  But, I can't believe the lack of empathy the other people on the plane showed for you.  No one would stop for even a second to see if you were okay!  Sometimes people are just so focused on themselves.  We need more altruists in this world!

Speaking of which, I don't know what can be done for the homeless people dying in the Middle East.  Most of the instances that have been reported were in Syria, Saudi Arabia, and various other Arab countries that Israel is not too interested in helping, especially since a couple days ago we had to shut down our boarder with Gaza because they were sending out bombs.  If I hear of anything to help, though, I will let you all know.

As for my surprise, just check the Mod board.  There is a full description there.  And let me know if you would like to help out.


Wow! I go to sleep and wake up and all of a sudden there is a full page on here.  It looks like Gypsie brought all the action on this thread back with her

Tina, sorry to hear about your migrane.  Those can be a killer!  I was once told by my anatomy teach that a way to ease the pain of a migrane it to massage that flab of skin between your thumb and pointer finger on the side that the migrane is on.  Now i don't know if it actually works because I have never tested it, but the same teacher's way to stop hiccups actually works so it can't hurt to try.

Anyway, I am happy to report that it has warmed up here.  Which could be good or bad since I am supposed to got to Mt. Hermon, the only mountain in Israel that gets snow in two weeks, but if it gets to hot we can't go sledding =(


Reply 1321#1321 gypsiegirl66's post

Good luck at the doc's.  

Finger's crossed it's all good news!

[ Last edited by imarielle626 at 1-22-2008 21:02 ]


I just got back from my first time ever being in the "live studio audience" of a tv show.  We went to the Israeli version of the American TV show Grease.  It was long and occasionally boring, but overall fun and interesting.  I especially liked hearing how they changed Grease Lightning into Hebrew (although I did not understand the words, the tune was the same).  I'm not the biggest reality TV fan, but it was interesting to see everything that goes into putting on a live show.  I actually learned that the entire thing is not live.  They pre-taped the two major dance numbers before the show aired.

Meg, I too share a bunk bed with my roommate (although I am on the bottom).  When I went though my bit of insomnia, I kept my flashlight and book in close reach, either under my pillow or on the floor next to my bed so I could read without waking up my roommate.  I also kept a notepad near by because I have a wandering mind and sometimes getting my thoughts out on paper helps clear my head enough to fall asleep.  It is always interesting to read what I wrote in the morning because my stream of consciousness goes in so many different directions!


Reply 1339#1339 studiojek's post

Of course you can come in.  No need to ask.  Our door is always open and there is always a fresh pot on the stove

and cookies in the oven

