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Grey's Anatomy Season 1-4 General Discussion Thread (Spoilers)

Alex really got on my nerves during that elevator scene.  I really wanted George to turn around and punch him again!  I also for a second though something was going to happen between Alex and Lexie, but then Alex turned into and ass.

I like really old guy being awake...he was funny and Izzy really needed someone to talk to.

I thought this episode was a little slow, but it did have some great one liners!


When Callie first told George "I forgive you", my roommate and I both screamed.  We were so mad at her.  First of all what he did is not the kind of thing that goes away with those three little words, and second of all, I really want  to see Izzy and George together.  Even if it doesn't end up lasting, I'd like to see how it turns out.

I have mixed feelings on Alex.  When Izzy first told him, I could tell if he was mad because he was jealous, or mad just because he's Alex and George is George.  You could see that Izzy was going through a lot and she really needed someone to talk to, and although Alex ended up being nice in the end with the Kleenex, she needed him to come to his senses sooner.

I'm glad the chief realized that going into another round of treatment with his niece was not the right thing to do.  I'm just sorry it sacreficed his new building relationship with Adele.  I hope they end up working things out in the end.  He was just so happy before when they started dating again.  He did the right thing though.

I was so surprise with Derek! I always wanted the two of them to end up in a happy, healthy relationship, and I really though they were heading that way (they were a better "non-couple" than couple so i though that would help meredith get over her commitment issues).  Even though I loved Derek for coming out and telling Meredith his true feelings, I feel it was two step backwards for them.  The "48 uninterrupted hours" was a huge leap for Meredith.  I just hope he didn't scare her away again.

Oh and props to Lexie for standing up to Christina!


I thought the whole trick-or-treat for ears was really cute.  it showed us a little bit of Sloan's softer side.  I feel bad the surgery made Bailey miss her son's first halloween though.  Her husband should understand though.  My dad is a doctor so I lived with the unpredictability of his work.  You can't always control when a patient needs you.  I hope Bailey's marriage isn't in trouble!

I agree with everyone else on Derek saying he needs to date.  But I think now Meredith will come to her senses that they should be together.  After all she was being haunted by the "pick me choose me love me" line as well.  We need at least on happy relationship in the show!

I hope Alex and Ava/Rebecca get to have their talk.  He should have gone after her the first time so this is his second chance...he better not screw it up too!

George and Callie just need to get their divorce already!  the triangle has been dragged on long enough and it is starting to get old.  George and Izzy just need to be together already.

Interesting to see how the Christina/Callie rooming together thing goes...


I think Dr. Hahn is a good addition to the show.  She's no Burke, but she will/has create some interesting story lines.  I agree the "are you two a couple" line by her was hilarious!

I'm also glad Callie is finally letting go.  It's about time considering her relationship has been over with George for a while now.

I can't believe Alex!  After the scene outside the hospital where he said he was kinda hung up on someone else, I half expected to him to go after Ava, or at least think about going after her.  But sleeping with Lexi-bad move!

I thought the line when the husband of one of the dress holders asked George if Izzy is his wife and he responded "I don't know you well enough to answer that" was great!

Awake open heart surgery-!  as crazy as it sounds though, I think it would be kinda cool to be the patient and watch your own open heart surgery. of course i'd prefer to be under anestheia (sp?) if i could.

I was literally in shock when the sky diver only needed an Appy!  I mean how can you fall 12,000 feet and only have a burst appendix???

I NEED Meredith and Derek to get back together soon! It's kiling me to see they are so in love but she is too caught up in her "things".  She need to get her life together and accept his proposal already!


Reply #3 studiojek's post

I interpretted the "I want to marry you" as a proposal.  Not like a down on one knee, here's a ring, let's set a date proposal, but if Meredith does decide she wants to be with Derek again an actual marriage proposal/engagement with soon follow


I am really happy for Bailey.  I agree she needed the sappy scene and Callie was never the right person for the job of chief resident.

Izzy/George is getting old.  It seems like the chase was all the fun and now that it's over I must say it's a little painful to watch.

studiojek, i think a little hahn/chief flirting would be cute!  He needs it!

Sloan is getting on my nerves.  All the "so that what its like being the chiefs girlfriend" jokes were taken way to far!  he needs to find something else to do other than annoy Derek.

I live oversees so I did not see the previews for next week, but I though Der-Mer were making some great progress.  i would hate to see them take a step backwards with a new love interest of Derek's!  Meredith is finally starting to realize she belongs with him.

I am interested in seeing what Christina will do next.  It is obvious Hahn does not want to work with her and she wants no other specialty so, will she fight for what she wants or finally fall apart?  She's due for a break down since she is still trying to cover up how much she is really hurting since burke left.

Meridith and Lexie bonding over Thatcher's alcoholism I can see as a definite possibility.  Lexie's five things were cute - professional etch-a-sketch =)  Meridith also seems to be a little more accepting considering she asked Alex to "take [her] sister home"

The chief is like a lost child!  I feel a little sorry for him.  He needs a lady, or at least friends his own age!


Reply #8 funny-girl101's post

thanks for the promo.  I don't see the "date" as being a threat to their relationship.  Its just Meridith being Meridith.  it could also end up not being a promos tend to lead you in the wrong direction!


4x08 **Spoilers if not seen**

See nothing to worry about with Derek's date with Sydney.  I am a little worried about him and that scrub nurse though.  Meredith is starting to come around and I would hate to see something else come between them.

Izzy and George, well they're best as best friends.

Loved the "you look like her father" comment to Sloan.  He's so egotistical it's nice to see them mess with him occasionally!

Bailey:  She was acting like a love-stuck teenager, which was the point, but it bothered me a lot.  It was good to see a bit into her pre-doctor life, but I didn't like Mandy!  It was funny to see her lash out to Derek only to find out he was an akward little band geek too.  Picturing as an awkward teenager in a band uniform is not the easiest thing to do

Now that Meredith knows about her father, I have a feeing she is going to try to help Lexie out a bit.  Maybe just by treating her a little better.  I wouldn't expect Meredith to help take care of her father.  Baby steps is all she can handle.  But maybe in the future she will be able to help Lexie get their father into AA and get some help.

I like the whole high school clique theme of the episode.  It was nice to see a bit into some of the characters' pasts.


The white supremecist guy said that it was something he did when he was younger and that he regrets it, but I don't think people like that really change.  Maybe he didn't want a black doctor the operate on him so they wouldn' get offended, or maybe it was just an excuse to use to make himself feel better.  I felt bad for Christina though.  She is part Jewish and had ancestors who were wiped out in the Holocaust so it was hard for her to look around the giant swaztika on his belly and still treat him like any other patient.

Lexie/Alex/Ava-When Lexie walked into the viewing room and sat down right next to Ava I was like "Uh oh!  Not good!"  But then again, she was warned from the start not to get involved with Alex because he's not a good guy.  He even told her not to get involved.

From the second Sloan had his meeting, I knew at some point in the episode the artery was going to burst, it was just a matter as to who would be in the room.  Will Lexie be able to stop the bleeding and save this guy's life so he can get his revenge and her hers?


Sloan said in his meeting that if the artery burst whoever is in the room MUST stop the bleeding then call him in that order.


Wow great episode!  I feel bad for Bailey's husband.  All he wants is his wife to come home after work and spend time with her family.

I was so happy Meredith finally told Derek how she feels.  It's just too bad her timing was terrible!  I can not believe Derek kissed Rose.  I mean we all knew that she was going to be the third leg of the Der-Mer triangle, but  I really thought Derek was going to pull away right before they kissed.

Chirstina bringing home Lexie and Meredith offering her a drink was a good step.  Lexie and Meredith really need each other, so I'm glad they are bonding.


Reply 13#13 bala's post

Sorry I missed this post before.  I'm sure your question was answered after 4.10 aired, but just in case you are ever in a situation where someone is bleeding and you are the only one to stop it, here's what you do: APPLY PRESSURE!  It's one of the first things they teach you in first aid classes.  You can use anything you can, guaze, a towel, even your hand if thats all that is around. By applying pressure and blocking up the wound, you allow the blood to clot and stop bleeding out.  Of course this is a lot harder to do when it is an exposed, fragile carotid artery like in the show because of the size of the artery, the proximity to the heart, etc.


4x11 Discussion Thread (spoilers if not seen)

So Der/Mer is officially over.  I'm not too fond of the Derek-Rose relationship, but I don't think the show could handle any more of the triangle and Meredith is just not mature enough to handle a serious, committed, trusting relationship.

I feel bad for Bailey.  Losing her husband and almost losing her son all in one day!  But she had it coming (Tucker leaving that is).  She did always prioritize her work over her family and sooner or later it was going to slap her in the face.  Now she has to find a way to balance raising Tuck by herself and work, which will not be easy.  Tucker may even sue for full custody which will just be another slap in the face for Bailey.  I hope she is able to work everything out though.  Maybe this is just what she needed to realize that she needs to spend more time with her family and create a better balance between work and family.


Thing is, I'm not sure it's entirely her fault. I mean, her husband knew what he was getting into. He knew that surgeon's spend long long hours in the hospital
Sure surgeon work long hours, but that is not an excuse to neglect your family.  My dad is a cardiologist.  He may not be the one doing open heart surgery, but what he does is still considered surgery and he is in the hospital more hours than he is home.  He still makes an effort to come home for dinner when he can even if it means longer nights finishing up charts, or more often getting paged in halfway through the meal.  The life of a surgeon, or any on-call doctor for that matter is hard, but it is possible to set aside some time for you family.

Tucker knew he was marrying a surgeon.  He did not know that he was marrying a surgeon who chose her job over her family.  I'll admit, I'm being a bit hard on Bailey, but it is only because I promised myself that if/when I become a doctor and a mother, I will not neglect my family for my job.


I'm pretty sure this was it for now.  I don't think they have anymore to show until the strike ends.


Originally posted by funny-girl101 at 5-25-2008 02:34  
Oh yeah, George and Lexie....seriously! Seriously!? Why can't they have a guy-girl friendship on the show without making it into something more?  
because you can never be just friends with someone from the opposite sex (ever seen the movie When Harry Met Sally?)  I actually thought that would have happened a lot sooner.  George and Meredith, George and know how shows usually repeat storylines with little twists...


i don't know how much id like to see lexie and george together.  I have seen it coming for a while, but sometimes you just need someone like that for a friend.  After all they do live together and having a relationship go bad and be roommates would just cause problems.  Yeah GA likes to throw characters in dramatic situations like that, but can't one friendship actually stay just a friendship?

As far as Alex and Izzie, she can do so  much better than him!  He has gotten better since the guy he was in the first season, but he still is just using Izzie and she deserves someone better!

I'm glad Meredith and Derek are finally going to get back together!  That was one storyline they played out way too much!  Come on Shonda we need one healthy (okay so semi-healthy) happy relationship here!  Please don't ruin them again!

