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Lost Season 4-6 General Discussion Thread (Spoilers)

finally caught up!

okay so I finally caught up on all four seasons of Lost...WOW!  I definitaley was addicted these past few weeks!  I had to limit myself to a certain number of episodes a day just so I could get work done...I just couldn't stop watching!

Anyway here's my schpiel:
-I knew it was Locke!  at first i though michael, but after a while i just knew it was going to be locke
-the whole moving the island thing...woah!  curious to see how that turned out in the next season
-Ben cut his arm wearing the Dharma jacket we know he ends up like that in the Sahara...i see a connection there hopefully the pieces will fill in next season
-Des+Penny= :-D great reunion scene!
-still curious about the polar bear!
-I do think Charolette is Annie...what other reason would the writer's have chosen to include her in the little backround flashback on Ben?
-sad to see Rouseau killed off before we really got to know her story
-I absolutely love Alan Dale!  He plays the evil nemesis so well!
-just beofre the Eko scene with Hurley I was thinking about how much i missed his character...that was weird!
-who is Richard and what is his story?
-same with Haitian guy what's he all about?
-Is Christian Shepard really dead?  Probably.  His body was on that plane which could explain why we see him on the island.  
-BIG QUESION:  Who is Jacob?
-I really didn't think Charlie was going to die!  I thought he would do what he had to do but somehow still end up surviving (crazier thing have happened on that island).  I loved his character and I loved the way he was with Aaron and Claire.  Most of all though I loved his character because he reminded me of a friend...a Mancunian who plays the guitar
-Okay and for my theory that I don't really know why I've been putting so much thought into because well there is no point in trying to rationalize things that happen on the show, but here it goes:  So we know that the doctor showed up dead on the Island before he was actually killed on the freighter which leads us to believe that thing happen on the Island before they really happen.  This could explain why Desmond can "see the future".  It didn't start happening until the hatch imploaded and he was hit with all that electomagnitism or whatever it was.  Somehow that has to be responsible for the time lapse.  Now correct me if I'm wrong, but this would mean time moves SLOWER on the island right?  A day went by on the Island when Sayid and Des only took hours by chopper to get to the freigher.  Three months on the island then would not have been three months in real life so when they were rescued it shouldn't have been three months after the crash right?

okay I think that's all for now.  I've still got some things buzzing through my brain but i can't put the thoughts into words yet...gotta let them settle a bit


Reply 176#176 waterlilybarb's post

yeah I had fun with all of your conspiracy theories.  The way I watched once I got to season 4 is I would watch the episode then come on here and read what all of you all had to say about it.  I also ended up getting pulled into

I also can't wait until next season so I can discuss and compare theories/thoughts with everyone here.  It is definitely more fun =)


Reply 183#183 bala's post

we don't know for sure that Jin is dead.  We saw his tombstone, but he could just still be on the island and because of the story they are telling to cover up for the island they had to do a mock funeral


Reply 185#185 bala's post

no clue but i'm sure we'll find out...


okay I have a lot to say about this two episodes so just bear with me.  I also read The Lost Diary so the posters there have put more things in my mind about what may happen next.  Don't worry i don't know spoilers for future episodes, these are all just predictions or questions I have.  Okay here it goes...

First of all, I really liked how they began the episode with the record skipping.  It tied in nicely with the way Faraday described what was happening to them like a record skipping, but in time.  Another thing about that first scene is that I originally thought that was Sun, but upon watching it a second time realized it was not.  I believe her to be the wife of Dr. Marvin Candle aka Dr. Chang who was probably the man we saw but did not see his face.  Also the baby others suspect to be Miles, and Lost would be just crazy enough to connect him like that!

Now for some questions:  
-Faraday back in the past?  How is it possible?  Was he there before he met our Losties or did they all skip back to that time period but we were only shown Daniel?
-Is the Island skipping every 108 minutes?  Is that why Desmond had to push the button?  This theory makes perfect sense to me!
-I swear Locke is not dead!  I heard somewhere someone say that dead on Lost is not real dead.  So I think Locke will be back in some for or another!  Plus ben was very evasive on Jack's question "he is dead right?"  I guess we'll just have to wait and see
-When Aaron was watching TV he said something about ChooChoo going through the tunnel and Kate responded "No choochoo doesn't go through tunnel because it knows if it does it is never coming back"  I just have to wonder if that means something more like if they go back to the Island there is no returning this time.
-I may just not remember this from the end of last season, but how did Ben get out of the desert?  isn't that where he ended up after he turn the wheel?
-What did Ben take of the vent in his and Jack's hotel room?
-I feel there is a huge significance in the fact that Charolette's nose is the only one bleeding.  I've heard what other people have to say about that, but I don't know if I agree with any of them and I have no ideas so I'm just going to let this one pass for now
-Miles find the bore and knows it's only been dead 3  He isn't the one knowledgeable about time travel so how did he know that?  There is something about him we haven't been told yet!
-What is Ben up to????  I think thats a biggie!  Who are those ladies?  Is one of them Faraday's mom?

Now for just somethings I picked out:
-The man that holds Sawyer and Juliet at gun point that Locke kills is wearing an army uniform with the name Jones on it.  Black Rock is what came to mind-could they have gone back that far in time?
-Daniel Dae Kim (Jin) is still on the credits so will he be coming back?  Did he not die?  Oh Lost why do you have to do this to us!!!
-"I didn't go anywhere John, you went." - Richard -- so it is our Losties moving through time NOT the island!  I just though that is important to know

Umm so that's all for now.  Sorry it's long.  This season is going to be so good!!!  And I don't know if it was just me, but those two episodes did not feel like they were two hours long!  When they ended I was like huh? already?  Can the show move time too? Well I can't wait for next week.  I hope we get more answer!


Reply 18#18 desertdarlene's post

I agree I like seeing the history of the island too, although it is also throwing more questions our way!

-Ellie (the Other with the gun)-Ellie short for Eloise.  Faraday's mother's name is Eloise.  Coincidence I think not!  I've seen others who suspect Faraday is the sun of Eloise (aka Mrs. Hawkings the lady with the pendulum we see with Linus in the present time) and Charles Widmore.  Now wouldn't that be a strange coincidence?!?
-Faraday-So he is getting more and more mysterious.  First we saw him in the past working for dharma and then in this episode when he first encounters Ellie she says "you again" as if they had met before.  weird!

thats all i have for now that i found interesting.


I so called Jin being alive!  Okay so it wasn't that hard since he was still cast as a regular character and not a special guest.

Daniel's response to Miles about amount of time on the island really supports the theory I adopted (with the help of thelostdiary) that he is Dr. Candle's baby!

can't wait to get more information on Rosseau.  When I saw the French I knew it had to be her!

I really don't like Ben!

Can I just say I love Sayid!  I mean that whole let me choke you with my IV was incredible!  Leave it to Sayid to find a weapon while in a hospital bed hooked up to an IV!


Reply 12#12 desertdarlene's post

interesting idea darlene.  I just went to lostpedia to look up somethings and it is definately a possibility!  Locke was born in '56 when his mother was just 15 years old whereas Ben was born sometime in the early '60s which (if they share a mother) would make her in her late 20s which is a plausible age to have a child.  So I can see a possible twist the lost writers throw in about that.  I never noticed both of their mothers are named Emily before.  Now we know Lost never does anything by coincidence so let's just wait and see...



Wow what a great episode!  So now everyone is back on the island (well at least we hope so).

Got a few questions to throw out there...
1.  What happened to Aaron?  I mean Kate would not just leave him and she looked very disheveled!  Did Ben's people take him away or was it something more Lost-like and mysterious?
2.  What happened to Ben?  Like honestly how could no one have asked what happened to him.  It's Ben afterall, sure they all want to beat the crap out of him, but up until that point no one had.  It was not one of the O6 so I wonder who.
3.  Will Desmond be back on the island?
4.  I wonder what the random guy on the flight has to do with the O6 and the island.  His name is Caesar by the way and we haven't seen the last of him.
5.  What are the odds that Frank Lipidus was the pilot?  That's Lost for you!
6.  So what happens next?  Can't wait to find out!  It seems when they are now is the beginning of Dharma because wasn't that car Jin was driving the same car that they found crashed with the Dharma #1 guy?
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Reply 25#25 gabsimom's post

They did say this season was going to answer a lot of questions, but also leave a lot more!

As far as Ben killing Penny, I saw that somewhere else too.  It could be possible that Desmond beat him up because he tried to kill Penny.

