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The girly`s ......giggle box

posting pics

i'm new to this site and i was wondering how you can post picutres in ur messages


just a little advice   ...

I'm still discovering photobucket they've got some cute little things


Reply #1051 waterlilybarb's post

thought you might get a laugh out of this.  From your last post I'm sure you can relate =)


I sometimes forget this thread is here, but when I see it under the last post collumn I like to come here and read guys always post some funny/cute things that make me laugh =)


I'll be sure to stick around =)


Reply 1165#1165 waterlilybarb's post

I know just how you feel!  I've spent the last two nights on an army base up in the north here.  I don't know how the soldiers do it, but I just could not sleep on those mattresses, plus the hall lights are always left on so it doesn't get completely dark.  I just layed in my sleeping bag tossing and turning until I got so tangled I couldn't move while trying to keep warm!  I feel like a zombie walking around because I have not slept in days.  Hopefully I have not thrown my internal clock  off too much and will be able to get some decent night's sleep tonight.  If not I don't know how I will be able to handle a class full of 30 three to five year old girls all bombarding me with questions in a language I do not speak all that well at the kindergarden I am volunteeing at without it.

I applogize if I was rambling or not making sense as I said I haven't really slept lately.


well nighty night, I'm off to bed soon, it's getting late here.


Have you tried taking something to help you sleep?  I know Tylenol PM or Benedryl work for me, but I don't really like taking drugs to help me sleep because even though they are over the counter "safe" medicines, they can get you addicted, but maybe if you get the one night of sleep after that your insomnia will slowly go away.


Good luck with your nap.


Reply 1178#1178 philryk's post

Giggle! It's just a joke to help a fellow insomniac sleep.

Speaking of sleep...I can't wait to sleep in my own bed in 4 days!  I think it will be the first real good night sleep I get in a long time.  Especially after a 13 hour flight home.


Reply 1182#1182 gypsiegirl66's post

haha thats is exactly how my nights go too!


Reply 1186#1186 themegababe's post

Thanks!  I don't usually have too much of a problem with jet lag because I can't sleep on planes anyway, but i will try the drinking water suggestion.  Although it is hard now-a-days with the no liquids rule.


Where is everyone today?

This site seemed very empty today.  By now usually there are more new posts.  Saturdays are very boring days for me because pretty much the whole country shuts down.  So I can usually rely on this site and the VIP channel to watch and discuss my fav shows to keep me entertained.  Maybe the writer's strike has scared people away. Or maybe everyone is just taking a much needed break now that the Amazing Forum Race has finished.


I heard about that snow storm.  My friend almost missed her flight home because she though it was delayed because of the storm!

Have fun watching season 5 of Stargate!  It's nice to have old shows to catch up on now that current shows are on hiatus.  I just started season 7 of ER..only 7 more to go!  It's fun to watch old tv.  I've caught a bunch of guest stars who were just starting out their career then, but now have their own shows (like David Krumholtz).  Everyone is so young!


I too had trouble getting on here yesterday night.  Something problem was wrong with the server or something because all other websites worked, just not the forum or the vip site.

I haven't gotten around to watchin season 4 of 24 yet, but i will definately be looking for her when I get around to picking up the series again!


Oh how I hate jet lag!  I thought I had slept it off, but it is now 5:10 PM here and I am exhausted because back in Israel it is 12:10 AM.  I'm fighting so hard to stay awake because I need to get over jet lag by Friday when my family comes in for my brother's Bar Mitzvah.

p.s. That Thumbelina Kitty is too cute!


Welcome Back!

Tomorrow is my last day of vacation.  It seemed to go by so fast!  I didn't get to do half the things i though I would while i was home.  Oh well, just more to do when I come home for good.  I just wish I were home for one more week so I could spend my mom's birthday with her and be home for the 2 hour season premeire of One Tree Hill.  As much as I love this site, nothing beats sitting down with the family and friends and a big bowl of ice cream to watch the long awaited premeire!


My brother's Bar Mitzvah was a lot of fun.  The party planners turned the whole room into a baseball stadium and the kids just had a great time!  I had a great time just spending time with my family.  I got to see some of my cousins I hadn't seen in 5 or 6 years.  As for my brother, I haven't notice any change in the way he acts.  He's always been very mature for his age so the momentous occasion didn't go to his head, but he was sad when it ended.  Now, though, he gets to enjoy at least one Bar/Bat Mitzvah a weekend until Spring Break!  What a life!

I'm back to stay in June.  I'm on a 9 month program and have 5 and a half months left of it.  But I have to do summer school next summer so back to stay is actually 3 weeks until I have to pack up again for university.  At least this time I'm only going up the state instead of across the ocean.

Leaving is always the hardest part...whether it is sleepaway camp when your young, university, or just a visit back to the folks, it never gets any easier.  But as they say "absence makes the heart grow fonder".


Reply 1209#1209 waterlilybarb's post

Thanks.  I am now back safely.  Unfortunately my internet is not working here so I have to mooch off of the neighbors.  Well, at least some of them keep their networks unsecure!

I hope I am not as jet-lagged as I was going home.  I did not sleep a wink on the flight though.  I would read of watch a movie until I was too tired to do anything else, then the second I close my eyes for rest I no longer was tired anymore.  I don't know what was going on with me!  After a couple times of trying to sleep, I eventually gave up and imersed myself into my book.  I love a book that has a bit of everything...romance, action-adventure, mystery, and can teach me a few slang hebrew words


Reply 1213#1213 gypsiegirl66's post

looks like your posts go through sometimes even when you don't see them go through (hence the double post).  My internet was doing this a couple years back, but it ended out being an easy fix:  I had just gotten a new home phone in my room and for some reason the phone we bought interfered with my internet ( i didn't really understand the details)...the quick fix was buy a new phone.  It actually worked!  Who knew a house phone could interfere with the internet signal?!?

