Ok so Mohinder was smoking hot- no? yumyum

Until the whole peeling skin incident- ewwwwwww
I thought the two episodes were very good. I don't know if I like where they are going with the whole injectable powers thing- too much 4400 there.
Do you think that Peter and Sylar could be twins? It would explain both of them having a very similar ability (absorbing powers of others). They just do it in a different way.
So not only does Mama Petrelli have an ability but she is so creepy.
Oh yea the Tracey/Nikki/Jess thing is weird. I don't think Tracey is Nikki- simply because of the manifestation of the power she used. What if all of these Heroes were like born in a lab or something?
Last edited by silver1978 at 9-24-2008 17:03 ]