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Grey's Anatomy Season 1-4 General Discussion Thread (Spoilers)

I want a mer-derek happy ending

Gee, I dont get some of you thinking it would be best if Derek and Meredith breaks up and Rose and Derek becomes an item.
I already sat through a whole season of suspence when he and Meredith broke up because of him deciding to give Addison a chance.
Now hes gonna dump her after she finally started to mature a bit. That is just unfair
I hope they kill off Rose cause she has no business hankering for Mcdreamy. The whole reason I watch GA is because of Derek and Merediths relationship, it was what got me hooked in the first place and you will not see a happy person if they break up. Oh yeah you may not like the way Meredith is, but neither do i loads of times. But this Rose thing better just be a close call for Meredith otherwise i will be quitting the show.
I also see the rest of the people in the show but if no one of you have figured out this its actually Merediths show. She broke up with Finn for Derek he better pull through for her and she better shape up. Silly silly woman.
And she is also silly in the sense that she has a problem accepting her sister, sure she didnt get to grow up with her dad but it is still her sister.
Well I am gonna assume you now know of my inhealthy obsession with Meredith and Derek...but its just that they are my couple...they need to pull through , I get enough real-life crap in the real world. If i wanted reality I would watch RealityTV and i dont...


I feel really sad that Meredith and Derek is over, but she is getting me so annoyed. In all fairness she did trust Derek in the start and she was really happy with him...until Addison showed up and he picked Addison over her. She did say. love me. Pick me! and then he didnt...A real heartbreaker.
Then when he decided he wanted her again he made her dump a really sweet guy who really loved Meredith. And that ontop of the fact he wasn't ready to be in a relationship.
And then we have the time when Derek just left her alone cause he wanted to be chief and The Chief told him he couldnt because of Meredith and as usual Derek was really short with Mer.
I guess its all for the best the fact that they split up, but to be honest it was what got me caught on the show.
At least Meredith is nicer to Lexie now.
I guess I will continue watching the show, but the pull for me has just decreased with about 80%...

Dont get why they had to have so much shit between everyone. Really cynical writers I think. The whole show is about being brokenhearted and miserable.
Bailey getting a divorce, Mer-Der splitting up. the chief getting a divorce, George and Callie splitting up, George and Izzy splitting up, Burke leaving Christina at the altar more or less, And Denny dying on Izzy despite having had a new heart.

Whats with all the grief? Dont they realise that there are happiness in the world and that people would rather see happy endings than sad.
Well I do anyways..
We could al use a little happily ever after.

[ Last edited by xareena at 1-11-2008 19:40 ]

