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The girly`s ......giggle box

what is this? A moderator only forum or is it just all newbies been scared away??? considering the first few pages i mean..

[ Last edited by xareena at 1-9-2008 20:59 ]


Thanks for the responses..

Okilidokily, its good that Im a girl then, well i dont know if its actually acurate to call oneself a girl when you are 25 and have kids but hey, im still female..hehe
The reason I changed my question was cause I didnt realise until after I posted that there was a whole 62 pages..silly me..
Imarielle, I get that feeling you talk about seeing the younger siblings growing up,my youngest sister is now 14 and its weird since i remember her being a baby, time really flies now its not just my siblings growing up either its the kids...which really feels weird Ill tell ya.
But I guess you are still a bit too young for kids, gee now I feel old...
Ah well ill feel young when all my kids friends think I am their sister hehehehe...
Cheers for this page, it is fun to read the rants...
Til later...


It seems everyone is sick at the moment, guess its that time of year. Im so tired of being sick, had some kind of cold for the past 2 weeks now and it just seem to get worse...
Having 3 kids running around isnt realy helping with the recovery and I start the university in a week, I really hope to be cured by then...Wouldnt be fun to go to the introduction week with sniffels. Would really make a bad fisrt impression..Yikes!
If im not better soon Im gonna have to make my awful infusion/decoction....taste horrible, but last time I had a nasty cold I took it and I got well really fast. I guess it could have something to do with the fact that  it tasted so bad I couldn´t bare to drink it anymore my body cured itself in no time...
Hope everyone is getting better soon and those who are still well stay well..


Finally starting to feel better now. which feels good seeing as I only have a week left now until I start school, whoo. I really cant wait! Im gonna be a nurse in 3 years time, and finally I will be having a life outside of home..To have been a stay at home mom have been good, but  its time to be a person again and not just a mom.
i think 5 years at home is definately enough.
I hope everyone could have a bit of my positive energy today! I have so much that I am more than happy to share!
All who are still sick, I hope you get well really soon!


Thanks everyone for their comments, I do think I am doing the right thing going back to school...Especially since I am literally jumping with excitement..yay!
i get what you mean Gabsimon about the lil ones beating the teddies hands down..especially when they are in a cuddly mood..So sweet...
I was just wondering if anyone knows why I reverted back from member to newbie, i didnt realise that was possible..
Anywhoos take care ya ll...

Ok, I got the answer for the member thing already...thanks anyways..

[ Last edited by xareena at 1-15-2008 21:52 ]

