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Kings Season 1 Guide

Episode 1&2 - Goliath
In the Gilboa nation, it's Inauguration Day for the city of Shiloh to become the monarchy's new capital. King Silas Benjamin, ruler of Gilboa, walks down a hallway lined with subordinates on his way to speak before the citizens of Gilboa. Silas's son Jack, wife Rose, and daughter Michelle stand among them. Jack asks if he's doing the "God" thing. Rose hopes not; God isn't popular right now. Missing is Reverend Samuels, who's scheduled to give the benediction. Thomasina, the family's handler, suggests waiting for him, but Silas won't let his adoring constituents wait on a cold day. He steps outside in front of the cheering crowd.
Episode 3 - Prosperity
David dreams of King Silas standing on a ledge overlooking Shiloh. A storm rages. He looks to the sky and yells, "Don't go." A flock of pigeons engulfs him. Next, his dead brother Eli is in his room and imparts the same words, "Don't go."
Episode 4 - First Night
Queen Rose prepares for First Night, her finally realized dream to bring culture to Shiloh. The debut of Shiloh's Royal Ballet, performing in the city's new theatre, is the city's hot ticket. Rose has allotted three rows to the public through a lottery system. Citizens anxiously watch TV hoping to hear their name. King Silas holds court and learns of a growing movement protesting his handover of Port Prosperity to Gath. And, that Reverend Samuels publicly supports it. Next, Michelle offers her revised petition for health care reform and impresses Silas with her fancy talk, graphs and budgeting.
Episode 5 - Insurrection
Home on a 48-hour furlough, David asks his brother Ethan why he sent back King Silas's check. Ethan proudly says he doesn't need the money. David assures him he doesn't have to singularly step up for Ian, their brother killed in the war with Gath. "He was my brother too." On TV, they learn that in a bid for continued peace, Silas plans to return all territory that Gilboa took from Gath in the Battle of Prosperity, which includes their home. When his family asks him to help, David says the King doesn't listen to people like him. Jesse, his mother, asks him to try.
Episode 6 - Judgment Day
At Unity Hall, throngs of citizens eagerly wait with orange envelopes, hoping their case is one of ten selected for Judgment Day, where King Silas personally hears their case and rules on it. As the cases are read, groups of people erupt in cheers. Michelle, holding her envelope, hopes her healthcare case is called as well. However, it's not to be. Michelle is among the thousands of disappointed litigants.
Episode 7 - Brotherhood
King Silas Benjamin dreams that he's standing in a forest. Suddenly, he's engulfed by a cyclone of leaves. He wakes, standing in the palace living room, clutching the dagger he keeps under his pillow. Brown leaves litter the floor, blown in through an open window. Among them, an Acacia branch, a tree not native to Gilboa. Silas picks it up. Is it a message from God?
Episode 8 - The Sabbath Queen
At King Silas Benjamin's birthday party, his guests present him with gifts. Hansen is nervous at the open access to the king, and wants to pre-screen everything since Silas received death threats this morning. However, Silas refuses to duck at the sound of every quacking loon. Queen Rose asks him to reconsider inviting Andrew, William's son, but he won't. At home, William gets word that Silas hasn't changed his mind just as Andrew appears, dressed for the party. William pretends he suddenly doesn't want to go, but Andrew figures out that he's not invited. In support of his son, William stays home as well.
Episode 9 - Pilgrimage
Michelle and David, keeping their relationship secret, must covertly meet out of the watchful eyes of the royal family and their employees. They steal a moment before court, where Michelle reminds David of the vow she took to give her life to God. She says she can live with God's disappointment, but not her father's. At court, King Benjamin Silas announces that he's going on a pilgrimage to seek inspiration. Upon leaving, he tells Jack he's man of the house while he's gone. Meanwhile, Rose directs workers hanging a new painted portrait of the city's ministers and is annoyed when Katrina Ghent flirts with a peer.
Episode 10 - Chapter One
Thieves break into Unity Hall and steal the Charter of Gilboa, comparable to the original U.S. Declaration of Independence. Meanwhile, David and Michelle walk publicly as a couple, much to the glee of the paparazzi. David, who lied to King Silas about harboring a secret -- his relationship with Michelle -- says the King won't even look at him in the boardroom. Michelle's certain her father will get over it. David is called to court where Gilboa brass mulls over what to do in response to the theft. The council believes the southern tribes, who are hostile to the crown, are responsible, and that they've taken the charter to Ekron to sell it on the black market.
Episode 11 - Javelin
Silas asks Jack to back his trumped-up charges against David, whom Silas had arrested for treason. In his testimony, he wants Jack to assure David's conviction and execution so he'll have no competitors to the throne. Jack relays this to William, who's amused that Silas is doing their work for them by putting a hero on trial. That, mixed with his handover of Port Prosperity, will have the people rife to have him overthrown. William tells Jack to do what his father asks.
Episode 12 - The New King, Part 1
King Silas visits his old foe, Vesper Abedon, in prison for advice on how to keep his kingdom; he tells him that he will have to live without the adoration of his people. He also tells Silas that he will have to hang his son and Shepard, as well as bury anyone who opposes him without apology. Meanwhile Jack grows frustrated in William's safe house. William reassures him that the people will be begging for Jack to take over now that Silas has lost their trust and earned their hatred.
Episode 12 - The New King, Part 2
Jack is getting nervous as people loyal to him start turning up dead; he fears Silas' return. William berates him for his weak stomach and tells him to grow a pair. Meanwhile, King Silas takes over the radio and announces to the people that he is alive and that evil men have taken over the government. He asks the people to support him and tells the usurpers that he is the rightful King and that is coming back to Shiloh.