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Grey's Anatomy Season 1-4 General Discussion Thread (Spoilers)

It WAS a really good episode, but I can't believe that we have to wait almost 2 WEEKS for the second part. I also think that Bailey's marriage is headed to divorce. I cried so hard at the part where the guy's wife is talking to was so sad. Regarding the white supremacist guy, he said that his tattoo was like something you get when you're younger but then regret later; but when Bailey asked him if he regretted it, he didn't respond showing that he did not. But its kindda weird because his "partner" in the ambulance (the driver who had a seizure) is black and he seemed to be worried about her and she was also worried about him and never mentioned anything out of the ordinary...even though I know that it was a traumatic experience. The way that guy's neck burst was just disgusting yet very real like. Now, I won't have any of my shows to watch next week.


I was really glad to see Meredith and Derek finally go their separate ways. I think that Rose seems nice and I am interested in seeing how she will progress with Derek. I kindda agree about how it wasn't right for Derek to ask her out as some rebound thing, but I think that she's cool for not seeing it like that or really caring. Darn the writer's strike.


Woah, I can't wait! Only about a week to go.


4x12 Discussion Thread (Spoilers if not seen)

I just have to say that it was so nice to have Grey's back after the long hiatus. I enjoyed this episode. It was nice to see the residents competing with each other as they did when they were interns. I like that Derek is dating Rose, but I still hope that maybe it will allow Meredith to move past her problems and maybe finally be able to move forward with Derek if they ever do get back together. I love Lexie; I think that she is such a nice person and that what she did with their apartment (GROSS!) was really thoughtful. I hope that she does find a genuine friend in George. I think that it was unnecessary for Dr. Hahn to treat Cristina the way she did between the surgery and the end of the episode. Bear attacks are so scary...oh my goodness.


Reply  2#2 funny-girl101's post:
Yeah, it seriously did feel like a season 2 episode or something. Mark is so hilarious but I also think that he's a good friend. Yeah, this episode was pretty graphic between the see-through hand, the intestines, and the scalp.

Reply  3#3 bala's post:
I agree with you about the Hahn-Cristina situation. Did this episode not get updated yet? Sorry if spoiled anything; I'm not in the habit of watching a lot of things on the VIP site yet so I never know.


Reply 14#14 shinny's post

I agree with you on the Derek issue. I think he tries to prove things to himself. Just as we saw in Season 2 with the whole Addison thing, in the end; it became some charade about trying to make Meredith jealous. And you are so right about Rose's character being boring on purpose. I like Derek dating Rose because it puts an end to all of that MerDer drama...its like a breath of fresh air. lol! But like alexgirl said, I do hope that it helps Meredith to be fully committed in a relationship. I hope that it would be with Derek (without the drama), but it wouldn't  be that bad seeing someone new for her as well.

