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The girly`s ......giggle box

I'm a fan, too!!! I'm supposed to be going with my cousin tomorrow night. They actually have showings at like 9 and 10 am near me...I want to go at those times but I don't have a car. I hope its not too bad. I absolutely love the books - read them in a week. I don't like the first movie, though. My aunt sent me a shirt in the mail today, it says: "Its a Twilight thing, you wouldn't understand." LOL! It was such a great surprise!


P.S. I don't think that its silly to love it.   Even though the books are categorized as "reteen" reading, I think that the books are mature reading (other than the first one).


Reply  3240#3240 themegababe's post:
Yeah, I was supposed to go see it this past weekend, but I have to wait for my cousin (so we can go together) and she lives an hour away. But soon, I hope. I like to think of myself as Team Seth (because I LOVE him and I think he's such a cute little character). But on Facebook, I found a flair that says that Team Seth is Team Edward and Team Jacob. Its hard for me because, I'm Team Edward but he seriously got on my nerves in certain parts of Eclipse and because I really dislike Rob Pattinson. But yes, Jacob was awesome in New Moon (except when he was mean - but he quickly made up for it), and I thought that Taylor Lautner was adorable in Cheaper By the Dozen 2. He seems like a pretty good actor and I feel like he was more believable in the Twilight movie than RP was.

Reply  3241#3241 shinny's post:
I think that Mick St. John will probably always be my favorite TV vampire.


Hey, guys! I've been busy with my "Nannying" job. My schedule just changed from Friday -Tuesday 5am-2pm, but now its Monday - Friday 6am - 5pm. It can be pretty tiring and the baby just turned 10 months. I don't celebrate Christmas but all of my family does. So, I look forward to my Uncle, Aunt, and cousins coming from Georgia, Virginia, Pennsylvania, and North Carolina. I really need to catch up on Supernatural (like 20 episodes), Private Practice (1 1/2 seasons), and One Tree Hill (about 20 episodes). I also would like to start Flashforward, The Vampire Diaries, and NCIS Los Angeles. I'm so behind. Does anyone know how Gabsimom is?? I know that its about her due date right about now. I hope she's well. We have a snowstorm coming, so I'm pretty happy about that. I've been making some pretty awesome pumpkin pies and carrot cakes with cream cheese frosting. I think I'll make fudge for Friday and I can't wait for eggnog (YUMMY)!

Shinny, you're going to be so close by in NY. I hope you have a great time. I'm actually going there tonight with my family to see a show. Yes, its so cold here. Its 27 F (-3 C) right now and the wind chill (what it feels like) is 14 F (-10 C).  

Barb, I hope your new diet has you feeling better in no time. I have seasonal allergies and I get dermatitis sometimes with the dry winter air and their both a pain in the neck.

Studio and Shinny, the maternity leaves in you guys countries are amazing. They aren't so nice here in the US. Last I heard, you barely got 2 months (one before and after the birth). I hope that will change by the time I have kids (if I do).

Bala, I also wish that I had more time to catch up. Its soo funny because I went from having too much freetime and almost becoming stir-crazy, to now wishing that I could have a little bit of it back.


Reply  3269#3269 bala's post:
Yup...so true, Bala.

Reply  3270#3270 waterlilybarb's post:

I know! I always think about that when the baby goes back to her mom. I'm like "What if I had to do this 24/7?" lol! It makes one reconsider having kids of their own. lol! Sorry to hear that about your diet. Hopefully, the time period will be up soon. I'm also not a huge meat-eater. I'm not a huge fan of chicken and beef is too heavy. But I absolutely love turkey and cooking with it.  We also had our first REAL snowfall yesterday. Before we only had like slush (from it raining and snowing at the same time) and it was completely gone by the next day. We were in NYC last night and it was a blizzard. We've gotten at least 6 inches, but I'm not sure of the exact amount. Its so beautiful, though.


Oh my gosh, I've missed so much. My computer is broken and hasn't been working for like 2 months now. Congratulations, Tina!!! Malec is such a pretty name! I have to catch up with the rest of the reading. Sddvasquez, I miss seeing you online and getting to discuss shows and stuff with you! I also finally got my license recently. In Morocco, the process is soo long and difficult, and we would've had to spend like $100 just for me to have to end up taking the test again. So we waited. NJ has really strict driving laws; even though I'm over 21, I still have to have a permit for at least 3 months until I can get my license(which will be provisional but it doesn't apply to me b/c I'm over 21). Its so annoying. When I lived in Pennsylvania, all you had to do was pass the easy 20 question permit test (unlike the hard 50 question NJ test) and pass the driving test whenever you decided to schedule it. Oh well, I'm just glad to get it over with. I miss chatting with you all, especially you Granny Penny! ^_~


Ok, my computer has finally been fixed thanks to the Geek Squad at Best Buy. Missed talking to you all! I hope that everyone is doing well. I actually don't nanny the same baby anymore because her mom lost her job.   But she turned one this month! I temporarily watch a 2 1/2 year old (for about 4 months because he's visiting the US with his dad) and I can see why children that age are said to be in the "terrible twos". lol! Besides that, everything is the same with me. I tried to do a quick read again, but I have to get bakc to the kid; so hopefully I'll catch up later. Bala, to answer your question (Reply  3356#3356 bala's post), I think that it is state to state because I remember our TV televising Victoria Beckham having to retake the Road and Written test in California when they moved there.   Nice talking to everyone!


Hello everyone! Sorry that I haven't been on for a while...my job is keeping me super busy. I miss chatting with everyone. I quickly read through what I miss. GRANNY PENNY!!! Glad to hear from you...I was thinking about you recently and I'm glad that you seem to be well. Barb, how are you feeling and how's everything going with your place?? Shinny, how was NY?? I think I read something about your friend stepping on a rat or something. How dreadful!!! I hope you had a good time over in my neck of the woods. I always see stuff that you post on facebook but I never have the chance to comment. Meg, Bala, Studiojek...how are you guys doing?? I don't know if I posted it but I won concert tickets off the radio in March and I got to go see 30 Seconds to Mars at the Roseland Ballroom in NYC!!! They're like my favorite band and it was my first concert and I had an amazing time. I couldn't believe that I had gotten so lucky. Then the next day, they played in NJ like not too far from my grandparents house. So I got to see them again! It was soo awesome. Thats about the only thing that is new with me.

You know who else I thought about recently?? RSPatriot. How is he?? I was thinking about all of those great Monk/Psych quizzes he'd make for us. Hey  Shinny, have you seen how our "Mick St. John" has moved on to film...Alex O'Loughlin has that new chickflick with Jennifer Lopez. It was sad for me because I was forced to realize that he'd never go back to being that awesome Vampire PI. Lol! Ok, I hope that everyone is having a good day. Hope to be back soon.


Reply  3422#3422 waterlilybarb's post:
Thanks for the update on RSP, Barb. I'm so sorry to hear that you haven't been well lately. I also forgot to ask about Tina and Sddvasquez...how have they been??

Reply  3423#3423 rickman's post:
Yeah, I LOVE that song and them.


Reply 3425#3425 shinny's post

OMG Shinny, I am so so sorry to hear that. How are you feeling?? And I can't believe that happened to your dad. I'm sure he's scarred for life now...I would be.   Thats so weird that you say that because I was just telling my mom the same thing. He looks and seems younger than 38...more like 28 or something. Yeah, I love Jared Leto; his voice is so amazing! Yup, Alex will always be Mick St. John to me. I watched him on Rachel Ray just to see if he was going to mention anything about Moonlight...its so sad; I should really let it go. And yeah, I was going to write it on your facebook wall, too! lol! Nice to hear from you, too, and I hope you and your dad are ok after that terrible NY visit.


Reply  3430#3430 studiojek's post:
Hey! I'm so sorry that it took me like a month to get back to you. I can't believe that your daughter is almost 1 yrs old already! Did the time seem to fly by? The baby I nanny is almost 7 months and  I can't believe it because she was 3 months (almost 4 month) when I first started watching her. Its amazing how big she's gotten and how many things she can do now that she couldn't before.  Its so nice hearing from you.

Reply  3436#3436 waterlilybarb's post:
So sorry to hear that, Barb. I really hope you feel better. I can't even suggest anything because I don't know if it would conflict with your meds or diet. And of course, you can vent here. Everyone has stuff they need to get off their chest sometimes and thats what we're here for.


Hi, everyone! I've missed being on here...its seriously been a while since the last time I was on here. I hope everyone is well. I'm on vacation...FINALLY...so, I'm happy about that. Supernatural is back...so, I'm SUPER happy about that. I've basically been working and spending time with my grandmother, who has recently been diagnosed with Cancer. But, I'm optimistic. I basically spend free time following my fav band (Twiiter) and voting and stuff (as Shinny know ^_~...lol!).

I saw that Sofia turned 1 while I was gone...congrats, Studiojek; I know she must be getting big. The baby I watch will be 1 in November (I can't believe it). She's all over the place. lol!

Shinny, have you watched Hawaii Five-O? I trying to get around to see; it won't make up for the lack on Moonlight, but I hope its still good. lol! The Back Up Plan is on DVD now, so I'll be sure to grab that and let you know after I watch it. ^_~ Congrats to your sister being pregnant again!

Barb, I hope your health and apartment are well. Sddv, Tina, Bala, Granny Penny...I hope that everyone's families are doing well. You all have a great day and I'll try to be on more often before I go back to work. Take care!


Wow, time really gets away from me. I'm off to bed but I wanted to quickly thank everyone for their responses. My grandmother actually turned out to be Cancer-free. Her surgery was to take place in Manhattan and right before the biopsy, they decided to do another CT scan and thank God they did because they realized that she actually had a lung infection instead of Cancer. It was so weird, I've never heard of that mistake being made and I was a little skeptical at first, but it was a completely different hospital that had diagnosed her. I'm going to seriously try to log on more often sometime between my 3 jobs. lol! Take care everyone!

Shinny, I didn't get to fully read the old posts but I hope you're ok and I'll try my best to read and reply tomorrow. Hope all is well with you (and your apartment) too, Barb...and everyone else! Good night.


Thanks, Sddv and Barb. It was quite scary but I am ever so thankful. Nice to see you Sddv and Casper...its been a while. I wish I had more computer access but I'm also trying to pop up more often. Hope everyone has a nice day/night (depending on what part of the world your in).


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