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The girly`s ......giggle box

Hey all! Just wanted to stop by and say "hi" and that I have neither forgotten this site nor everyone on it. I miss everyone! My life kindda took a 180 turn in March, so I moved back home to the US and I'm trying to go back to college and get a job and all that stuff. I really miss how I used to be on this site like 18 hours a day while I sat home. I just got internet in our new place, so I hope to be on more often. I hope everyone is well. How's Granny Penny? Shinny? I kindda keep up with Barb and Tina on Myspace.  I know that I probably missed some really awesome games/quizzes by RSP. Lol! I hope everyone is well (even those I forgot to mention)!


Thanks, you guys! I've missed everyone and being on here soo much! I am so backed up on shows. I've never been behind on Supernatural and now I have to try and catch up before the new season starts. So, what is the best new show??


Lol! Thanks! I've actually caught a few episodes of Flashpoint and it did seem really good. I'm kind of a Sci-fi fan but I also like drama. Wow Bala, I would have thought that True Blood would have been on your list. My brother watches it, but I have been skeptical about watching it due to the mature content. I am a newly converted Twilight fan, but I guess I'll have to see. Thanks for the feedback.


Reply  #3061 gabsimom's post:
Oh, ok. Thank you, Tina! I can't believe your almost halfway through your pregnancy already! How are you feeling??

Reply #3062 bala's post:
Yeah, I'm the same way; so I know what you mean.


Reply  3064#3064 penny3760's post:
Granny Penny! Its so nice to hear from you as well! I'm just trying to get a job and go back to school. How have you been?

Reply  3065#3065 gabsimom's post:

You are most welcome and I'm glad to hear that.

Reply  3066#3066 themegababe's post:

Hey, Meg! There really is no place like home. I'm loving being back and the fact that everyone speaks English. lol! I'm glad that at least one other person feels my pain when it comes to wanting to watch shows with mature content. How have you been?


Reply 3067#3067 shinny's post

Oh, I LOVE Private Practice!!! I have to catch up, though. I've only seen about 5 episodes of Season 2.


Reply 3079#3079 waterlilybarb's post

Yeah, when my mom was pregnant with her first child, she had a dream that her baby was born with a horse head and another time she dreamt that the baby was born with a tail.

I'm on Facebook and Myspace and would love to add everyone. On Myspace, you can find me in Tina's or Barb's friend list but I don't have anyone on Facebook.


Reply  3096#3096 gabsimom's post:
Happy Ramadan to you too, Tina!!!

Reply  3098#3098 themegababe's post:
Thanks, Meg! I can't wait! I actually have a job interview tomorrow, so I'll try to start as soon as I can (depending on how things turnout -lol).

Reply  3099#3099 shinny's post:

Aww, Shinny!!! You're pics are so nice!!! You guys look like you really had a good time!


Reply  3115#3115 serena75's post:
Happy 1 Year Anniversary, Serena75!!! How has this site changed your life in the past year?? Hopefully, for the better! Ever since I've been on this site, my life has changed in a negative way...since I want to be on here 24/7 and I was never able to get anything done. lol! I'm slowly trying to learn a balance. No but seriously, I LOVE this site!!!

Reply  3120#3120 gabsimom's post:
Congratulations!!! I was also secretly hoping that you would have a girl so Adam could have a little sister. Like Barb said, maybe next time. ^_~ Either way, I'm really happy for you!


Reply 3126#3126 serena75's post

I know what you mean, I actually prefer subtitles. lol! I guess I picked the habit up from living overseas so long and (like you) from watching many foreign films. I didn't realize that English wasn't your native language (sorry, I've been away from this site far too long; so I guess I missed that); but I know how it feels to not understand certain phrases because I had the same problem with learning french. And yes, it feels amazing to finally know what the saying, phrase, etc. means.


Reply  3140#3140 serena75's post:
Thank you, Serena. I'm so glad that I've only had to experience bad subtitles about 3 times and it IS so annoying.

Reply  3141#3141 waterlilybarb's post:
Playing good music makes cleaning way more fun to do. I especially love listening to oldies (stuff from the 70s and 80s - My mom's music) that make you want to dance while cleaning. Good luck with painting!!! We have to paint, too, but we're putting it off for now. DIY projects can be such a headache.

Reply  3143#3143 gabsimom's post:
That was soo nice of your husband! I'm glad that you got to relax a little. 22 weeks?!!! WOW, the baby is going to be here before we know it!


Reply 3164#3164 waterlilybarb's post

Sorry to hear that, Barb. But I do know how you feel. I have been away for so long because Ramadan can get exhausting. My bedtime has now become between 2am and 4 am; I always wake up around 8 am or 9 am and I often find myself dozing off. As much as I love the month, I am glad that it is over because the whole rushing to get dinner finished by sunset and the extra worship at night has really worn me out. That, in turn, leaves the chores to be done after 10pm. I really wish that I could help you some way (because we just moved not too long ago and I know how frustrating a disorganized living space can be). Try not to worry too much and I hope your headaches stop. Hope it gets better.


P.S. I am totally for natural birth. My mom actually had my sister outside of the US and her OBGYN gave her a shot to stop her contractions so that she'd had to perform a C-Section and get paid double (the medical rule over there). It was terrible because my mom couldn't speak the language. Also, my grandmother was a victim of the "Hysterectomy Movement"and she has told as many women as possible to never ever allow anyone to do that to them.


Reply 3169#3169 waterlilybarb's post

I hope that you get better, Barb. Do you have any Ginger or Ginger Tea? It always helps my headaches, so maybe it could help your migraine. I'm so glad that you have such a nice friend to help you out! Please feel better soon.


Glad you're feeling better...or at least you were. Now sounds like a good time to make a cup of ginger tea to help that queasiness.  ^_~


Reply 3179#3179 waterlilybarb's post:
Sorry to hear that...I have been exhausted for the longest. I keep telling myself that I'm going to get a nap in somewhere, but I never have time to. lol! I'm glad the Ginger is helping some.

Reply  3181#3181 shinny's post:
I think that people like that are in so much denial about the talented person's talent that they need to vocally degrade that person in order to convince themselves. Its ok, though, because in the end; the talented person will shine and they will a.ways have a gift no matter how much envy or hatred the other person feels towards them.

Reply  3185#3185 waterlilybarb's post:

For some reason, whenever the weather changes (from warmer to cooler) I am always stuff with the "cuts in the throat", sore, scratching feeling in my throat. It like never becomes an actual sore throat, I just have to deal with this annoying feeling for days. It takes like 50 cough drops to heal. But I just stick with lemon and honey and endless cups of tea. I hate it so much cause then I have to pee like every 20 minutes (lol!), so I know how you feel being in that "transition" mode. Hope you feel better, Barb!


Reply  3188#3188 themegababe's post:
Free Halls?! That sounds AWESOME. I wonder why they never do stuff like that near my house. lol! You made a beanie...cool! Did you knit or crochet it?? I'm trying to take up either or both but I have to buy the supplies and wait until my mom has enough time to teach me. I'm also curious about the pumpkin beer...is it alcohol or like Root Beer??

Reply  3189#3189 waterlilybarb's post:

Yikes! When it gets cold, I sleep with a skully on every night and sometimes a scarf (depending on how cold it is) to prevent head colds. They're so annoying because they make you so miserable.

Reply  3192#3192 shinny's post:

Happy belated 2 year anniversary, Shinny!!! I'm also a "2 year-er"; welcome to the club! I joined in May of 2007 but I found the site in March or April of that year.

Reply  3194#3194 gypsiegirl66's post:

Tea! Its my favorite companion during this time of year until it gets warm again. I though of you all when I made Braided Sweet Bread yesterday. The smell was divine and I was wishing that I could share it with you all. I'll post a pic.


It was soo good. Its actually a Moroccan tea time pastry bread.I'm sending you all some through my pics. ^_~


Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry to hear about everyone's sicknesses. Barb, I think that the sick bug loves you so much because you're such a sweet person. ^_~ Thats what my grandmother and mother would always whenever I got a mosquito bite (which is often in the Summer - they literally follow me).   U2 and the BEPs?? How lucky are you, Meg? Glad you had a good time. Please feel better, Shinny! I think that stomach illnesses are the worse! Aww, your daughter sounds so cute, studiojek. Sleeping through the night is definitely an accomplishment. Dehydration is very scary, cshapiro. Your story reminded of one my mom told me about when I was around 6 months. My grandparents kept nagging my mom to take me to emergency (because they felt something was wrong) and that was the only reason she did. I was so dehydrated that when the doctor pushed my skin down on my hand, it stayed. They said that I would have died had she not brought me in when she did. I'm glad you're better.

I can't  believe that its been a month since I've been on here. The day after Halloween, a bunch of my friends and I went to the haunted penitentiary in Philadelphia. It was SO MUCH FUN!!! Its called Eastern State Penitentiary where Al Capone was once held. After we went, my grandfather told me that his nephew died there...CREEPY. Nice talking to everyone. Stay well!


Reply 3232#3232 waterlilybarb's post

Those fumes are dangerous. Darn those migraines.   I know what you mean about living out of boxes; I've been living out of suitcases for almost 3 years now. Its SO annoying. lol!


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