IDK who the ice king was. He looked alot different than the other "walking dead' so I'm thinking he must be the original or something like that. I feel bad for the fat kid who's going to surely die and turn into a dead walker.

Poor thing.
Khaleesi bringing vengence upon those who smited her! HAHAHAHAHAH The control over the dragons was well done and locking the imposter into the vault was nice! Shame about the servant. She should have aligned herself better! I knew she would get her dragons. Their fire was impressive though.
Winterfell burned and greyjoy is gone. Poor little lords. They are going to the nights watch only to find out Jon Snow isn't there

I had such high hopes for Sansa. I thought when he threw her over for the ambitious one, that would mean she would feel like she could escape which she did. Only she thought he would let her go. SIlly girl: Your king is crazy as hell! LOL

Maybe she will take the guy up on his offer to get her home. Why doesn't she feel like she can go to winterfell??? I missed that.
Rob Stark marrying the girl is not going to go well. He gave his word!

The guy who's daught he's suppose to marry is going to be MAD!!!
TRUE BLOOD!!! bring it on