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Grey's Anatomy Season 5-8 General Discussion Thread (Spoilers)

Reply 146#146 bala's post

I don't think he's put himself in any trouble now that he got the donation.    SERIOUSLY lucky on his part.

WOW...meredith is going to get into SOOO much trouble.
I'm not afraid of tomorrow, for I have seen yesterday and I love today.


Reply 152#152 codebreaker's post

For Callie's mom calling herself a Christian and then turning completely against the baby by not holding her or having anything to do with her was atrocious.  I was VERY disappointed.  Once again, the facets of religion are warped for all by the actions of a few.       Makes me sad.  

The two weddings were fun and Christina isn't learning anything from Teddy's actions, so maybe she should try a different track....
I'm not afraid of tomorrow, for I have seen yesterday and I love today.


Originally posted by shinny at 5-14-2011 05:56  
Alex has a big mouth!.
Amen!!  That's such an Alex thing.  Things don't go his way or he's picked last for dodgeball and he brings the others down around him.  

The tree was awesome and the way Teddy is treating christina, it's any wonder C didn't go to T and tell her.  She needed a chance to shine.

The Teddy Fake husband thing is sad.  Teddy is kinda an idiot and i'm SUPER glad to see her go to Germany!!  You're married, but you didn't think to talk it thru with the guy you really like and are married too.  What would the insurance say to one spouce in Germany and the other in Washington.  HMMM
I'm not afraid of tomorrow, for I have seen yesterday and I love today.


Reply 164#164 bala's post

Okay to have one survivor from the crash was great/sad.  Wonderful grey's drama.

Karev...well he has a big mouth but he doesn't have malicious intent.  Hopefully he can pull himself out of the crap hole he's in.

Awesome For Henry and Teddy.  Bout time.

The Doc who stole the Africa trip from Karev....She's the new Charlie's Angel.  She ain't coming back.  Oh well...No loss.

NOW:  on to meredith.  Kinda totally sucky that Derek thought she would be a bad mother.  Totally wrong.  She would be a great mother.  She doesnt worry about consequences when dealing with loved one.  Suspended is better than fired and taking home Zola without Derek was ironic.  She wasn't sure she wanted the Kid and the person who does goes into Seclution. Gotta love irony!     OH and Meredith FYI:  Give derek space.  Continuously calling isn't going to make him answer.  Deal.  You now have a baby and an empty house.  Work with it.

Christina:   Okay HUNT  You knew from the beginning that C wouldn't change.  She was very upfront  about her needs and wants and a baby wasn't one of them.  Since she's so empathically telling you a baby is not something she's willing to deal with, that *might* have been something you two should have discussed BEFORE you married.  I'm just saying.,   Yes you get a vote and a say, but untimately, it's her body and she'll be the one bonded to it.  Kicking her out was Harsh.  She may not come back.   Hope you're ready for them apples.

And that's my take on "grey's anatomy!"   TIL NEXT SEASON!   Peace.   
I'm not afraid of tomorrow, for I have seen yesterday and I love today.


We all know Meredith with be around because the actress' contract is up at the end of the year.  Now the question is, HOW will they bring her back!!!!  

Bring it Grey's!  We are ready.
I'm not afraid of tomorrow, for I have seen yesterday and I love today.


Reply 15#15 carlorica's post

I'm not really feeling like Mer is fighting anyone.  She looked really defeated there at the end.  I think Derek needs to stop being a jerk and start talking/yelling.  Get it out of his system.  Either forgive and let go or divorce.  Pick a stance.

Glad that Richard stepped up since Mer was trying to help his wife.   And bailey got the Trial.  Awesome.

Kephner...horrible chief resident.  Oops
I'm not afraid of tomorrow, for I have seen yesterday and I love today.


Ep 2

It's nice that derek wants to honor his post it, but honestly making her feel like a jerk is not the way to go.  He couldn't even look at her.  He understood where she was coming from.  At some point he needs to accept and move on.  So she has to drastically alter her future (by not being on his rotation) just so she is "punished".  I'm thinking she's punished.  

Christina and Hunts converstaions were awkward and great.  Loved it.  Karev seems to be almost getting back to normal. Maybe.  Bailey was great as usual.  Going up against Hunt and making him entirely uncertain what to say around her was funny!

Where's Lexi?
I'm not afraid of tomorrow, for I have seen yesterday and I love today.


Reply 24#24 studiojek's post

Okay!!   Thank you SOOO much for responding to my question.  It was bugging me.

The actress or the charater is on leave?
I'm not afraid of tomorrow, for I have seen yesterday and I love today.


Reply 26#26 studiojek's post

That's what I was thinking.  I just thought I had missed it or something.  
I'm not afraid of tomorrow, for I have seen yesterday and I love today.


Poker Face

Sneaking around the mice was funny and Christina and Owen doing everything but talking in every room was great.  I wonder when Shepard and Grey will figure out they are better as a working team than apart.  That was evidant in this episode.  She's the only one to deal with his idocracy's.
I'm not afraid of tomorrow, for I have seen yesterday and I love today.


dark was the night very sad.  For teddy, for christina.  NOT for derek.  He needs to understand some fear so he'll get over himself and let Meredith all the way back in.  Neuro, life the whole bit.

Still sad....
I'm not afraid of tomorrow, for I have seen yesterday and I love today.


Reply 57#57 shinny's post

IDK: the love interest this season was a heart related reason and now she's a widow. PRobably not.  Her grief will do something like cause her to jeopordize a patient or something....   HATE that they wrote scott foley off.  I was just starting to get use to that character.   No medical school for him...
I'm not afraid of tomorrow, for I have seen yesterday and I love today.



great returning episode.  Kinda like Mark's new girlfriend.  The girl watching her grandmother, mother and father die was a bit horrific.     Glad they saved the sisters eye though.    

Christina was right, it didn't matter who told teddy.  Just that she was told.
I'm not afraid of tomorrow, for I have seen yesterday and I love today.


Reply 65#65 shinny's post

OH no, i'm rather angry about that too!!  long live scott foley.
I'm not afraid of tomorrow, for I have seen yesterday and I love today.


Reply 71#71 bala's post

I think Christina was taking that as her pentance.  She thought she deserved it or something.  Which was bogus of course.  Looks like next episode Christina is going to give Hunt the 'ol heave ho!  He deserves to be on punishment I think.

Poor lexie.  And alex....the chief was being a schmuck!  blah.
I'm not afraid of tomorrow, for I have seen yesterday and I love today.


One step too Far

All I have to say for this whole episode is this:    Christina, Crap or get off the Owen pot!!!   

So glad to see Summer Glau!    She's awesome.
I'm not afraid of tomorrow, for I have seen yesterday and I love today.


Reply 122#122 bala's post

Yes but it's because we don't see her so much.   Christina was entirely annoying in this episode!!  Hate it.  He cheated-forgive or divorce.  Decide.  Ugh.  Oh and using Lexi like a spong was funny!   haha. Lexi is way ahead of everyone now.
Glad the guy didny die and the girls did a night with teddy.  I don't think teddy has many friends.
I'm not afraid of tomorrow, for I have seen yesterday and I love today.


Reply 125#125 bala's post

Yeah I liked that it went along.  The interviews were interesting.  If there is a next season the characters and where they go will be new I imagine!!  

The girls ordeal was crazy!  Poor thing
I'm not afraid of tomorrow, for I have seen yesterday and I love today.


Reply 136#136 bala's post

I agree bala.  I knew when she had her second sessions and then brought God into it they would fail her.  She was both unprofessional and apparently wrong.  LOL  I feel bad for her.    That and the loss of her "v".  So sad.  

I really loved how Meredith threw up and then pushed through!  BOUGH-YA!  hehehhe  loved it.  

Kelle:  You thought this was realistic!  hahaha  Okay so maybe not.  Does that mean you are in the medical world?
I'm not afraid of tomorrow, for I have seen yesterday and I love today.


Reply 147#147 kellemanske's post

LOL  The plane crash may be more dramatic than the shooter? Do we know if Patrick Dempsey signed next years contract?  He's not coming back?  I feel so bad for kepner, but she still has options.  She can do General Practice somewhere, get more experience and then take the boards again.

Poor avey.    That's alot to deal with.
I'm not afraid of tomorrow, for I have seen yesterday and I love today.

