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Grey's Anatomy Season 5-8 General Discussion Thread (Spoilers)

I've got to say..."come ON Grey's" .  they are just getting weaker and weaker every episode. I guess we need a sweeps episode.  But even Meredith just  let-it-go when derek took her surgery.  That's was horrible of him and lame for her to just take it.  What was  up with Army Guy doing the flashback for no reason. Christina did nothing, Karev did nothing...there was Teddy killing someone at least that was Something.     ehh it was just a 4 for me.  Bahh...and I"m a devoted fan.  Maybe the reruns on lifetime are killing the new ones for me.  I'll keep at it though....  Good luck GREY"S


Okay so that wasn't so bad!  Yay grey's. You're making a come back.  I thought it was a good episode.  They could have taken Alex's brother and made a 2 ep-arc, but it worked out.  Faith, restored.


Reply 150#150 bala's post

Nahh it doesn't replace the whole season, but at least the writters haven't fallen off the deep end. They still have good work in them.  Hope Bala, Hope!  Each week will stand on it's own though.  We'll see...


Reply 158#158 bala's post

Yeah but these things have a way of getting out. I can't believe Shepard gave the position to the other guy.  I thought the chiefs idea was a good one about loyalty.  I don't like shepard as chief.  He kinda sucks.

The Lexi thing was way overdue and Alex needs to get over it.  We allllll know Lizzi will never come back.  It's a shame, but the show is fine without her!

I totally understand where Arizona is coming from.  She doesn't want kids and Callie can't seem to grasp that concept.  Thinking they are going to break up.  Good for Arizona, sticking to her guns!


Reply 161#161 Teachergirl's post

So true teachergirl's so true!  I agree entirely!


Reply 186#186 bala's post

THAT WAS BRILLIANT!!!!!  Loved every min of the episode.  Every aspect of it was great.  

SWAT taking so long, was a bit disappointing   Loved how they rid of all the Mercy West people though.  Are they cutting personnel in General, or is there new blood coming.  

One of the BEST season finales I've ever seen, and one of the best episodes of Grey's I've ever seen.  YAY!!!!!   


Reply 1#1 bala's post

I gotta say this was a great beginning.  It opens the door to issues through out the season.  Marriage prob. Derek will be arrested one too many times.  Carrev will alienate everyone finally.  Not sure about little grey (lexi) but look forward.  Thought it was funny how Arizona got to psyched out about what Torres wanted to talk about. LOL.

" Move in with you.  You mean like I am already??  That's it."  Classic!!

The chief dancing. Brialliant.  Glad he's back in the power seat.  good place for him.

Miranda.  Well I can understand that.  It's hard to deal and make someone else understand at the same time.  She needs space until she's whole again.  Maybe before end of the season they'll hook up again.
I'm not afraid of tomorrow, for I have seen yesterday and I love today.


This episode was good.  Derek's sister was a good background filler.  I didn't know he had sisters so that was a good story line. Bit over the top that she's a neurosurgeon too tho.  

Callie and Arizona are a bit callus and I'm kinda not liking them right now.  

REALLY glad derek has taken Christina under his wing.  I hope a decision will be made about her career before christmas and they don't prolong this too long.

The meredith/derek baby angle is going to be a good story arc.
Not sure about Marc and Lexie.  She finally figures it out that he's in love with her.  She get's her act together , only to have him making out with derek's sister.  BAHH...cliche.  Would love to see them back together....
I'm not afraid of tomorrow, for I have seen yesterday and I love today.


Reply 25#25 bala's post

I hope the writers do something with Christina Soon. I grow weary of this non-surgery person. Blah.
I'm not afraid of tomorrow, for I have seen yesterday and I love today.


Reply 28#28 bala's post

yes.  It was a good decision to award the money to the Trama unit to help *everyone*.  I was surprised about Miranda's proposal. I kinda thought he would take on that one!  It would have been useful.

Where's the money coming from?

Christina? Back in the game yet or still on the fence til what...xmas?? The Fall finale?
I'm not afraid of tomorrow, for I have seen yesterday and I love today.


These Arms of MIne

WAIT!!! ....WHAT??   We're losing Callie and Arizona?  I'm confused.   Are we having a midseason cast swap or is this just a reprieve from there BORING story line??

This was a weird episode but kinda interesting.  I don't think Avery can handle enclosed spaces.  The interns got very little air time and the Double Arm surgery, Now THAT was kewl.  I hope that's a reality in real life.  With so many new episodes back to back....I bet we'll have like All of Jan and Feb off or something like that. I hate when they do that.

The security system did not protect them...

[ Last edited by arksongbird80 at 10-29-2010 10:26 ]
I'm not afraid of tomorrow, for I have seen yesterday and I love today.


That's me Trying

I certainly wasn't expecting Yang to blame Meredith.  

I understood Bailey's quest for answers.  Sorry she wasn't able to find them that day...

Arizona breaking up with Callie wasn't entirely unexpected.  Although the "we're yelling at each other in an Airport, we're already over" was a bit harsh.   I mean, Callie needed time to adjust to leaving her life, her practice and all her accomplishments to go to Africa.  Just because Arizona had a dream for years and years, she needed to give Callie time to find her dream in africa.  Love isn't always enough.  Life gets in the way...  Surely Arizona knew how much Callie loved her and Callie had already started trying to find positive things she would get out of the experience...  Now Callie, might could have kept her mouth shut more.  That could have helped.

I'm holding out hope for McSteamy and Little Gray.....
I'm not afraid of tomorrow, for I have seen yesterday and I love today.


Reply 50#50 bala's post

I agree the christina nonsence needs to GO!

FYI:  Ya'll probably already know this, but I recently found out the actress who plays Arizona, is out on Maternity leave.  That opens all kinds of ideas for her coming back...

According to Kristin Dos Santos at E! Online, Capshaw's departure is for maternity leave, and she is expected to return. "As for Jessica Capshaw's Arizona, I'm told she's set to return to the set "very soon" from her real-life maternity leave, so you won't have to go too long without her," she wrote, saying that Callie should be back to work at Seattle Grace by episode 10 in the wake of Arizona's departure.

@bala....LUUUUUVE the pic.

[ Last edited by arksongbird80 at 11-15-2010 17:16 ]
I'm not afraid of tomorrow, for I have seen yesterday and I love today.


Reply 56#56 bala's post

Well said.  I also do not want to see another Deni situation.

You have no opinion about Arizona and Callie??   I thought it was harsh that she slammed the door in A's face.  I thought it took alot of courage to drop her dream and come home because she loves callie.  

The whole Yang thing is annoying.
Meredith and Kevin McKidd (character name i can't remember ) had a good run until he threw her out.  I think he had more issues than she did.
Bailey needs to be the nazi again....she's getting predictable and boring.
I love that McSteamy and Little Gray kissed.  I liked them together.
Where's the SEX!
I'm not afraid of tomorrow, for I have seen yesterday and I love today.


Reply 69#69 bala's post

wait!  Who has a bundle of joy??  @Studiojek?  Do you have one in the oven or already rolling on the floor!  How exciting for you.   Congrats.  I'm sure your Christmas will be adventurous.
I'm not afraid of tomorrow, for I have seen yesterday and I love today.


Reply 87#87 bala's post

I thought what Callie said to Arizona was appropriate. Just because Arizona was back and ready to get together, Callie has tried to heal and move on.   

Bout time Yang got back in the ER!  Wow.  Took them half a season.    Annoying.

I really enjoyed what Meredith said to Derek in the OR.  Heck yeah she was a wife and no one acknowledged that because she can still function...  humph.
I'm not afraid of tomorrow, for I have seen yesterday and I love today.


Why is Grey's not returning til Feb??  That seems like a Long wait when it just returned from xmas break.
I'm not afraid of tomorrow, for I have seen yesterday and I love today.


Reply 98#98 bala's post

shame that lexie wasn't even interested at all.  I mean, he wasn't going to be a monk while they were broken up.  And they were seperated for awhile.  Like 6-12 months right??

As always, I enjoy grey's.   

'Your wife is the only one twisted enough to do this with you."   --Alex
I'm not afraid of tomorrow, for I have seen yesterday and I love today.


Reply 129#129 bala's post

I agree bala I was not as impressed with the episode as I thought it could be.    Sara R has a great voice and I really enjoyed it.  Was glad to see Addison, but honestly what was the point in her being there, she didn't have any scenes worth while!     

The "yes" at the end was not even remotely believeable.  That was crap.  Callie should have stayed in a  coma or had memory loss or something....keep the drama going.

Lexie should stay away from Avery.  She was there for Mark and then to go home with avery was a slap.  NO NO NO>

And then of course there's Christina.  She didn't do this horrible thing, other than try and save a life.  Her teacher needs to get over it and she's just put out and that's why she told "C" she couldnt' teach her anything if she didn't want to learn.  No one on that show wants to learn more than Christina.  That's crap.  She's just got her feelings hurt. BAHH!!!

AVG episode....  7
I'm not afraid of tomorrow, for I have seen yesterday and I love today.


wll i'm  not sure the fans were all that happy.  All the comments I've read online have NOT been positive!.  Quite the opposite infact.
I'm not afraid of tomorrow, for I have seen yesterday and I love today.


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