I can bear it no longer, and must share my frustration. As new episodes are posted, it is apparent that many are captured using an automatic timer function. Too many shows cut off the ending credits, which also contain soundtrack music scores and songs. A developing production trend is for series to include different closing music scores unique to each episode.
In some extreme "auto timer" captures, the final seconds of dialog are cut off. Such abrupt and cavalier shut downs are both rude and disrespectful of the artistic content and flow intended by a show's creators. These lead-outs are part and parcel of the total creative package; such sudden whiplash cut-offs feel like a slap-in-the-face after the guillotine has fallen. Can you imagine the outcry if that chop-chop happened in a movie theater--and the house lights snapped on full, to boot?
Whew... well, I feel much better now, having vented my frustrations. Thank you for your patience. I do really love and appreciate all you guys and gals, moderators, administrators and techs, everyone who keeps VIPTV up and running. I discovered you in July of 2007, while recovering from heart surgery. The perfect service to banish the boredom of rehab. You and I have been together ever since, and it's been great. Thank you, thank you, and thank you once again.
Oh, and please do consider that chop-chop endings issue...
thanx & etc.,
Rock and Roll Mercenaries