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On the homepage under coming soon it says Star Trek "the Next Generation" but the picture implies Voyager and DS 9 as well. Does anyone know if it's just TNG or are we getting all three. Thank you. [ Last edited by cshapiro at 5-5-2008 22:38 ]


New Shows

I was just wondering if anybody had any information on when the next new shows are going to be added. Usually it's around the 1st and 15th of the month. I know it's only approximate but, the 19th is already kind of later than usual. I would hazard a guess that, the earthquake has thrown off the schedule but, I would like to hear from someone who knows if possible. Believe me, I am not complaining, I have more than enough to watch but, I am curious(and a little bit excited about Star Trek TNG). Thank you, as always, for your help.

