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The girly`s ......giggle box

The trouble with my doctors practice is that it's hard to get appointments with the two main doctors that everyone knows are good. If you need an appointment fairly quickly then you end up seeing one of the associates or a locum, I haven't seen the same doctor twice yet. (Although it's probably because I rarely go to the doctors.) Still, I'll have to change doctors soon as I am moving. It should be in 2 weeks, fingers crossed!
"You're on the ride, you might as well open your eyes!"


Hi everyone,

The wedding plans are still going great thanks barb - 3 more days til I can try the dress on!

Sorry to hear that you were treated that way in your job Shannon - their loss! Some people just don't seem to understand the importance of people skills!
I'm really enjoying my job at the moment but our headteacher keeps saying how we'll have OFSTED in soon (school inspectors) and it's making me a little nervous!

I've been baking spiral shortbread today, wish I could share it with you guys but this is as close as I can get! (Although these look a lot neater than mine do!)

"You're on the ride, you might as well open your eyes!"


That sounds delicious, white chocolate and raspberry is my favourite kind of cheesecake. Closely followed by chocolate!
"You're on the ride, you might as well open your eyes!"


Thanks for the idea Meg - I hadn't thought of doing them so they are different colours, I always just do a plain shortbread layer and a chocolate shortbread layer! I might have to try doing some red and green ones for christmas presents this year.

Arielle - Hope you enjoyed the social and enjoy your weekend, it's nearly here! I'm counting down the days
"You're on the ride, you might as well open your eyes!"


Hi everyone, just thought I'd let you know that the dress fitting went fine, only one minor alteration to be done on mine - it fit pretty perfectly. Plus I have a jacket which is gorgeous. I think my fiance will be surprised by what I chose, I certainly was. I've gone back to the days when I used to love watching walt disney and gone for a dress that makes me feel like a princess! I always thought I'd want something much more slimline but trying them on I found that nothing went the way I expected it to.

All the bridesmaids dresses were lovely, the youngest just needs hers taking up which we knew that it would. It's all starting to feel very real!!

Hope everything goes ok for you when you move Angel - I'm sure you'l get there just fine!
"You're on the ride, you might as well open your eyes!"


Of course, I can't go on about it on here and then not show you all what it looked like!

A lot of people I know have said the same about choosing something different to the picture they had in their head. I think it's because wedding dresses are so different to anything you ever usually wear that you really don't know what will suit you until you've tried some on. I also have to now agree with the terrible cliche that when you put the right one on, you just know!!
"You're on the ride, you might as well open your eyes!"


Reply 2383#2383 cshapiro's post

Lol, we realise that our island is rather small in the grand scheme of things! It's just what you are used to though. I hate driving so any trip longer than an hour or two is torture for me!
"You're on the ride, you might as well open your eyes!"


Hope all went well with the exams, Arielle. There's always that lovely relieved feeling you get when exams are over - particularly if you know they are going to be particularly tough ones!
"You're on the ride, you might as well open your eyes!"


Reply 2397#2397 angel-87's post

Glad it all went well - now you can relax and enjoy the new home!

Reply  2396#2396 shinny's post

Talking of traffic, I had a bad experience just this evening. I went to pick up the keys to our new flat today, it took me about 15 minutes to get there and I got the keys, great no problem then went home for dinner.
Went back this evening with my parents and fiance and it took us an hour to do the same trip. It's only 4 miles!
"You're on the ride, you might as well open your eyes!"


Reply 2401#2401 angel-87's post

Ah, sorry to hear that you had a bad time moving in - as Barb said, it's supposed to be enjoyable moving your things in and seeing it become yours. I hope it all gets sorted for you very soon and I'm sure it'll be great.

We got the keys to our flat on Friday, we are gradually starting to move stuff in and sort it all out. My fiance hopes to move in in a couple of weeks and I haven't decided yet whether I'm going to do the same or wait until after the wedding. I think I'll probably move in with him - I don't want him to be there first! If we move in together it'll be ours from the start. Plus it'll be easier to move all my stuff in before the wedding and just come home for the night before.
"You're on the ride, you might as well open your eyes!"


Yeah, I didn't want to move in before the wedding and originally I wasn't going to, but a lot of the stuff in the flat is his because he had a place before and I'm worried it'll feel like I'm moving into his flat rather than ours. If I do move in earlier it'll be the spare room for a week or two I guess.
I still haven't fully decided yet. We haven't lived together before (unless you count a student house before we got together or us living with my parents at the moment!) so it'd be nice to do it properly and wait until the wedding night. Oh I don't know!

Am sure the test will be fine, Meg, it sounds like you are prepared, but good luck anyway!

[ Last edited by meljones_83 at 9-29-2008 07:58 ]
"You're on the ride, you might as well open your eyes!"


I think that's true in the UK too. A lot of people celebrate Christmas who have no religious beliefs at all, just because it's become such a huge holiday. I've never known if this was true but a friend of mine said she once overheard people in a card shop saying how "they've even managed to shove religion down our throats at Christmas!"  I'm not saying that I object to people celebrating a festival/holiday of a religious belief that they do not hold, but many people don't respect the reason for the holiday. Mind you, Christians stole the holiday anyway so I guess we can't really complain!
"You're on the ride, you might as well open your eyes!"


Lol, being a teacher the spelling debate is interesting. I had a boy who had come from the US in my class last year when I was training and I never knew whether I should correct his spellings because he was in the UK or leave it because he was spelling the way he'd been taught before. This was a debate in the staffroom as other experienced teachers had different opinions. In the end I went with my own instinct and let him spell the way he'd been taught rather than correcting it - it seemed a little unfair otherwise!
"You're on the ride, you might as well open your eyes!"


Apartment is being used a lot in the UK too now, I think people think it sounds a bit classier than flat! It's funny, I go round telling people all about our new 'flat' but my fiance talks about our 'apartment.'
I think it's because I'm more common than he is!!

As for the word fanny, I think I first realised that had a different meaning in the US from an episode of the Simpsons!
"You're on the ride, you might as well open your eyes!"


Reply 2426#2426 studiojek's post

Lol, almost! Thanks for asking. We still have the cake to order, the orders of service to print and the favours to make up but they are all small things that should be straightforward! It still doesn't seem real but a lot of people have said that it won't, even on the day!

I've been quite stressed at school this week so haven't had much chance to even think about it!

2 weeks tomorrow!
"You're on the ride, you might as well open your eyes!"


Thanks for the advice!
"You're on the ride, you might as well open your eyes!"


Reply 2436#2436 waterlilybarb's post

It's not a classic for several reasons, mainly because I have a real aversion to cheesy songs, which most classic wedding songs are! I have also been to a lot of weddings and didn't want anything that anybody else had danced to! In the end we went with a Goo Goo Dolls song called Without You Here. We both like the group and the sentiment seems right. There is also a lovely version of it on you tube where someone has put lots of film clips to the song and it always brings a tear to my eye!

The DJ actually asked us for two songs to dance to so our second song is Snow Patrol with Signal Fire, for similar reasons!

I feel very calm at the moment and everybody keeps asking me when I'm going to start panicking and asking me what if X? what if Y?! I don't think I will panic though, as everything is sorted, I'm happy to be getting married and que serra serra! We'll just deal with any issues if they arise, I'm not going to plan for things going wrong!!

P.S. Thanks Angel-87! Only 8 days 21 hours and 8 minutes to go!

[ Last edited by meljones_83 at 10-16-2008 16:52 ]
"You're on the ride, you might as well open your eyes!"


My last check into the giggle box before the big day! Thanks for all your kind words and advice!
"You're on the ride, you might as well open your eyes!"


Hi guys!
I have enjoyed catching up on the giggle box and so many things have been said so I won't comment I'll just say that I hope all is well and it's good to be back!

The wedding wnt well although we did have a couple of near disasters! Oh, and New York is amazing, I want to to go back!
I know that at least one person asked me about wedding pics, official ones are not being given to me for another 2 weeks or so but I have an inbox full of pics people have sent so I'll post a couple when I have sorted through them!

I have no internet access at my new flat as yet so I don't know when I'll be back, am borrowing my parents at the moment! They thought they'd got rid of me on the wedding day!
"You're on the ride, you might as well open your eyes!"


  My kitchen just flooded! It's a new build and we were told everything was done for us so, stupidly, we didn't check. Turns out that the waste pipe wasn't connected so when I went to do our first load of washing, the water emptied out into our cupboard and all over the floor
Sorry, rant over! It means I am back at my parents house to finish the washing and the silver lining is that I get to use their computer!

The near disasters were the youngest usher's trousers not fitting after getting them changed because they didn't fit the first time! (He ended up wearing school trousers which were black instead of grey, nobody noticed on the day but it does show up in the pics.) The others were that my dress broke while my mum was lacing it up and one bridesmaid's straps were wrong on the dress as you could see the hook and eye fastening. These were also nicely averted by my cousin's girlfriend and my mum who are great with a needle and thread! As soon as I got to the church everything was fine though, it went smoothly from then on.
"You're on the ride, you might as well open your eyes!"

