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The girly`s ......giggle box

Hi everyone!

Sorry to hear you're not well Arielle, hope it doesn't get any worse. I'm off to the doctor myself tomorrow, I wouldn't normally go for what I think is a cold - especially as I don't feel particularly ill - but have had the symptoms for 3 weeks and no signs of it getting any better!

It's my birthday today so here's some birthday cake for you all! Now we just need someone to invent a way of sending cake via the internet!!
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"You're on the ride, you might as well open your eyes!"


Reply 1756#1756 imarielle626's post

lol, that's a great picture!
"You're on the ride, you might as well open your eyes!"


Reply 1763#1763 themegababe's post

Just been to look at your wedding photos and it all looks lovely. Your dress is beautiful, I really like the colours you had for the bridesmaids and it just looks like you had such a great day!
"You're on the ride, you might as well open your eyes!"


Hi Barb, and all the other girls.

I have just got back from my holiday, which was very nice and relaxing until coming home yesterday. The plane was due to leave at 7.40pm so we got to the airport at about 5.30, quite looking forward to the flight (4 hours with a film and a meal, not too long but long enough to show a film which I always enjoy.) Our plane finally took off at 2.45am, 9 hours after we arrived at the airport! It meant we got back to the UK at 6.30 this morning and eventually got back home at 9am. I have real trouble sleeping on planes and the airport seating was uncomfortable and had armrests to stop you laying down so all I managed was a couple of half hour naps where I was only kind of half asleep. When we finally arrived home, the heating was broken and we've had snow here so the house is really cold - that coupled with the fact it was daytime by then meant that I still haven't managed to sleep despite trying! Am off to bed now and hoping to sleep soundly until the morning.

So goodnight all - here's hoping anyway!!

[ Last edited by meljones_83 at 4-7-2008 19:51 ]
"You're on the ride, you might as well open your eyes!"


Still haven't slept much but am off work this week as well so it could be worse! I used to suffer from insomnia and found out it was because I didn't stick to a routine at night, now once it's disrupted it takes me a couple of days to get myself back on track.

The holiday was great, very relaxing and didn't do much! We went to a couple af animal parks which I loved but always feel a bit guilty about - I'm not always sure that keeping animals in captivity like that is fair. We also spent a day just driving round and enjoying the scenery. Other than that we just enjoyed the good weather - a nice change from the snow we've had at home. I managed to catch up with some reading and finished 2 books I'd been wanting to read for a while plus getting a good way though a third.

[ Last edited by meljones_83 at 4-8-2008 09:48 ]
"You're on the ride, you might as well open your eyes!"


Here are some of my favourite animal pictures from the trip - the monkey park we went to let us walk through the enclosures and feed and hold a lot of the monkeys which I enjoyed as I love animals and monkeys are one of my favourite animals. I always wanted a monkey as a pet when I was younger!
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"You're on the ride, you might as well open your eyes!"


Congratulations Gypsie - you deserve it!
"You're on the ride, you might as well open your eyes!"


Reply 1790#1790 themegababe's post

Glad to hear you are feeling better Meg.
"You're on the ride, you might as well open your eyes!"


Ok, hope you feel better soon too Barb.

Goodnight girlies.
"You're on the ride, you might as well open your eyes!"


Reply 1797#1797 shinny's post

Glad you got back OK, Shinny, it's always hard coming back from a holiday and even worse when you have to leave people behind so I feel for you.

I'm settled back now, thanks for asking, but have had to be very strict with myself this week with my routine when I go to bed.

Useful information about airports, I may have had trouble getting back last week but am very glad it wasn't heathrow I was going back into or I could have been waiting a lot longer!!

Barb - glad to hear you are feeling a bit better and hope it continues

Studio - glad that you are doing a job that you love, not many people I know can say that!
"You're on the ride, you might as well open your eyes!"


Well that is good news for the rest of us! My job is pretty good but I wouldn't say I love it. I'm not one of these people who has to work. So many people say if they won the lottery they would still want to work as they couldn't find enough to do at home - if I won the lottery I'd quit straight away!

My aim in life is to get married, have children and be a housewife looking after my kids and hubby while he brings in the money! Sad but true.
"You're on the ride, you might as well open your eyes!"


I am a teacher, unqualified at the moment and doing my training year. Actually I'm currently looking for a new job for September when I am qualified. Couple that with trying to acually become qualified by July and planning a wedding and I don't know how I manage to find time to sit on here as long as I do!

[ Last edited by meljones_83 at 4-13-2008 11:25 ]
"You're on the ride, you might as well open your eyes!"


25th October, the idea was that it would give me plenty of time after qualifying to plan wedding details, although we are doing quite a bit of planning already. We have plenty of people to help us though so we are very lucky.
"You're on the ride, you might as well open your eyes!"


Saw this and it amused me because I had a friend who always used to say that a stranger was a friend you hadn't met yet - wish I'd had this response to her back then!
"You're on the ride, you might as well open your eyes!"


Reply 1839#1839 imarielle626's post

Sounds like you had a good time. Shame about having to come back early but it sounds like it was the best thing to do. And I know exactly what you mean about not being able to sleep unless it's dark - I'm the same! My other half can sleep anytime, anywhere but I can't seem to sleep unless it's night and dark.
Hope you get your rest!
"You're on the ride, you might as well open your eyes!"


Reply 1843#1843 themegababe's post

That's a really nice idea. I'm trying to think of ideas for bridesmaids gifts at the moment, I want to try and spread out the cost of stuff that I'll be buying myself! I was trying to think of something personal and something like that would work well as I could give them both the same kind of stuff but also make it a bit more personal to them. Then I'd just have to find something for my younger bridesmaid. Thanks Meg!
"You're on the ride, you might as well open your eyes!"


I really feel for you Barb. Migraines are no fun and you seem to have more than your fair share. Sending out 'feel better' vibes and hoping you'll be able to watch Battlestar Galactica real soon!

[ Last edited by meljones_83 at 4-26-2008 20:55 ]
"You're on the ride, you might as well open your eyes!"


Thanks so much Meg, am trying to be creative with a lot of stuff like this to keep costs down and also to add a bit of a personal touch so that kind of thing would be perfect!
"You're on the ride, you might as well open your eyes!"


Reply 1861#1861 waterlilybarb's post

Lol, I like that one. I'm going to have to start using it!
"You're on the ride, you might as well open your eyes!"


Reply 1901#1901 casper27's post

You've made me really want a fry up now Casper! I very rarely have one but I do like to indulge once in a while. Mine would be minus the black pudding, egg and mushroom but the rest of it sounds great. (I'm a bit of a fussy eater!) I won't be having one though because we don't have any of that in the house at the moment.
We don't have much milk either so cereal is out. Guess it'll be toast and fingers crossed there is enough milk for us all to have a cup of tea!
"You're on the ride, you might as well open your eyes!"

