I stoped watching one tree hill acouple of seasons ago and am just getting back into watching with the new season. I'm enjoying the operaness of the show again. One thing that it could lose though is the Quentin guy. I know they need him to keep the basketball team story line with the guys jobs attached to it going and to give Nathan something to do but i don't like him!! He rude, selfish and sexually harrasing hailey and the way he speaks to lucas, it's just to fake. I'm sorry but realisticaly why would anyone go out of their way to help the little s**t. Yes i believe people should help others but this guy doesn't deserve it!
two thumbs up for Millicent and Mouth hooking up in the future. He needs a girlfriend who actually cares about him, it's about time he gets some good in his life. They'd make a cute cuple
[ Last edited by kwargalla at 1-24-2008 01:38 ]
"Don't warn the tadpoles!"
"Don't warn the tadpoles?"
"I... I have frog fear." -- Willow