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I'm so lost lol

It's been a while since I've been on here for any length of time, and I'm confused with the new changes. Where did the Show Suggestion's thread go? I wanted to ask in there if by chance JAG or Crossing Jordan would be added any time soon...if anyone happened to know. Hope everyone's summer is going well so far. I hope to be back more often in the near future, but for now, I'm just so busy with other stuffs. TTFN y'all!


Originally posted by shinny at 6-27-2008 05:38 PM P.S. Jag and Crossing Jordon are both on there already.
They're both on the list to be added you mean? I've missed you guys!


Reply 245#245 waterlilybarb's post

Oh good! I'm looking forward to finding out which shows we can look forward to lol Thanks for the info Barb and you too Sinéad You're both such a joy to have in this forum! Best of luck with your move. I've really only ever moved twice in my life...once from Canada, and then from our little apartment into our house...even with how organized I am, I don't want to have to do it again for a looooooooong time How long do you think you'll be apart from us? I sure hope it won't be for long!!


Reply 245#245 waterlilybarb's post

Do you know if they'll make an official announcement for that and if there's a possible date for it yet? Knowing me lately, I'll probably come in and look and still not find it I blame the Texas heat *nods a lot*

