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The legend of the seeker

Ahh crap, I just watched the whole episode thinking it was the first not the season finale! Now I've ruined the entire show, I wish I'd seen this thread earlier. It should be a prominant thread so people can avoid the mistake I made. The whole season is ruined now because I watched the conclusion first. They should fix this soon, it is a really big deal.


There wasn't a 'previously on LOTS' caption at the beginning and I haven't read the books so was unaware that this box was of any significance; why on Earth would I, it's a box! I figured it was one of these dramas that throws you into the thick of things, I did think it weird but just gave it the benefit of the doubt. I still enjoyed it but I'm not one of these people who can read the last page of the book and then go back to the introduction, never mind, plenty of other shows to watch. Thanks for the helpful reply of 'didn't you get a clue when...' Obviously I didn't, but I guess you just felt like being unnecessarily condescending. The reason I made a point of posting was to defend the OP's decision of creating a new thread. No one ever reads the error thread, it's like a million pages long and posting on them rarely has any effect. I don't really want to have to check through that thread before I watch anything, but I can easily glance over the front page and see posts like this one. I've been a paying member of this site since it's very early days and I think I have earned my right to point out errors without moderators coming in all defensive making me feel like it's my fault for being an idiot for not realising in time. And why do you guys always 'apologise for the inconvenience' I thought you were just forum moderators, it isn't your fault is it? Anyway I feel better now I got that off my chest.... thanks for listening.

