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i want my money back

i want my money back

vip tv net is useless I have not been able to view any shows for the past week some videos do not even load up if they do then about 20secs loads then it gets stuck - takes about 3 hours to view a 45min show i keep losing points & i have not even been able to watch any epsodes straight thru Live CS is never online I want a refund for the money I paid the become a vip member & i will never use this site again very diappointed with the quality of the site even this forum takes forever to load sort it out or more people will leave


i have tried all of the things mentioned before posting my comment i have been a member of the site for over a year and suddenly these problems have just started - i loved the site before this happened nothing has changed - im using same laptop, same broadband, always use firefox not IE, no probs with other sites i dont have the time to be posting the viewing history to get the points back & to be honest im not that fussed about the money i feel i have had my moneys worth in the past with all the great shows i have watched thanks for all the help & suggestions but im just gonna stop using the site - its not worth the hassle its causing guess i'll just have to buy the boxsets of all my shows!!!!

