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The girly`s ......giggle box

i understand what you're saying, bala and no one would ask you to share what you don't feel like sharing, but you've been here long enough to know that the people in this community are very caring and ready to take the bad along with the good. and this is just a tiny corner of the forum, but a vibrant one. i truly feel honored that people are so generous with sharing their lives here.

in the good column for today, i got the old bathroom painted and shelved -  in the bad, the masking tape totally ripped up the edges (and it was painter's tape too, yeah, painter from the madhouse that is) so i've got to work on it some more.

and classes are looming ever closer...
...the starry heavens above me and the moral law within me


Reply #3498 nye87's post

whoo hoo - it's so good to hear from you, nye. but i am sorry to hear about your grandmother, i hope she isn't in a lot of pain. i wish i could have spent more time with my grandma before she died - living so far from your family can be very difficult at times. i'm glad that you are able to be with yours.

waterlilybarb - can't wait to see the pictures. that gobstoppers image is so clear in my head that there's no need to google it! hope they get done with the paint fumes quickly.

studiojek - it is crazy to see a little alien turn into a little person right in front of your eyes. it's unbelievable how quickly they grow up
...the starry heavens above me and the moral law within me


hey, casper - good to see you!

studiojek - glad the little one is keeping you busy! have you guys had flu yet? i know those little germ carriers have to build their immune systems but it's TERRIBLE to have a little sick one

nye - that is fabulous about your grandma (not the misdiagnosis and surgery scheduling part - how scary!) and hope her recovery is quick now.

waterlilybarb - so tell them to be done already so we can see the work! i'm glad things are getting sorted. the little monster loves the little piggies and ours is "roast beef". it might be canonical but that doesn't make it right. i always make up words to songs and will hear nothing about people who tell me that i've got it wrong!
...the starry heavens above me and the moral law within me


whoo hoo, it's vacation! (well, mostly. i've still got some 20 papers to slog through and grade plus various house projects to finish before the mother-in-law comes! ) it's been a million years since i could drop in. i had a pm about the AFR but i couldn't check it out since the pictures had already disappeared ah, life!

hey, studio - i hope the little monkey's been sleeping! monster baby here stopped napping after about a year but she's pretty good getting to sleep (if she gets all her stories and songs) and has always slept through the night. believe me, i know how lucky we are!

how's everyone else's holiday season? sorry about everyone who's buried by the weather. stay warm and hope your internet holds up!
...the starry heavens above me and the moral law within me


Reply 3674# waterlilybarb's post

bwahahahhahahahahahhaaaa! oh my goodness, i could have told you that marmite is the vilest thing on the face of the planet (the company's slogan is "love it or hate it" but it should be something along the lines of "if you're insane enough to put something that looks and smells this bad in your mouth than you might have been dropped on your head when you were young"!)

my friend takes it when she has migraines because it's the only thing she can keep down (isn't that about the saddest thing you've ever heard!) but it has never stopped her getting them.

plus i don't think you can have it - hasn't it got gluten something in it? that stuff is everywhere. i'm so lucky that we don't have any major allergies. one of the monster baby's friends has celiac's disease. thank goodness they diagnosed it early on but can you imagine a little kid not being able to eat the pizza or pasta or cookies or cakes that everyone else is? that is so cruel.

i really hope the new doctor can figure this out for you, waterlilybarb. i know how frustrating it is not being able to do the most basic things. one of my students spent a couple of years with "friends" telling her to just get up and stop complaining already. doctors were no help until she happened to meet and fall in love with a doctor on a train (remind me to tell you that romance story sometime. i can barely believe it myself!) he kept taking her to different doctors until they finally got a diagnosis of ms. i know it sounds horrible and scary but it was such a relief that they had a name that they could fight and options for care. the happily-ever-after of their fairy tale is that now they have a beautiful little boy.

i've got my fingers crossed for you to have shinny's friend's dad's syndrome and that your body is going to sort it all out after it gets enough of a time out. until then i'm praying for the new doctor to come up with some good brainstorms!
...the starry heavens above me and the moral law within me


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