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Stargate Atlantis Season 1-3 General Discussion Thread (Spoilers)

we would have liked to have seen the rites that would only "last a few moments" and yet prepare teyla for death. we also want to know more of these athosians. how long ago was their fall from technology? it interests us that although "they still retain some advanced technology" (stargate atlantis wiki) they are not embracing that avenue as the only sure means to combat the wraith -- at least the wraith think that advanced technology could destroy them or else they wouldn't bother wiping out the civilizations that had it.

we will always be amazed that all those stargate teams always manage to make it through the gate just in the nick of time!

and a look forward, we know that mitch pileggi is coming up next season. loved him in x-files!
we're in the race!

[ Last edited by sddvasquez at 11-27-2007 21:26 ]
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