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The girly`s ......giggle box

well, we think the hunt sent us here but we've read a million posts and aren't sure what to do. the common themes seem to be germs (keep them to yourself) and insomnia (have my own problems, thank you)

couldn't find any better way to kill those germs (that thrashing is actually supposed to be "stop drop and roll", hahahhahahahah. the long animation is just as hilarious!)

oh yes, and we are the eggman!

[ Last edited by sddvasquez at 4-10-2008 11:22 ]
...the starry heavens above me and the moral law within me


checked in to let you know that the thrashing has kept the germs away so far and we find out that gypsie is a supermod (excellent!) and that studiojek got the job (shame on you for not posting earlier so we could properly congratulate you and commiserate that we'd be seeing less of you for a while but i knew that was the reason you weren't around much!) i've only had a few short projects lately and they've been keeping me busy enough! glad to hear your talents are being appreciated!
...the starry heavens above me and the moral law within me


Reply #2290 waterlilybarb's post

wow, two pages later! you guys certainly keep busy ....waterlilybarb, we came over to find out if you were back -- sorry about the stone age dialup glad to hear you're settling in, hope the unpacking isn't too tiresome. (although i dream of packing and unpacking  -- we finally found the perfect place but it looks like we're going to be stuck in this mold house forever, stupid banks )

hey to everyone else! behave yourselves! (unless the weather is really too beautiful.)  oh, that makes me think, no one is getting run over by a hurricane are they?
...the starry heavens above me and the moral law within me


Reply #2668 studiojek's post

omg, OMG! i just happened to see your name and decided to check up on you! what have you kids been up to??!! - it's not like i never checked the forum even though i was super busy last semester!

how pregnant are you? are you going to find out the sex beforehand? are you going to have him/her abroad or back in the states? how are you feeling?

i hope all is going well and that the pregnancy isn't giving you any troubles. take it easy! CONGRATULATIONS
...the starry heavens above me and the moral law within me


Reply #2687 studiojek's post

congratulations! girls rock!

and work hard arielle - we so desperately need more people like you who are fighting to make the world a better place!
...the starry heavens above me and the moral law within me


Reply 2993#2993 studiojek's post

stopped in to check on studiojek - we were thinking it was getting close. hopefully no post yesterday means the little one is already here and everything is smooth sailing (til the terrible twos and the terrible tweens and the terrible twentys... hahhahhahahaa!) we've been thinking of you here too, studiojek!
...the starry heavens above me and the moral law within me


Reply #2999 studiojek's post

same old, same old chaos round these parts. i haven't even been getting in my rda of gaming  i've got a new course in the fall - only 3 students plus it is basically whatever i want it to be on so you think i'd already have it under control but of course with so many options i fall in my usual trap of being unable to focus on any particulars, argh!

anyway, i'm sure you're probably ready to get rid of the little alien but you will be amazed at how quick it goes (i know, i know, everyone says the same things but it really is different when it's your little one ) some poor little monkey across the courtyard has been having colic recently and it just wrenches the heart but it was cooler last night and hopefully he's back to sleeping like a baby (should, that is!)

has anyone in your family come over to be with you? after you get a bit of riposo your virtual family out here will be glad to share in the celebrating ( as long as the particulars aren't too particular, bwaahahhahaaa)

come on, little one - the world is ready and waiting for you!  take care all of you!
...the starry heavens above me and the moral law within me


aaahhh! studiojek is back! how's the little one? and nye is nannying - too cool! i'm going to have to spend days here catching up... i just wanted to wish you all a very happy holiday season and make sure everyone is hanging in there (gabsimom, i wake up in the middle of the night excited for you! i can't wait to hear that everything went smooth as silk!)

the computer room is the sister-in-law's bedroom for a while longer now so i don't have a lot of access at the moment but my next semester doesn't start until february so i'm going to have some time to finally check back in with you guys soon.

xoxo -sddv
...the starry heavens above me and the moral law within me


yes cabinets! woo hoo!
(mmmm, cake)
still not caught up on the back issues of the box, maybe tomorrow. but where is gabsimom? don't tell me early labor !!!!
hope she's doing well.
more later...
...the starry heavens above me and the moral law within me


whew, caught up, finally!

waterlily - sorry about the troubles but at least you have a sofa and electric blanket! i hate always being cold too. i am so on the architect and contractor to fix our new place right so i never have to shiver under 5 sweaters and a feather comforter again! our sofa is going to have to wait until we have walls though, one thing at a time.

so where's the newest little addition to the friendvista family? i hope gabsimom isn't going to be pregnant for another month! i've been so hoping that everything goes smoothly.

everyone's finally out of the house. unfortunately, the husband's grandmother died on sunday so he changed his mom's ticket (her mother-in-law but, as her husband died when my husband was young and her mother had already passed away, they were very close) and they both went back together to be with the family. she had been doing poorly just before but i really thought we were going to have more time with her.

i hope everyone else's holidays have been going well.

nye, is it just the one little ankle biter or do you have more charges? (as if one isn't enough to keep anyone more than busy)

studio - was it a big party with the new little one? it just gets better too, when they're old enough to understand/remember the traditions!
...the starry heavens above me and the moral law within me


fingers crossed - you can do it, mom!
...the starry heavens above me and the moral law within me


Reply #3294 waterlilybarb's post

woo hooo! finally. i was checking in just for this bit of good news! hope the two are getting some rest (and dear husband and little guy #1 too!)

Reply  #3295 themegababes's post
hahahhaa - no worries, you can see i'm going on almost no sleep! thanks for the well wishes, all are doing better than might be expected because the grandmother (maw maw as the cajuns call her) had planned out all the details so it was very helpful in dealing with the stress and her service was very beautiful.
...the starry heavens above me and the moral law within me


Reply #3297 waterlilybarb's post

i'm so glad they're both home safe and sound! i love the name too. thanks so much for the update, waterlilybarb!
...the starry heavens above me and the moral law within me


free at last, free at last...

omg, there is so much to catch up on! i'm going to have to spend a month just reading through this post (sancho the wicked is out in the hall talking to flies. what's up with cats and flies?) but i'm done with classes (or rather class as i only had one this semester, but a new one so the prep time was killer) for the summer so i've only (haha, ONLY) got to worry about getting the house done and moving in. can't wait.

just skimming i see that you might have to move, waterlily. that totally is not cool.
studiojek, i'm glad the little one is keeping you busy. our little monster still has a week left of school, but she's sick today so i'm keeping her in tomorrow. hopefully she'll be better for the fair on wednesday and the end of year pageant on friday.
nye, i'm so glad to see you. talk about time passing since your last post. at least you're better than me!

take care all. i'll work on catching up this week in between carting loads of books to the new place
...the starry heavens above me and the moral law within me


well, did the good thoughts work?

and if you get someone to clean could you send them over here to pack when you're done with them?  we've told the landlady we'll be out be the end of july and i've been carting a couple of boxes of books a day on the metro (yuck and double yuck) but have still barely made a dent in our gynormous library. it's really out of control how many books we've got
...the starry heavens above me and the moral law within me


Reply #3449 waterlilybarb's post

poor kid, our landlady (who happens to live next door) has been showing this place too as everything is going to shut down in august and i feel exactly the same way about all the boxes and yick everywhere ("oh, it doesn't matter", on what planet? of course it does! argh)

anyway, just running. there's paint everywhere (poor little tarsier and sancho the wicked. i've gotta do a google search for how to get paint out of fur!) i just saw an ad for the pillars of the earth miniseries and had to make a request. it's frightening how well my computer knows me, i was only online for two seconds

ok, behave yourselves and try not to melt if it's as hot there as it is here!
...the starry heavens above me and the moral law within me


bwahahahahaaa - i can just imagine the little furballs walking around with bald patches all over

thank goodness you've got a/c - i'm already in love with our new monster heat pump.

hope your appetite comes back soon

the computer goes in a big box today so take care everyone - catch you on the flip side!
smell you later!
...the starry heavens above me and the moral law within me


my computer, he is alive! (and that's saying something - i kept putting off cleaning him because we had bought the place and we were going to be moving sometime soon, sometime really soon...and so a year goes by and you don't want to imagine what a year and furballs and the dustiest place in the world can do to your computer's insides - suffice it to say, super disgusting)

we are surrounded by boxes and dirt and hanging bulbs (the lights have been a nightmare and now we have to save up a bit more before we can afford what we want so there are a lot of hanging wires everywhere...) but we are in our own honest to goodness home, hurrah!

waterlilybarb, glad to hear the meds are finally doing there job - i hope that keeps up!

everyone else, i hope you're having a good summer
...the starry heavens above me and the moral law within me


no, really it's great. it's much smaller than the last place we rented but the mortgage is about half what we were paying in rent and we have a huge terrace (bigger than the apartment) with solar panels (that will work as soon as the guy gets back from vacation and installs the inverter, grrr) and, since it's up a hill and away from the street it's like being on the 8th floor somewhere out of town. and it's ours! i hated throwing money out the window each month on rent (double grrr).

the computer wasn't really "stored" - i was using it all last year on top of the desk but it was by the window and it's been in a box for the past week or so till we cleared enough space to put it back together. i generally try to clean him every 3 months or so.

how are things going for you, bala?
...the starry heavens above me and the moral law within me


bala, i totally second waterlilybarb. one step forward and two steps back gets old really quickly, i know. but there are a lot of people who you are important to so don't give up hope. keep fighting your way forward and keep checking in so that we can offer an ear for your rants and a cheer for your successes. i also agree that focusing your attention on others  often has a way of taking care of yourself.

sending good mojo your way
...the starry heavens above me and the moral law within me


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