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The girly`s ......giggle box

Barb,  just think that in 21 days it will all be over and you will be close to your friends again!! I wish I lived closer to you, I have a bunch of boxes that I could pass on! haha  Hope you can get some rest in the midst of all the packing and yardsaling!


I know how that goes Barb.  My husband has been forgetting to eat, because he gets so busy working on the house!  I have to stop him to make sure he eats! hahaha  But you're almost there!


Wow, just realized I haven't been here in a month. it was finals and then a new semester and then I quit school! haha  busy times. anyways, good to see you all!  how did the move go, Barb?


haha I always stay up way later with friends from undergrad, and then I'm done for it the next day!

And thanks barb for answering the question, as you know me outside of this site too, yes I am out of school for reals. I was studying for my Masters in counseling psychology and I just couldn't handle it anymore.  It was too depressing and taking away from my marriage. Plus, I just want to be a stay at home mom, and don't need a masters degree for that!

On the flip side, it seems like everyone here is preggers!  What's going on, is there something in the cyber-water??


Reply 2999#2999 studiojek's post

Come on baby!  I bet she's (do u know what it is) here now??  We'll find out a few days afterwards, when Mommy's had time to rest up!


Reply 3009#3009 waterlilybarb's post

yeah it was a LOT on my plate. It feels so nice to have it lessened now. And I can focus on my craft selling business (which I can do from home when I  have children) and a newlywed blog that my cousin and I are trying to get running.

and no babies yet... I'm trying to be patient! haha  My hubby wants to get the house in a bit better condition (replacing the AC and roof) before we bring any kiddos into it!

And we live pretty simply already, trying to cut budget corners wherever we can.  We use the old fashioned envelope system.  hahahaha


I know! I miss you all!  And yeah, I bet she has had that baby!   Not only does it seem like everyone here is having a baby, but a lot of my friends are as well. It's a good thing I like babies!

Good luck with the interview writemako!


Well I know in the States it is good to keep your resume to one page. Not sure what it's like in other countries!  Good luck!


It's often recommended to put only your last 3 or 4 jobs.  Or the ones most relevant to your current position. That's just my take on it tho.


  Arielle, I thought the same thing as you, that I would have tons of time for the forum once school was out. But I never seem to have enough time!

and that's exciting about your sis starting school!  is she going to the same school as you??

Barb, glad you finally got AC!  We have a unit but it's too old. and summers get to the 100s and hotter where I live. It's going to be a long one!


Yay for 2 migrane free days!  I'm assuming you've done all the research barb, but have you tried chiropractic?


AWw I'm so sorry. I can't imagine that pain.  I hope the weather gets better and you feel better!


Aww that will be so fun!  I'm glad you get to share those experiences with her!


Better luck with the next one writemako!


  Where are all my girls? It's so quiet in here..... so let's see... what is your favorite summertime treat?  Mine would probably be an orange creamsicle... or a mikes hard lemonade (the raspberry ones are delish!)


  aww crap-feeling is not good!  and yeah, berries are quite tasty!  I also love homemade ice cream!  


Hey Jannah!  welcome back!  I tried watching True Blood also, but couldn't get past the mature stuff in episode one. oh well. haha   I miss some good shows because of that (big love!).  Anywho, hope you are getting settled back in! Tina I need to find you on facebook too!    haha


haha a clown baby?  that's crazy!   

and new maternity clothes!  yay! you're going to be such a cute lil preggers gal!

shinny, Private Practice is awesome. I just got a spoiler tho, so I'm gonna head over to the forum and chat about it!

My old friend is teaching English, in Vietnam, I think. I'm not sure, she keeps moving around. She actually got swine flu though, but thankfully is okay!


Dr Phil!  haha

Wow you speak Mandarin, Barb?  I'm impressed!


Barb, I'm sorry you have a rotten neighbor.  I don't like it when people just call up the landlord rather than just talking to you - and you're still in the middle of the grieving process!

Jannah, Private Practice is awesome. Head on over to our little discussion when you're all caught up. The finale is crazy!  It must be nice to hear English again.

Tina, thanks for telling us all about Ramadan & what you guys eat. That sound so cool.  I tried to fast for a week before (only eating fruit & veggies & nuts, it's been called the David fast), and I could not do it.  For me at least, I needed much more.  Plus I hadn't really prepared myself like i was supposed to  (gradually going to less and less food).  

Gypsie, like we said before, just keep getting better.  I'm here if ya need me tho.  I do miss you.  Hope moving in the girls goes well... must be weird for them both being out of the dorms now, it's like they are on their way to real life!

