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The girly`s ......giggle box

We didn't want to live together before the wedding, so he was here for 3 weeks, and then i was in the apartment for  the 1 week before the wedding. So we got all of our stuff moved in and mostly organized before we actually tied the knot. But we are old fashioned, so... whatever that means, haha

i have my first big test of grad school tomorrow!  ugh!  I have actually been studying all week (first for me), so hopefully it will go well!


thanks!  The test went pretty well. I knew almost everything pretty solidly. But a couple of questions just threw me and I had to leave them blank. However, a couple of my classmates said the same thing about the same questions.  Maybe the teacher will notice? hah

Mel, I'm sure whatever choice you make will be right. Mine was based on my faith.  so I'm sure however you are choosing, will be perfect!

Barb, random question, but you don't celebrate Thanksgiving in Canada, do you?  I think it's only a US thing, but I was just curious. I'm starting to make plans, its our first big holiday as a married couple!


Wow, what a discussion I started.  Sorry I've been gone, But now I'm back... procrastinating on a paper.  haha

Yeah sometimes I just forget that holidays are distinctly American. Like I was thinking we would celebrate Thanksgiving while in Europe, then I realized that was just dumb. haha

I'm really tired too, so I'm gonna go finish my paper before I get loopy!


Oh my gosh I love latkes!  I had a Jewish resident in my dorm one year, and she made them for  Chanukah. soo yummy!  I think we might make them this year, I mean Christians were originally Jews, right? haha

that's funny about spelling of words too, I didn't think about that.


Me neither!  Sorry guys!  I feel like a bad mod too!

And Mel, you probably won't freak out. I didn't. I mean, I had one moment, literally a moment, like 2 weeks before, when I realized we didn't have any vows written. But nothing else (and we found vows online pretty quickly!) haha  Have fun and soak it all in!


yay! have a wonderful wedding!


Yay for DSL!  It seems like we have all gone into hibernation. Maybe because summer is oveR?  And where's Gypsy? I miss her! haha

On another note, happy halloween to all of those who celebrate! woo!!


  Oooh i love the pictures!  Thanks for posting!  Glad to hear all went mostly well. It's no fun if a few things don't go wrong.  (did that sentence even make sense?) haha  

And Arielle, they really have a gossip website for your school?  I thought that was just in the movies!   That's what I get for going to small schools! haha

Also, I voted too.  First time in an actual polling place, because i voted absentee before!


haha yeah I always wanted to be in a sorority,  but it was never the right time. oh well.

How's married life going, mel?


  I've never gotten a flu shot in my life.  Maybe I should start this year. Altho making it to November without getting sick is a first for me!


Sorry to hear that Barb.

And sorry I have been gone, school is wrapping up for the semester and I have been BUSY,  hopefully I will be around more now!


We're in the same cafe Arielle!  Must be something about being a student in winter... I did the hyped up caffiene tho, because that's how I feel!


Heh, it's 50 degrees here and everyone is freaking out!  But it feels like there is no point for coldness.  my hubby and I were discussing how it's okay when it's cold and theres snow... cuz there's snow! haha  But now its like, it's sunny, palm trees everywhere, and cold. weird.

When I went to Salzburg I adjusted really quick.  After living there for 4 months (Jan - April), 30 was super warm. It was like t shirt weather! haha

Good luck on the exams Arielle, and good luck on the frozen cars to everyone else.  I have just one paper to finish. And it's not due til Friday.  So I'm trying to motivate myself to get it done now!


Hope your migrane gets better Barb!  

And cshapiro, glad to hear Munich is treating you well!  How long have you been a mod?  i'm so out of it!  I need to unbusy my life. I feel like a bad mod!


hahah they're already married to my friends.  

Any ways, I agree,  chivalry does seem to be rather lost.  It is wonderful, but seems to be non-existant.  That is so sad that he never offered to shovel.  You'd think his mom would have made him, at the very least!

My hubby is pretty chivalrous.  I can't remember the last time I opened up my car door!  And sometimes he surprises me with coffee or tea at work.  But I think it is important that I bring him things and do things for him too!

Augh my head hurts!  No migraine, but hurting!


Shinny... I bet you will be fine. I had all 4 of my wisdom teeth taken out at once. And I do not really remember too much pain (they put me under, and I woke up to them being gone). My Biggest suggestion tho.... ICE ICE ICE!  The day of surgery, you will be so drugged up that you wont feel any pain (you actually wont feel anything on your face. My mom laughed at me because she fed me chef boyardee and i had it all over my face, because I couldn't feel where my mouth was, to put the spoon!) haha  Anyways, I did the whole 15 minutes on 15 minutes off of ice (wrapped in a towel, of course). And I had practically no swelling, where I had friends who looked like Buzz Lightyear. So yeah, ice the first day and you probably wont swell or feel much pain.  Still sucks tho.

Cshapiro that is such a cute thing for your wife.  Once, when Matt and I were dating, I left him a little envelope with a  note for each day. Some had bible verses and others just a little hello, but he said it was cool that i was thinking about him!  And for my bday ( I think I probably said this 20 pages ago)  he put post its around the house with notes about what he loves about me (ie my cooking in the kitchen, our vacations on a picture from our honeymoon).  It was the sweetest thing ever!


Good to see you Barb!  It sure has been quiet in here. And I'm envisioning the bra with ice too. hahahahaha  I definitely did not use that!

And when I got mine pulled, I wasn't allowed to use a straw. They said it would take out the stitches!


Wait yeah when did you get preggers???  So exciting!

Barb, are you moving again?  back to the city?

And glad to hear you got a sweet deal on a place to live Arielle. I remember the days of roommates. Once our checks weren't cashed right. So it looked like we didn't pay our rent, and it was the exact amount that one roommate owed.... I was peeved. Thankfully we got it figured out and didn't have a black mark on our renter's history!


a) so awesome about the girl. They are so cute and pretty and PINK!  haha

b) Arielle that's awesome about Israel. Glad you get to continue doing what you love.

and in answer to the question... married life is wonderful.  Almost a year!  And we just bought a house, so I may be even more distracted than before. but it's exciting!


Reply 2702#2702 gypsiegirl66's post

Hey girl!  Even tho I have been pretty absent, I was wondering where you were.  Glad to hear you are doing well now!

I'm all moved in and slowly unpacking boxes.  But life is still pretty hectic for me (wife, graduate school full time, work full time, new house!)  haha I hope to see you guys around more. I do miss you all!

