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The girly`s ......giggle box

Reply 3246#3246 waterlilybarb's post

what do you know?  my time stamp is an hour off too! hahaha


Wow 26 weeks of maternity. I think between 6 and 8 is standard here.  I plan to resign once i have a kid, but that hasn't happened yet!

New York sounds like lots of fun.  cold though!

Barb, I am sooo excited that they are finishing the painting for you.  That's awesome!

Bala - have fun watching shows! I wish I had time for that  


Barb - I'm proud of you for doing that super restrictive diet during the holidays!  So hard.

Studio - the hubs and I are going camping. I am going to FREEZE!  It's the desert, but it gets super cold at night.  We are going with 3 other couples though, so it should be lots of fun!   And that's a nice maternity leave that you get.  We only get 4 weeks here.  6 of Cesarean.  and then up to a month before.  So 8 to 10 weeks total. and I don't even know what pay that is at.  This country is definitely not about family bonding!


Reply 3290#3290 waterlilybarb's post

Barb - Bummer about the heater.  Did you see Ugly Betty recently?  Episode 8 had a funny part with a heater. Although I think I would prefer to be in Hilda's situation rather than freezing!  but exciting about the cabinets and couch!

Congrats to Tina!  So exciting

I used to nanny 3 little ones. Okay they were 5, 7, and 11.  but it was rough! haha I was so glad to go home and rest!

sddv you totally lost me on the explanation of your hubby and mother in law, but I hope they are doing alright and coping and such.


PS. Sorry I've been gone. The holidays took a lot out of me. Plus I was outta town.  Now I'm trying to get back into the swing of things!


yay for malec being home!  thanks barb!


Reply 3301#3301 gabsimom's post

hahahahah Breast is best. you are awesome!  and my answer would be the same as barbs  


So we were right!  Yes! haha  I love his meez nursery!


c - thanks for the info on herbs!  
gypsy - it's good to see you around
barb - hope the migrane is gone today.  wish you could find some relief!
and sorry i've been mia for awhile.  how is everyone doing?


Hi Gypsy!  good to see you around!  And I'm good.  Married life is wonderful, but it seems really busy.  We started going to a new home church. It's pretty small.  So we get together with the other families a lot.  And that keeps us the most busy!  

Barb, how are you doing?


mmm chicken! haha I have heard of people who have wheat issues, but like you said, usually it's in the stomach.  Maybe the other doc can help... does he looks anything like McDreamy? ahahha

So why are Irish weddings so long, Shinny?  What all is involved?


Good to see everyone chatting it up on here!  And Gypsy - good to see you again!  

Barb - how many quilts do you have?  can you cuddle up under them and stay cozy?  haha not a solution - but it might help for a bit.  or a hot bath! haha

Shinny - my wedding ended at like 10.... we waited til our wedding night... we left rarther early (like 9 pm) haha it started at 1 30 though, so it was a bit long.... some guests may have stayed til 11.  but most left around 10!  long weddings are lots of fun, I agree!  Especially if you are good friends or family with people there - otherwise it could be boring!  haha


In CA you have to get your permit first and then wait 6 months and 40 (I think ) hours of supervised (by parents / guardians) before you can get your license.  I think if you are over 18 then you don't have to wait those 6 months.  But at 15 you can get your permit, but you still have to wait til you are 16 to get your license.  Then for the first year you can't drive between the hours of midnight and 5 am.  And the first 6 months you can't drive anyone under 18, unless it's a sibling or you have a note to drive them to school. But if you have someone over 25 in the car, you can do either.  And I would have the timeframes switched up, but it's annoying!  haha


Reply 3356#3356 bala's post

Yes the licenses are valid in any state.  but you have to get your license in the state you live in, I believe.  like if they had less strict rules in the next state over, I couldn't just go there to get my license.  So there are federal laws that apply to licenses (I think it's a federal law that you have to be 16 to get a driver license, but it may be younger) and then states have their own laws within those limits, like the ones I described.


So did anyone do anything for Valentine's day?  I don't really celebrate it, but my hubby did make me Heart Shaped Pancakes for breakfast! hahaha


my office gives us gifts for most of the holidays.  so we as in the 9 ladies that work in the office.  so on friday we each got a 2 pound box of sees candies... that's a lot of chocolate!  And I don't even like chocolate that much! haha


hahaha studio.  i think my hubby would like a day or 2 of me not talking as well.  jk

hope you feel better soon, barb!


Hope everyone is on the mend over here!  Anything new and exciting in anyone's life right now??


Shinny!  Sorry I never responded last month.  I've been MIa.  Just busy.  no good reason.  Bummer about the surgery, but glad to hear all is well now!

Barb - have you seen any of the gluten free or vegan baking sites?  You should check out  She makes a bunch of yummy GF & vegan stuff!


Wow this thread has sure been quiet!  I have been MIA too.  no good reason tho. Just busy.

Barb, hope the apt thing is working out, tho moving into your bros 2nd place (if he got it) would be much better!  Good luck with the raw thing too (raw = raw veggies, no extra stuff). Hope the diet modification helps!


Hey everyone!  Just realized I haven't been here in FOREVER!  so vegemite, huh?  I haven't tried it.  but I have smelled it.  Maybe I should have tried it and not smelled it, as you guys said!! haha

