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The girly`s ......giggle box

  very interesting shinny!


  Well, Barb, I feel your pain. i just got back from a visit to the dentist (I call him Krentist, since that's what Dwight called his fake dentist in an episode of the office) about 20 mintues ago.  I have been having a lot of work done over the past few months.  Because of insurance changes and poor advice, I hadn't been to a dentist in about 2 years (previously I went every 6 months).  So I needed to get a deep cleaning, that's where they scrape out hardened plaque from under your gums, and then have 2 little cavities filled and one old silver filling taken out and replaced.  So I have been at the dentist once a month for the past 4 months and my bill is over 400....  Thankfully my husband is painting some helmets for the dentist in exchange, so we owe a bit less than that.  But today was the last of those appointments, and it went well. My mouth is still a little numb, but apparently my gums are looking great!  Note to everyone:  Please floss or you will regret it! haha


  Welcome back Arielle!  It's good to see you around again!


  Yay!  Glad to hear it went well. So, if you don't mind my asking, why did you have to take antibiotics before?  You don't have to answer if you don't want


mine too


  It's just hot here.   no craziness, just hot!  Hope your drive goes well, Arielle!  Have fun getting back into the swings of things!


  haha I better change back into my normal clothes, I guess.  Sunday was the only  beach day! haha


  haha  I just picked the pink one cuz it's my favorite color. But since I'm back to reality now, it was time to get dressed and go to work. haha


  Thanks!  It's so hot here, it feels like summer in February!  But it's nice to get out in the sun a bit and work on my tan! Not that I have one, but maybe I can get one!

The other night I barbecued chicken and veggies, it was my first time grilling, and it worked out really well!  Quite a tasty meal!  Grilled is really the only way to eat zucchini! haha


  Where are you singing barb?  It looks like an airport?  or a lounge?  Fun times!


Wow, that's hot!  At least you are lookin cool with your drink at the pool!  I wish I could do that, oh work! haha  Have fun with your daughter!


  haha I love how Bala posts random women things on here.

Arielle, I lived about 6 hours from my parents when I was in college too.  I thought I would go home on weekends, and I rarely did.  The drive was just rough!  I made it for all of the holidays. But by the end, my dad was just flying me home, the flight was about the same prices as gas and 60 minutes on a plane versus 6 to 7 hours driving! haha  That being said, I still live in my college town, but I'm going home to visit my parents next weekend, and for my cousin's wedding.  

I lived in Austria for about 4 months when I was in school, so I also had to struggle to adjust back to the States. It really wasn't hard  And for me, I lived with a couple of the girls that I lived with in Salzburg, once we were back in the States.  It was just for a month, but it helped a lot!  The weirdest thing was parking lots for me.  I got so used to a country with hidden garages, where there did not seem to be a lot of traffic. And everyone walked everywhere.  And then I come to see this huge waste of space with giant parking lots here. And people would drive from one lot to the next, even if just down the street. That drove me crazy!


haha Yes Penny, not all north Americans are fat.  But I think it is because of laziness and poor eating.  It wouldn't be bad if we were behind a computer all day... if we ate well and went on a walk at night. But we have the McDonalds craze and all you can eat syndrome.  I read a book that talked about McDonalds putting something in it's food that blocks the message receptors saying you are full, so you keep eating and never get satisfied.  It is crazy.   but I ate there awhile back and it was true, after a whole burger and fries, I was still hungry!  Crazy


I was a child not long ago (I'm only 23), but I used to run around all the time, just like you guys!  We (tried) to build treehouses in our backyard and ran from one friends house to another.  And while we had to ask if we could go to the park, we could usually go, that is, after we were like 8 or something. But then the whole Polly Klaus thing happened (she was abducted from her bedroom window) and it scared a lot of people.  There was a whole fear of even being in your own home.  Anyways, that made a lot of parents keep a much tighter reign on their kids.  And like Barb said, be available to supervise.  Which is hard for most families now, who have to have 2 incomes to keep their families running.  So it's just a tough world to live in.  And we have to make a lot of effort to go to the gym.  Thankfully I have a really fast metabolism right now, but I know that once it slows down I am going to need to go on more walks and work out more often.  

And yes, it is convenient to grab fast food.  American needs to slow down.  We all do so much, run our kids from activity to activity.  And just never stop and smell the roses.  Tonight I have nothing to do, and it's wonderful!  I love time to just relax and go slow!  

Anyways, enough or my rant!


Not to change the subject, but I am...  haha Hopefully my bikini is bright enough for you now... and it's very patriotic! haha

Also, I have been enjoying these deep convos as of late. It's good to have a place to come and talk and express your opinion and not be judged!


haha I like the misc medical terms too!  I  have been gone for 5 days and it feels like forever!  Glad to see everyone is doing well!


  What are you doing for Olympic Games practice?  That sounds like fun!


Ooh cute meez, Barb!


haha yeah I think she is.  There's more to it when it's on the actual meez page. Now it just looks redundant!  haha  I just get full of energy  by the time the weekend comes, and I want to dance around!


  I graduated with  my bachelors in 07, and I'm (hopefully) going back for my Masters in September. Ugh!  I always liked papers better than exams, but I hated the hours of writing them!  But I felt like I had more control, I guess.  I am interested to see what grad school is like versus undergrad. I feel like it's going to be very different, less of a student life aspect (which I LOVED at school!)

