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The girly`s ......giggle box

yay for sleeping, Barb!  Hope it continues to go well!  I'm sleeping, but it's not very restful.  Kind of a bummer.    haha


haha thanks for the gossip Bala!  

Why does it make you speechless?


guess who finally got a meez??  haha  how do i make it smaller tho, mine seems HUGE! haha


thanks Barb!  Today I'm dancing in my dancing with the stars outfit. haha


haha Shannon that can be so true!  We had a little BBQ, just 4 of us the other night.  And the guys really did just cook t he meat. However they were wise enough to thanks us (the 2 ladies) who did all of the work!


So when I change my meez, I just have to wait awhile and it will update my avitar, right?  Or do I need to change the link in there?  haha  I'm so addicted now! I can't believe I held out for so long!


  Nevermind.  it changed.  looks like i'm talking to myself!  

i'll  be gone for the weekend.  as you can tell from my meez!


that was pretty funny.  Thankfully my hubby will get out and ask for directions.  I'm usually the one who wants to keep going and try to figure it out! haha


The salt mines?  I went in Salt mines once, in Austria.  It was pretty cool! haha


It's getting warm again in So Cal.  We had that freak rain/tornado storm last week, which threw us all off!  Glad to be back in the heat again... for a few days. I know it will hit 110 soon and I will hate it all over again!

On the flip side, I've been thinking about baby girl clothes a lot.  I have a few friends having babies soon and I went to their showers.  Oh my gosh, baby clothes are just too cute!  I'm not ready for a baby, but i just love the little girl outfits.  Thoughts?


For some reason I really don't want to know.  I am not sure why, but I don't.  The baby frenzy is crazy over here in California.  I know people who frame pictures of their ultrasounds (Cuz they have 3d ones now) and have people write notes to the baby on it.  My friends think I'm crazy for getting so weirded out by it, but I am! haha  I also don't want to have the exact name for my kid, maybe that's why I don't want to know.  Like I know it would be such and such for a boy or something else for a girl. But yeah, I don't know.  And here, people sometimes have 2 or 3 baby showers.  So they get tons of things for the baby before he or she is born.  And clothes are really cheap here. You can get a cute dress for under 10 dollars.  So usually I get a dress and then something practical (diapers??).  But people also register here too.  Like, this is what I want for my baby.  That seems crazy to me as well, but I will probably register whenever I'm pregnant.  But yeah, that's my rant on the crazy baby culture of So Cal.


So yes Barb, there is totally a practial side to registries.  Especially like you said, for the larger things.  But I saw someone who registered for all of these clothes.  And that seemed like too much for me.  Like, if people want to buy clothes for my future child, I want them to pick it out. But yeah, I wouldn't want someone to get a random stroller that doesn't match the rest of the baby things too.  I started making picture frames for families, so they can have something special and personal, but somewhat practical.

and i already stated my position on sex.

And names, I agree.  Having some options at first is great.  But it seems a little weird to me to have the whole child's name picked out before they are born.  (it's that way of thinking that my friends say is crazy!)


  Yeah, that is totally tacky! haha  With our wedding registry they told us to dream big and put a few big things (ie a $400 set of 10 pots and pans, $300 knife set, etc) and we actually got some of them!  But we also put a lot of cheaper things, since we are younger and our friends are younger (a lot of them in their early 20s).  It worked out well!


  yay!  that would be fun to start having showers in a new country.  Especially if people would appreciate it and not just be horrified (like.. I can't believe they are asking for gifts! haha)


Just a note about the whole games thing, Barb.  A lot of people are actually doing less of those games, and more mellow games.  Like just a word unscramble for baby words that are all scrambled up.Nothing like changing a fake diaper on a baby, or trying to identify types of poop (yup, i've heard of those, now the poop is fake, but sticking your face in a diaper is just disgusting!).    haha Actually it has been shower season over here.  My mom and I have been throwing wedding showers for my cousins, and I had a bunch of my own, not to long ago.  but the last baby shower I went to had no games.  Just a meal and drinks (they made cute virgin drinks, but a few with alcohol) and then opening presents.  We've done games at the weddings showers, but it's been like, a quiz about the person.  And you check your own answers, so it's not like you really have to play.  And we did one where you had to guess the other half of the famous couple (ie Rhett Butler and...)  Fun but not too challenging, and no toilet paper veils or dresses involved!  Oh and we don't try on the lingerie anymore, apparently that used to be the tradition. But all of the girls my age are fighting it!


  As boring as it is to clean, it's exciting that you get to  move soon!  That is always a good thing, maybe not the most enjoyable process. But the outcome is good!

And lingerie showers are also getting popular, just like you said, Barb.  My group of friends are pretty calm, in the partying sense, so the bachelorette is usually just dinner out and then maybe a lingerie shower.  We aren't down with the whole go out and get waster and make out with random guys thing.  My husband went paintballing for his and had a blast!

We did a tea party shower a couple weeks ago.  We had a penny under a cup, and whoever had it won the "door" prize. But prizes are actually getting cheaper, what with the whole dollar aisle thing being so nice down here (you can get a little basket with lotion and nail polish and etc for like $4).  And another fun thing is to set a timer while gifts are being opened. Then the giver of the gift that she is opening, when the timer goes off, gets a prize. That's a fun one too, no effort! haha


Well going home is good!  Are you guys going to have a house?


  Me neither Bala.  At least, not right now.  Part of me wants a cute little baby to cuddle with and love on. Then I remember midnight feedings and diaper changes and lots of crying... and remember why we don't want one yet! haha


Very interesting, I didn't know the rural areas had different rules, but it does make sense.  But when there become too many men, there will be no women left to make babies and populate the country.  I think that was said before, but yeah.  I am totally against choosing your childs sex or whatever, I mean.  Children have been born for thousands of years just by chance, why change things now?  I don't think it's our job to mess with natural birth and conception and change God's plan.  Hope this doesn't offend anyone, but that' s my view.  In the States you have to take a test to find out if your child has downs syndrome or another disorder while you are pregnant.  This is so you can have the option of getting rid of the child, or I guess it could be to prepare yourself for the child.  I know that personally I would not be able to get rid of the child just because it has a disease.  Well that just brings up the abortion issue and I don't think we want to get into that here.  So all I have to say is- kids are great and I will be happy with whatever child I get, either boy or girl, and I would love for them to be healthy, but I will take whatever I'm given.  Whew that was a lot to say.


Yeah, most people I know have chosen to have the child. but the week while you are waiting for the test results is apparently horrid.  And you don't get to choose if your child is born with a disability, you just get to know.  People know if their child will be a boy or girl also, and I do not think this is reason to abort the child. But that is just not what society pressures are like in other countries. Who knows what we would think like if we had grown up in a very fast paced district of China or Japan?

