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The girly`s ......giggle box

Well we got couches (wedding gift from my Mum). so that made it feel a million times more like home.  We are getting the mattresses this afternoon.  And I am starting to put some things away.  Thankfully my Mom visited and decided I could start using things (before, she told me that I needed to wait until after the wedding to use them) haha so now we have matching towels and comforters and such.  So much better!  I still have some things to move in from my old apartment, I'm officially off of that lease on Saturday.  And then Matt gets to sleep over at his friends' house. haha  We're so old fashioned.  But there won't be any surprise babies from us! haha


8 days!  haha

thanks for the best wishes, i am so excited!  we got the favors done last night (200 little tins wrapped in tulle is not easy!  haha!).  So now it's time to be married! haha


I dyed my hair blue on the ends for cross country season once!  I also did pink in the front (at a different time) a la rogue from X men.  Also, I love your Meez, arielle.  and welcome back.  glad you got to see the good parts of poland too


guess who's back?

Me!  haha  I am back from the cruise in Mexico.  We didn't go online for 2 reasons.  1) it was 55 cents a minute, and 2) we were on our honeymoon and didn't want to have any contact with the outside world.  We did make friends with some people on the cruise tho, so that was lots of fun.  Thanks for all of the love the day of my wedding.  You are all too sweet.  We didn't have internet at the apt much before the wedding (we were stealing it, and they turned it off or something), so I didn't get to say adios.  But hello, and glad to see all is well.  

Gypsy and Barb, thanks for sharing.  You know we all love you.

Arielle,  it's fun hearing about your classes, even if i'm not responding, I am interested.  So keep posting, and I'll try to respond!

Tomorrow is going to be filled with arranging gifts and returning things.  So I may not be on.  but hopefully I will talk to you all soon!


Blizzards, colds?  What is this?  It's 80 degrees at 8 pm here! haha  

Glad to see you are all doing well tho, and Arielle I am sure you will get better soon!

I am FINALLY catching up on Men in Trees!  Yay! I saw one episode before I got married. But my bridesmaids were over and being loud, so I had to rewatch it.  Yay!  i'm going to get back to watching it now!


haha yeah that is a really cute picture!


Oooh have fun!  That is what my husband paints for a living!  We rode them (well, rhinos to be exact, not exactly ATVs) in Mexico.  Fun times!


If any of you haven't been to the bachelorette thread, pictures of the wedding are up there!

I was looking for a picture to say it's been pretty quiet around here. But I found this instead....

How precious!


I want a real baby animal too!  Like a precious little puppy!  Or a kitten!  But I think I need to focus on just a husband first.  Then a baby animal. Then a real baby! haha


Okay got it... real baby first! haha


Was that supposed to be funny? Because I kinda giggled... only because you said bit  my butt.  and that seems like something from a movie.  i guess in real life, that's pretty sad.  I'm done giggling.  sorry the dog bit you.  not fun


Oh man, Mel.  Hope you get some sleep!


Barb, Do you get migraines?  for some reason I think you said you do.  I think I had my first last night (it felt like my brain was going to explode out of my head and forehead / my brain in labor).  Any good ideas on how to prevent them and what eases the pain?  haha thanka


Yay Gypsy!  Soo excited for you, you super mod, you! haha

Also, I haven't had a migraine since.  So I think I am doing good.  A few minor headaches and some back pain (which may have caused it in the first place), but no migraines.  We got a really nice temperpedic mattress, but it is not soft enough. So we are looking for a pillowtop memory foam type thing! haha  My dad used to make fun of me because I have always had back pain, because he said I was an old lady at 16. (I was also a hypochondriac and tried to convince my parents that I had scoliosis) haha  Anyways, things are getting better, slowly!


haha yup it's true.  oh shinny i love your new avatar!

ps we got a comforter from someone for the wedding and it was extra / not needed. so we put it under the mattress cover like a foam top, and it's better already!  Now i'm just sore from playing frisbee on saturday! haha


helloooo ladies!!

just poppin in to say hi!

Arielle, have fun at the music festivals!

And just and update, Gyspy has gone on a vacation and it going to be out of the country for awhile (which means she won't have internet).  she says hello!


I have a few girls who share in my joys and they make life wonderful.  I also love celebrating with them and enjoying life together,  not putting each other down.  I do have an old  (I say old because she's now crazy and I'm no longer allowed to speak to her, direction of my husband) friend who used to get so jealous and be mean about things, made me not want to tell her anything good.  Or I would still tell her and make it sound better to piss her off (but see that's mean and just me playing her game and being mean!).  Anyways,  it is always good to know I can come on here and tell you all the wonderful things that are happening and know you are happy and supportive!  yay!


I was going to say, you can get a cute and fun sleep mask at Target for pretty cheap.  My bridesmaids and I went to the spa for the day, a few days before the wedding, so for their gift I gave them a little bit of a spa day to take home.  It had a face mask and little slippers and nail polish and lotion, etc. But most of it was from the dollar aisle at Target, or the 99cents store, and it was all so cute! haha  And that mud sounds awesome Arielle, I'm totally jealous! haha jk but did you put some into a jar to take home, or is that taboo?

and Barb, my friend is totally like yours.  Unfortunately mine has done some pretty rotten things, which is my Matt does not allow me to see her (for instance she blamed me for taking my husbands friendship away from her and also called the cops on us (because we "took" their cable, which I had been paying for and they weren't paying me back)).  But I feel you on feeling bad for her, I just her for her because I feel like she is going to be old and alone if she doesn't change. People are slowly seeing through this lie that she has created and then they get sick of it.  I pray that she doesn't end up alone with no friends, that she can figure out what is going on and change.

That being said, I'm so excited for the new Office and Grey's tonight!


Mel, I got a lot of stuff at the Dollar aisle at Michels. It's a craft store over here, but i don't know if there is anything comparable over in the uk. but there is tons of stuff online, especially ebay.  they have super cheap stuff. if you have an ikea near you, a cute idea would be to decopauge a picture frame for each bridesmaid. they come in packs of three for about 2 dollars (i think thats about one pound) here.  Just cut up tissue paper and then use mod podge (watered down glue) to make it stick to the frame all cute.  I love making frames like that.  and you could put their names on them too! haha


I am learning to cook right now, Bala.  Being the wife and all, it's something I really want to do because my husband works hard.  Frozen chicken (or even fresh chicken) is super easy to cook.  Put it in a broiler pan (this will be essential for you, i use it ALL the time) and then cook it at 350 for 10 minutes per side.  20 minutes and you have cooked chicken.  and you can spread BBQ sauce on it before it cooks, or soak it in a marinade for 30 mintues before cooking.  Then just defrost some frozen veggies. Slice up some bread and butter it.  There you go, it's a meal and it's simple.

In my husband's defense. he always asks what he can do to help, and really tries to help me in the kitchen.  He also cooks breakfast almost every morning (I'm not a morning person) and he's on his own for lunch! haha

