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The girly`s ......giggle box

So....  that seems very tragic to me. I mean, I know people are dieing in the streets of LA too, from cold (not often, but like the 5 days it is cold a year).  I try to do what I can to help. (I make beanies and blankets for Warm Up America, although that is slow on the uptake!)   And I do what I can to help. Is it still cold?  Is there somewhere I could send beanies or blankets or anything?

And what is your surprise Arielle?  Can I have some juicy details via pm??  or maybe i will just go check the mod board


fell better gypsy!  man, i miss out so much when i'm mia for 3 days! haha  

so excited for the surprise arielle!


I'm here!  I'm here!

work is just kicking my butt, so when I get home I don't want to do anything! haha

Well, I want to do craft stuff, cuz that's how I unwind.  So yeah, I've been busy! haha  how are you feeling after your accident?  so sad to hear about that. People can be so freakin rude!


Well I'm not fighting off any migranes, thank goodness. But I think you gave me your insomnia, Barb! haha  I have been having issues getting to sleep a few nights, I would just lay in bed wide awake, even though I was exhauste.  And it's worse because I share a room and a bunk bed with another girl, so it's not like I can get out of the top bunk so quietly.  If I had my own room I would just turn on the light and read a book! haha  I realized it was because I really hadn't done much of anything during the day! haha I was just making a quilt, so no real activity.  So my body felt like it hadn't exerted any energy.  At least I figured out the problem and know that if it starts to happen i can do some crunches in bed to tire out my body! haha


ookay well i do have a touchlite, but it runs out of batteries in like 2 days! haha

and as for my roommate.  she sleeps like a rock. haha she only woke up because of me once, and that's because i was thrashing around in my sleep and yelling... she thought there was an earthquake! haha

but 2 months i'm going to have one roommate for the rest of my life! haha yay! so ready for that!


haha those meez's are too cute!


well, the wedding plans are going very very well!  My Mum was in town this past weekend, so we were able to get a lot of things done!  

Well I can think of something else to do in bed that will tire me out, once i'm married... if you know what i mean. haha

How are you feeling?  What's new with you?

Oh and to answer the question above. I said 2 motnhs, but it's closer to a month and a half.  about 6 weeks! yay!


wow, when it gets to 50, we californians are wearing our jackets! haha  Although when I spent time in Salzburg, I remember 20 as being warm! haha

Thanks for all of the wedding wishs. Things are going very well with planning.  However I realized that I  need to get my grad school apps in before the wedding, so that is taking up most of my spare time.  but it will be over soon!

and honeymoon... we are going on a 7 day cruise to mexico!  so excited about that!  and the one thing i HAD to have on the cruise, a bathtub, cuz i love taking baths. so we got a junior suite, which has one.  i have a bunch of bath fizzies, so i'm set.  our ports of call are puerto vallarta, cabo san lucas, and mazatlan.  very exciting!


So I have read a lot in the bible, and am currently going through revelation and have never heard about the seasons becoming one.  where is that verse?  i'm not trying to say you are wrong, just curious! haha

also, it snows about every 5 years where I live (tho in the mountains it snows more often.)  However, last weekend my fiance was going snowboarding, and he got close to the mountain, to the spot where they make you put on chains, and his were literally an eighth of an inch too short!  so he had to turn back.  But later on there was an avalanche at the ski place and 3 people died. I mean, it was off course in the "don't go there" area, but still. My fiance wouldn't go there, but I have a feeling the friend who was with him, would.  so it was a blessing in disguise! haha

I'm looking forward to the sun in mexico.. I hope it's sunny there in march!


haha i agree, the new sig is hilarious!

And congrats on the job jek!  that's awesome!


Ugh!  I have always been scared of those spiders. You hear too many horror stories!  now I have the heebie jeebies and feel them all over me!  yuck

hopefully you figure out where the spiders are.  Can you get a bug guy out?


have you all talked with people in Europe about drinking though?  I spent a semester there and it seemed like EVERYONE drank.  Most people weren't drunk all the time though.  I feel like kids should drink before they get their license.  That way they get the "fun" side out of it.  I mean, in Germany you have to be like 18 or 19 (please correct me if i'm wrong) to get a license.  And you can drink legally at 16, although many drink way before that with their families.  Anyways, it seems like they learn responsibility at an early age.  Oh and it  helps that they have much better public transportation (and everyone uses it, unlike the states), so people just take the bus or a cab rather than drive!


That's a nice barman!  I think the ones here in the states would just laugh. haha


Yup, March 8, hence why I am not around so much.  Less than a month to go and lots to do!!


Everything is going very well, thanks!  I am going to try and hit up the Valentine's Day clearance items today.  Hopefully I can find some good stuff for cheap.  The main thing is bags of M & Ms for our favors.  We  like the Vday colors the best! haha

Glad to hear dress shopping is going so well for you, Mel!  The first lady who helped me try on dresses was not helpful at all, she kinda zoned out the whole time.  When I went back with my Mom, I asked for someone else and she was really helpful!  What are your wedding colors?

And so exciting about the 40th anniversary shinny.  That is going to be soo much fun!  We took a family vacation to the beach for my grandparents 50th. It was wonderful.  


So true!  plus our names are Matthew and Megan. so M & M is perfect! We didn't need to customize them (and pay a ridiculous amount of money), because they are already customized with our "M." haha

We have about 250 favors  to fill and this includes putting m&ms in heart shaped tins, putting it in a tulle circle and tieing it up with a little ribbon.  and then i made a million hearts that say our names and the date!  So glad I got my die cut machine.  


So who knew that getting Valentine's Day M&Ms after Vday would be so hard?  I mean, I figured I could easily find them on clearance.  All that was left was peanut!  That is, at the 3rd store I went to, the others had none.  Thankfully a friend helped me and we were able to get the rest.  I wanted the discount, but didn't realize it would be so stressful! haha


hanks for all of the well-wishes!  I was going to do little cookie cutters, but they got too expensive.  However we are also doing little cookbooks with recipes from our families.  They are super cute and ready to go!  We will put like 4 or 5 on a table of 8! haha

and Arielle, I spent 2 days in Poland and was SO sick while I was there.  So I know your pain! haha  It was probably about the same time as well.  so cold and snowy. But I got to tour Auschwitz, which was all I wanted to do.  It was so intense, but worth it.  Have you gone there?  What city are you in? I was in Krakow, outside of Auschwitz.  Such a beautiful city!


I like beer,  but I can only have 1 or i feel full! haha  I quit the binge drinking days of college in my junior year.  so now i'm three drinks.  that's it! haha

12 days!  woo  (til  my wedding that is)  i'm so ready!


yeah pretty much.  not really stressed. just ready to be a married woman!

