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Samantha Who Season 1-2 General Discussion Thread (Spoilers)

haha I really liked this episode. It was hilarious watching them push the car into the lake!  I also agree with Barb, we saw much more of the mean side of her Mom in this episode. I thought it was hilarious that Sam got the car towed. haha  And her Dad really is becoming a sweetheart and learning to love his daughter again.


I like Kevin too.  He was cute and very caring.  He also totally accepted her amnesia and is willing to be friends if not date her.  It looks like things get hot and heavy in the next episode.

Barb, I totally agree about the ex (Todd?) too.  I think they would be great together, once he gets to know her again. Because she is so different. but what I could not believe is that he was living in her apartment without telling her!  how shady! haha


I thought it was a great end too!  And it was cool to see Regina and Andrea, but funny when she was protecting her husband from her. haha

I think this fresh start is just what Todd and Sam need, and I'm excited to see it happen!

Can't wait for season 2!

